Why the hell do you guys think the Giants released him? They didn't want a cancer on their team, so why should we bring one to ours?
Everything i have read about this has him doining minimum jail time and maximum community service, He still has a few years left in him.
You guys seriously want this dude? I understand they need a WR but isn't he gonna be in a jail when the season rolls around next season? Yes he's a very good WR but not worth the headache.
Racing to post news that news outlets have reported is sort of a futile exercise. Great scoop boys, really worked that TV and refresh button hard.
Mayor Bloomturd has it out for Plax, big time. Plax is going to sit in a cell. Furthermore, the guy was a moody spoiled brat & a HUGE headache for the giants.
Burress is talented....but he's a headache, and soon he'll be catching balls for the Cell Block 5 intramural team. Rex doesn't need this clown on his roster.
We should get the Vick lovers and Burress lovers together on this. If they both sign? Every prison cell in America will have a Jets fathead with a hole in the mouth.
By all accounts, Bloomberg is the best mayor NYC has had in a while. Giving himself an extra term, though, is definitely turdy.
This totally cracked me up. It may not hit everyone right away, but when it does, it is very funny. Oh, big improvement on the AV. Not sure what the guy is doing, but it is better.
It's not only the gun charges that deter me from believing the Jets should make a run for him but the other intangibles such as being fined by the Giants numerous times, not caring for his personal finances, forgetting to call that you will not be showing to work, etc. He acts like a child. He is a talent but does Rex need the headache?