Hmmm..Chamberlain didn't get a single out today and gave up 5 earned runs in the first on 1 hit and 4 walks.
Nothing would make me happier than to see that scumbag fail miserably, but spring training results, especially for pitchers, are pretty meaningless. EDIT: I should say BAD results are pretty meaningless. It could be due to any number of things like trying new pitches, throwing things in different counts, etc. Good results are usually fairly accurate assuming they were facing ML caliber hitters.
Maybe, but it was his second terrible start in a row. I am sure he is trying to use all of his pitches now which he is going to have to do during the season anyway but I would think even with that he should do better then facing 5 batters and letting them all get on. Sooner or later the Yankees and even Cappy will figure out that the only place Chamberlain belongs is in the bullpen and if Rivera gets hurt it will even be more obvious that is where he should have been all along.
I would give anything to have Chamberlain in the bullpen. I hope you're right about something for once on this one.
Yeah, we all know you hate Joba, but let's keep in mind that you've had douchebags like Schilling and Pedro on your team. While Joba may intentionally be throwing at someone, those two were proudly doing it.
When has Schilling ever been accused of throwing at guys? I seriously never heard that one. We've been over this before anyway and I don't feel like doing it again, but throwing inside and even at guys letters down is 100% different from throwing directly at a guys head, repeatedly.
Schilling?! Seriously?! If I really wanted to prove my point definitively I'd go find the old Maxim article where he specifically stated that he throws at guys on purpose and firmly believes it's part of the game.
It makes all the sense in the world. That is where he is successful. It is you who are incapable of understanding that. Just because you want something to work out doesn't mean it will or can't you realize that yet? Where will you be if he gets hurts again this year?
Sigh. 1. Joba's ERA as a starter for the Yanks is 2.76. Relatively small sample size, but that's pretty darn successful. (In the minors, it was 2.45, mostly as a starter.) His K/9 as a starter is 10.2. That's ridiculously successful. (For comparison, that's better than Pedro Martinez's career K/9, and Pedro ranks 3rd, all-time.) 2. Joba was a starter for his entire (granted, short) career up until the fall of 2007, when he pitched out of the pen for the Yankees. Of course he was successful there. Anyoen who would be successful as a starter is going to have success as a reliever. Josh Beckett would be a great starter. Randy Johnson would have been a lights-out closer. The same place. Unless yo think this somehow proves that he was magically protected from injury in the pen. (Of course, many believe that the regular schedule provided by starting is healthier.) You'll forgive me if I still fail to see where this idea makes any sense at all. Oh, wait. I forgot. He's been awful in two spring training appearances. And he was *gasp* starting when that happened.
This thread is a giant pile of shit because the same 2 or 3 people do nothing but argue the same fucking points over and over and over again. WTF? Its really become annoying already.
It is/was the offseason. What do you expect? It's either discuss stuff (even if it's been brought up and debunked 1000 times), or the thread sees a post a month. But fair enough. In the future, I promise to remember Don's member title if I feel compelled to respond.
Yeah, I figured they'd move Cano to third, he came up there. When I thought A-Rod was going to walk when he opted out, I thought they'd move Cano to third then.
If we're talking about favorite colors, or completely subjective things, I agree 100%. Stevie Ray Vaughn pre-sobriety or post-sobriety? Tube socks or crew socks? Abreu's grey glove or his red glove? I will gladly agree to disagree about that stuff. In fact, I usually don't even touch that stuff, because it's pointless. But if the opinion is based on fallacious reasoning... that's a different story (for me). Of course, I think the opinion comes first for many people, and the "evidence" and rationalizations comes after. Which means they don't really care about the facts. So you're right... it probably is just as pointless as arguing over sock styles. It does pass the time at work, though.