Is this the 'man' Jets fans coveted so much?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BomberJet, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    More like a spoiled brat to me..

    Cutler miss is Jets' fortune

    First published in print: Saturday, April 4, 2009

    If you are a New York Jets fan upset because Jay Cutler was traded to the Bears and not the Jets, I have some words of encouragement: Consider yourself lucky.

    Sure, Cutler is a better athlete than any of the three quarterbacks on the Jets' roster. But that still doesn't mean he was the right fit for New York. The petulance and lack of maturity he displayed during the last month made it abundantly clear that the 25-year-old was not ready for New York.

    Throw in the fact that the Jets would have had to mortgage their future to acquire a player who is more like Jeff George than John Elway, and this could have been one of the biggest mistakes in the history of a franchise riddled with them.

    Consider: The Bears surrendered first- and third-round picks this year, next year's first-round pick and starting quarterback Kyle Orton to get the deal done.

    All for someone who may have a great arm and a 4,000-yard season on his resume but who also once said he has a better arm than Elway; who would show up a receiver if he made a mistake; who had a running feud with the Chargers' Philip Rivers; and who would give Joey Porter a run for the NFL's biggest trash-talker.

    No, thanks.

    The Jets certainly were within their rights to nose around about a deal, and they are believed to have been in discussions about a possible trade. But once the bidding got into the ridiculous stage, it was in their best interest to back away and let another team overpay for a quarterback who is no sure thing.

    How prohibitively high was the price the Bears paid? They outbid Redskins owner Daniel Snyder, the ultimate fantasy football player.

    Snyder was willing to give up starting quarterback Jason Campbell and a hefty draft package, but Bears general manager Jerry Angelo wound up surrendering a massive package for a guy who has a 17-20 career record and a history of immature behavior.

    Cutler also has Type 1 diabetes and requires daily insulin injections, although he has managed the condition well since it was diagnosed last year and it has not appeared to limit him on the field.

    Here's how risky the deal is for the Bears: If Cutler does not work out, Angelo and coach Lovie Smith are almost certain to be fired.

    How would you feel if your livelihood depended on a kid who was so ticked off about his name coming up in trade talk in late February that he demanded to be traded? A guy who, when his team announced it would in fact seek to deal him, said he never wanted it to come to that?


    Look, Cutler was understandably chapped that first-year coach Josh McDaniels had considered the possibility of dealing for his former quarterback in New England, Matt Cassel. But Cutler took it to another level when he refused to have a one-on-one meeting with McDaniels, then was uncommunicative after the team reached out to him several times in the ensuing days.

    Finally, Broncos owner Pat Bowlen had had enough. He announced Tuesday night that the Broncos would deal Cutler. A day later, Cutler told a reporter in Nashville that he was stunned about the situation.


    Tell me, is this the kind of mentality you want from a player who is the face of your franchise and plays the single most important position in professional sports? I don't think so.

    Be happy, Jets fans, that the future of your team wasn't left in Cutler's incapable hands.

    Bob Glauber writes for Newsday.
  2. joykilla

    joykilla Member

    Oct 24, 2006
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    I agree

    Let the Real QB competition begin.
  3. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Agreed, and it didn't even mention how much $ he would've cost us or that Cutler was a bad fit for our offensive scheme.
  4. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    "when a franchise player like this comes along , you have to...."
    NFL Network

    Complete bull. Very glad hes a Bear
  5. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I'm sure that there are other Jet fans on this site thatwould love to give Kellen a chance to win behind a Solid O-Line and strong rushing attack before we go and sell our whole draft, plus next years 1st for Jay Cutler.

    Kellen never had a fair chance to win as a starter in 2007 and some how, some way...He still found ways to get W's under his belt in 07 and thats impressive in my eyes. Kellen Clemens has been nothing but a class act as a 2nd string player behind Pennington and Favre and in my eyes, he deserves a 2nd chance behind a Strong O-Line and solid rushing attack because until we see what we have in Kellen behind an O-Line along with a rushing attack, we will never know what we actually have in the kid Kellen.

    Some like to knock Kellen for the simple fact he's been a backup to Pennington and Favre but you know what? I think thats the best thing that could have ever happend to a young QB like Kellen. I think it's a plus and it's a blessing that he's had the time to take notes and learn from QB's such as Pennington and Favre, proven winners. If Ryan Leaf wasn't thrown into the Fire behind a horrid O-Line in SD, who knows? Maybe Ryan Leaf would have had an NFL Career if he had a chance to backup QB's like Trent Dilfer and John Elway.

    I'm sure that alot of other Jet fans would like to see what we have in either Kellen or Ratliff, and THEN look to draft or trade for a potential franchise QB next year IF they cant get it done.

    I'm not sure alot of Jet fans understandwhat giving up two first round draft picks, a 3rd round draft pick , plus a starting QB can do to a teams future. Just look @ the Bucs after they gave up the farm for Gruden, put it this way...It's hard to find young talent with potential when looking @ the Bucs roster ever since 2002. I just didnt wanna see the same thing happen here in New York. We landed David Harris and Revis in the 1st round, in the same draft...While the Jets were gaining young talent and potential along with future leaders of this Defense, the Bucs Defense was losing talent @ each and every position and they didn't have the draft picks to re-vamp that D which was sad because the Bucs have always been a great Defensive team. I HATE the Bucs, but it was sad.

    Lets not forget that The Broncos got Orton from the Bears when they traded Cutler and Orton has a winning record as a starting QB and thats something the Jets dont have on our roster (As of right now.) And the Bears are an NFC team, the Jets are an AFC team, so you know what that means? The Broncos asking price would have been much higher. We would of had to give up a LITTLE more than just two 1st rounders, a 3rd rounder and Kellen. We would of had to give up alot more than that. No thanks, as a Jets fan...I'll pass.

    P.S...Cutler is no Joe Montana or Tom Brady. Yeah, he has a strong arm and a boat load of potential but you know what? He's not a winning QB as of right now and it's a fact that Cutler had a losing record after two plus seasons as a starter because Denver had no Defense. Not even the "Oh Mighty" Jay Cutler could lead his team to the playoffs without talent of the defensive side of the ball. Yeah, The JEts have the talent on the defensive side of the ball, but we lack the deph @ key positions like DE and NT, we NEED our draft picks because one injury could crush the whole Defense without solid deph...Just ask the Patriots, Deph is everything.

    It's not like we have to trade away the whole draft for a franchise QB

    It's not like Cutler is going to be the last "Potential Franchise QB" drafted into the NFL. Just go ask the Falcons and Matt Ryan about that one.

    And I can bet my bottom dollar that Stafford will be elite, Sanchez has the talent and potential to be a young stud and QB's coming out next year such as Bradford and McCoy are all ranked better than what Cutler was ranked coming outta college. Every year the talent level gets better @ the NFL level, every year a sleeper will be drafted, every year a bust will be drafted and every year a great QB will enter the draft and it's just hard for me to believe that Cutler was worth all of that. The Broncos EVEN walked away with a QB in Orton who has an awsome record as a starter PLUS draft picks to Re-Vamp the O-Line of Defense.

    Leinart and Young were the two QB's ranked higher than Cutler and you know what that means? With a good front office and solid scouts, a QB like Cutler can be drafted without giving up a crazy ammount of draft picks for a QB with "Potential"

    I see alot of Jet fans calling Cutler a "Franchise QB" But it's hard for me to consider the man a Franchise QB when he forced his way out of Denver because he was "Unhappy". Would Denver fans consider Cutler as a Franchise QB as of right now? Hell no. The man ran from the players and team that supported him because he was "Unhappy" I'm sorry but I wouldnt want a prick leading my favorite team in the New York Jets. You gotta be tough to play here and thats the reason why I loved Pennington, injuries turned him into a dink and dunk QB but the man had heart thats 2nd to none and I also love Kellen's fire.
  6. pimentel79

    pimentel79 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    We don't know that for sure. I have a strong feeling we might have a future pro-bowler in our midst.
  7. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    well stated--As I posted the most I would have surrendered for Cutler was Thomas Jones, Clemens and pick 17. Any more (and especially the Bears package) was a HUGE overpay.
  8. BlairThomas#1

    BlairThomas#1 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    What's with the cut and paste job thread after thread?

    I'd rather have a Super Bowl title and three division titles and an over .500 record instead of "young talent" which is what Tampa Bay has done since landing Gruden for draft picks.

    (FYI: over that same time, the NYJ are 8 games under.500 with no Super Bowl championships and one division title)
  9. JETSFAN1290

    JETSFAN1290 Banned

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Brett Ratliff will make us all forget about Jay Cutler.
  10. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Cutler will fail in chi town and then we will all be glad that the Jets passed on this over priced, whinny baby. Franchise my ass. A real QB could lift that sorry ass excuse of a D denver had last year with his franchise worthy play. I for one am glad we passed on this guy. I mean he played in one of the weakest divisions in football and NEVER won a play off game. Even jake the fake plummer won a few play off games for denver. Cutler is overrated, can we all get off his freaking jock already.
  11. ATL-JET

    ATL-JET Active Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Like I said sometime before, I did not mind bringing Cutler here, but not at the rate of packaging our future to get him.

    What the Bears gave up and what Snyder was willing to give up for this kid is RIDICULOUS.

    Hershel Walker and Rickey Williams anyone?

    The Bears got raped.
  12. doug4563

    doug4563 Active Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    I think most people on here were willing to part with a fair amount to get Cutler (myslef included). However, not many people were willing to mortgage the future on him like Chicago did.
  13. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    Bob Glauber sounds just like some of the guys on this site that didn't want Cutler. All he did was site the same old tired lines that really won't be proven or disproven until Cutler's career is over. As of right now, though, most of the league agrees that he is a franchise back as evidenced by the value he drew.
  14. ATL-JET

    ATL-JET Active Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Oh trust I would have given our 1st round pic and a 3rd and possibly a player for Cutler but what the Bears gave up was nonsense.
  15. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    He is a Bear, and not coming here. They pay guys to write this stuff?

    Someone here could have written that.
  16. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    I would have to consider who the player is but a first and third I would jump at that one.
  17. The Notorious J.E.T.S

    The Notorious J.E.T.S Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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    By hitting us in the head with his incomplete passes.

    I want a new QB.
  18. RevisCB

    RevisCB New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Not bothered that Cutler is here, i will be bothered if we take Freeman with the 17th pick however, looking forward to seeing either Clemens or Ratliff, given a chance behind center.
  19. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    While I never wanted him, I don't see how the man having diabetes is even an issue for Glauber to bring up unless he's really just sour it didn't happen and he's throwing everything he can think of into his commentary.
    It's only one of the most manageable conditions out there, so why even bring it up out of left field after you call him immature?
    "Snyder was willing to give up starting quarterback Jason Campbell and a hefty draft package, but Bears general manager Jerry Angelo wound up surrendering a massive package for a guy who has a 17-20 career record and a history of immature behavior.
    Cutler also has Type 1 diabetes and requires daily insulin injections, although he has managed the condition well since it was diagnosed last year and it has not appeared to limit him on the field."
    He brings up the diabetes immediately following mentioning he has a history of immature behavior. I thought the man was a crybaby throughout this process, but I didn't bring up the guy's medical condition to pile it on him. Besides his stats, the fact that he plays through such medical adversity is one of his more admirable qualities.
  20. facch

    facch Active Member

    Jan 13, 2003
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    Let's just simplify all of this garbage.

    Two first rounder's, a 3rd and one of best defensive players is not worth it for a whiny Jay Cutler. And yes, he is a stud. And yes, he has a rocket arm. But it would be against everything Rex Ryan wants to bring to this team. Losing defense, losing big time prospects all while crippling our future by putting all of our eggs in one basket.

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