What the hell is wrong with some Jet fans?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TampaBayJetsFan85, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    QBs are Not The Only Ones...

    Yep, picked my name for a reason.

    Don't just go with the ballet dancers.

    Need some serious Big Uglies on both sides of the line of scrimmage.

    Need some serious attitude among the team mates.

    Play makers are enabled by their team. They are actually just the icing on the cake.

    Cutler can have the best damned arm in the world, and if his wideouts don't catch the ball, he's a loser.

    Cutler can be the smartest fast study in the locker room, but if he doesn't get more than 1.5 seconds from the snap, then he is going to get murderlized, pure and simply...just another David Carr.

    Cutler has a way with his mouth that tends to invite anger on the part of football players.

    Cutler may have alienated his entire team with these antics. What do the Denver Broncos think of Jay Cutler, now that the organization is suddenly willing to trade him away? What do the Denver Broncos think of their new head coach, Josh McDaniels, now that Jay Cutler has bitch-slapped him and the rest of management into submission. How does a Coach maintain the respect of somebody who has called him out, then deliberately misinterpreted every word the Coach says, expresses surprise that they are actually going to try and trade Jay Cutler the goat, while denying that the Owner and the Head Coach every tried to telephone him over the past 10 days...?

    You can possibly understand why the owner of the Denver Broncos would be interested in proving that he is not actually the bald-faced liar that his soon-to-be-ex-starting-QB blythely accused him of.

    Maybe Jay Cutler doesn't realize what a train wreck he has caused because his feelings got hurt about a business call that the Broncos front office was obliged to make.

    Jay Cutler, of course, is now the subject of a mad-cap bidding war between ten to twelve desparate NFL teams. A lot of people are over-bidding for the man because they feel they just have to. Once the winning bidder shovels all those ill-gotten gains (players and draft picks, but probably not any money) over to Denver, then Jay Cutler and Buzz Cook will pounce on to what they need to get and give respect with this new club.

    The Denver Broncos now have to sort through a lot of new untried and unknown assets they must mix and match to their current game plan for 09. Then they will have to completely revise their game plan for all the off-season program to take into account the radical personnel changes and their ignorance of Denver's offense and defense that must be educated away. It is hard to see that Denver will get back to where they thought they were on 1 Mar 09 by 1 Mar 11.

    Of course, Jay Cutler has no idea today just who he will have to be dealing with come May 09. He doesn't know the personnel, or coaches, or the playbook. What he and Buzz Cook do know is what their new contract negotiating stance will be for the next couple of weeks. This is the gist of the situation -- "how can we get the most new money from the "winner" of the auction we have forced on the Broncos..."?

    Somehow, the last thing on Jay Cutler's mind is Team Mates...who they used to be, and who are they going to be...?

    Guess we really know now what MeFirst Man is all about, huh?
  2. Bvon

    Bvon New Member

    Feb 11, 2009
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    Ok, I'll leave my thoughts on this.

    The break down is really simple. We have a good, not great defense. I'm very happy with them and think if we do everything Rex has in mind, we could be much better. He's a defensive FUCKING GENIUS and with the talent we have got AND signed this off season, we could truly be as good defensively as Baltimore. When you think of the Ravens, you think D, period. When a team plays against them, even now I imagine, they worry about how will they beat that D. NOW, we have the man who created that unreal D as our head coach.

    Good D + Defensive genius = better D than ever.

    Now I don't agree with trading ANY defensive players. We have signed them all for a reason and that is to let Rex work his magic. Now. Let's talk about the draft.

    We have a decent slot at 17. We could end up with Sanchez or Freeman. Then again we might draft a WR to add to our depleted core. If you were Denver, wouldn't you be happy with #12 AND #19? You could draft one of those QBs and work on that 3-4 D within 7 picks! I'm the kind of guy who likes to have YOUNG players. I want to have a team that will contend for YEARS to come and not just one or two.

    Jay Cutler is one of the top 7 QBs in the WHOLE league. Plus he is only 25 years old, he should be playing for another 10+ years if his health maintains. Now, do you want to TRY and SEE if we have a good QB out of our three or get one of the best QBs in the NFL? I think it will take our whole draft to get him and that's fine with me. I can deal with that and as long as we have a good solid QB at the helm, it DOES make our receivers better. I can see Clowney catching 70+ yard bombs from Cutler for the next decade!

    All you need to do is break this down little by little and you will see that we need to make this move NOW. We cannot sit back and let this guy slip past us. We need a Franchise QB and I don't think we have one sitting on the bench right now. Cutler will get us far as long as Rex can keep him on a leash. I have faith that he can and he will.
  3. FiveToeJoe

    FiveToeJoe Banned

    Mar 28, 2009
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    ,,Again.. Al davis know what he doing, man not in the hall of fame for nothing

    raiders disaster maybe 6 years for now it's all about 2009 and beyond. I said it before i fully expect russel to win 2 superbowls in the next 5 years. Al Davis said he wants 2 sb's before he retires for good.
  4. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    The only thing that Jet fans are in love with is Cutlers "Strong Cannon of an arm" lol, and thats it.

    So yeah...Russell can throw the ball 80 yards from his knees, I guess that makes him better...Lol.

    Russell over Cutler anyday of the week (Because he has a stronger arm)

    See how stupid that sounds?

    Cutler isn't a proven winner yet...And thats a FACT.
  5. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Ooooooh so you can see the NYJ defense being top 5 eh? Well I can see Jay Cutler throwing for 4500 yds next season. With players like Pace, Scott, Harris we should have a top LBing core? With a player like Cutler we should have a top passing offense... Speculation is speculation. All we know right now is that Cutler by himself transforms the pass offense. A couple defensive players could be sacrificed to make this team balanced.

    Who said anything about Cutler being the next Montana? And who knows? Maybe Cutler will have 3 rings in the next 5 years if he goes to a team with a defense better than Denver's (doesn't have to be top 5 though you know).....
  6. Jet21

    Jet21 New Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    Well, Obviously the Jet's organization will agree with his "premise", being that we are not going to acquire Jay Cutler. I guess we will wait and see, but if Rex Ryan really agreed with the methodology of trading key players on his defense, and picks, we would be hearing more talk about the Jets being a front runner in the Cutler sweepstakes, which we are not. The premise, I think...is about the idea of doing anything we can, no matter what the cost to grab Cutler. I don't think anyone is right, but if Rex Ryan feels this way, Cutler will be ours towards the end of the week or next week.

    The only person wrong in this post, is the raiders fan who thinks the raiders will win 2 superbowls in the next 5 years, and that Jemarcus Russell in the next couple of years will be on the same playing field as tom brady and peyton manning.
    #46 Jet21, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  7. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    quit hijacking the thread, you pineapple!!! Nobody gives a rats' ass about the Raiders.....
  8. JetDynasty

    JetDynasty Active Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    there is also alot of talk on these forums critical of thomas jones...thomas jones has been an intricate part of our team...when we had no o-line his first year here he rushed for 1100 yards which is decent..this year he was the afc leading rusher...i love leon as much as the next jet fan but we cant expect to get rid of thomas jones or we cant afford to have him holdout because we dont know if its proven that leon can handles all the carries. If we can we should draft a power runner like donald brown in the 2nd round just because we dont know where we stand with thomas.. but i say give him a 2 or 3 year deal and have him and leon split the carries
  9. FiveToeJoe

    FiveToeJoe Banned

    Mar 28, 2009
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    im just giving my 2 cents on jet situation...they have no franchise qb and havent in the last 40 years.

    Cutler helps u so much it isnt even funny.

    i just mentioend raiders and russell because raiders are in a better situation with our f.Qb in russell and everything else. All we need is a Tackle and were good to go for abotu 11-12 wins
  10. GBA

    GBA Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2007
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    I'm inclined to agree with TBJF and notjustQBs here. For the most part anyway. In case my avatar didn't make that clear.
  11. JetDynasty

    JetDynasty Active Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    i also wanna add that he seemed to be one of the few players really passionate about the playoff run or spot we should have had....i hated favre here from the start...it was about time someone in the organization said something about the fact he throws costly interceptions at the wrong time..like jones said, if he fumbles twice in a game, he would be benched, but favre had a pass...
  12. Killeri9590

    Killeri9590 Banned

    Oct 6, 2008
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  13. Jet21

    Jet21 New Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    That MBgreen, we can definitely agree on.
  14. Bvon

    Bvon New Member

    Feb 11, 2009
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    Can you share whatever drug you are on with the rest of us?

    Oakland won't win 10 games until Al dies.

    Fuck off this thread BTW.
  15. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Put it this way...Until we give Kellen a chance behind a solid O-Line, stong rushing attack and a solid Defense...Who knows what Kellen can do as a starter in this league? Who's to say that Cutler's the better QB? I bet if Cutler would have started in 07 with no run game, No O-Line and No defense that he would of had a losing record and who knows if he woulda even won ANY games that year.

    Am I saying Kellen is better than Cutler? Nope...But I do remember draft experts saying Kellen was the most NFL ready QB out of Leinart, Young and Cutler.
  16. MobiusOne28

    MobiusOne28 New Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Just so you guys know, FiveToeJoe is a Raiderjoe imposter. Mods have done an IP check and they're different.
  17. RevisCB

    RevisCB New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Cutler won't throw for 4500 yards because we wont throw the ball 38 times a game like Denver did (2nd most in the league), we are built to run, Rex has said we will run, who is receiving all these bombs from Cutler? Cotchery? he is a short posession receiver, Stuckey? get out of here, Clowney...same boat as Ratliff and obviously you don't want to try him out, and we can't draft a guy as we would of traded our first away.

    We need a game manager nt a gunslinger who is going to throw 18 INT (2nd most in the league).
  18. FiveToeJoe

    FiveToeJoe Banned

    Mar 28, 2009
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    al davis is gonna get us 2 superbowls in 5 yrs at least, watch and see.

    Al davis has proven his success aS evident by him being in the hall of fame.

    this yr will win at least 10...give me that RT baby
  19. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Could not agree more. Acquiring Cutler is a mortgage of the future and a dismantling of the team Ryan is looking to build. If Revis, Harris, Rodes or Leon are traded I will be ill. Keep our draft picks and DEVELOP OUR OWN TALENT.
  20. RevisCB

    RevisCB New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    That's the thing, i dont think any of us are saying Clemens is better than Cutler, but we simply don't know, give the guy a chance. Lets see what we got before we go trading away a potential star (First round draft picks) and a proven player on defense. It just doesn't make sense to me.

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