The Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by FITM, May 26, 2006.

  1. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    That was an amazing match. There were so many near falls and (for that time) high intensity and a lot of action. That was such a great Wrestlemania too.
  2. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    From what I read, tonight we're getting HHH & Cena vs. Orton and Jericho in a tag team main event. Can't wait.

    I've missed wrestling over the past month. Triple H is back on RAW? Awesome if so. I haven't watched Smackdown so I haven't seen him in ages.
  3. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Does anyone remember this classic??

  4. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    The house show was fun on Friday. The main event wound up being HBK & Cena against Orton, Jericho and Kiltchko (sp?) At the start of the match, Orton announced that HHH was not going to be appearing because Cody and Ted took care of him. It clearly deflated the crowd, though it was mostly kids and they were giving Cena loads of love.

    Near the end of the match though, the speakers blared out "Time to play the game!" And the crowd went bezerk. Out came Triple H to a huge ovation. Fun stuff.

    The matches were mostly good. Kofi got beat by Kane in a very good match. Punk beat Regal to retain the title. Melina beat Beth to retain hers. Jack Swagger beat Christian to retain as well. (Christian got a nice reception.)

    The best part of the night was Kelly Kelly though. We happened to be in the wrong seats (actually further up than we were supposed to be) and we were heading back out to find an usher to lead us when she walked right past us. Holy crap she's freaking hot. Like amazing hot. We then headed back in as she was doing a trivia thing with one of the kids in the crowd, so we were like 10 feet away from her. Fortunately my wife was standing in front of me so she didn't see me drooling.
  5. jgangstahippie7:18

    Feb 5, 2008
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    I was nice...The divas are so hot OMG! I loved hearing kids yell f-u Randy Orton. I did go a little wild when HBK came out. When I use to really into wretling (a few years back...I'm now 17) HBK was my favorite wrestler. The ending of the match was great. HHH threaten Randy with the sledgehammer, Randy turned around HBK landed his Sweet Chin Music, and Cena hit him with the F-U.
  6. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Just a heads up... SmackDown is going to be at Madison Square Garden on April 28th. It's an actual TV taping... usually they do Raw there... SmackDown is more of an IZOD Center type deal. Tickets should still be available.

    The main event is a 6man tag... Cena/Jeff Hardy/HHH vs. Orton/Edge/Matt Hardy.
  7. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    Edge and Orton are the new champs, HHH and Cena both leave the arena on stretchers. Great night :smile:
  8. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    What did Batista do?
  9. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    -The nerdy white boy is hosting the WWE Backlash pre-show, with the usual video packages we've seen on RAW and SmackDown! the past few weeks, hyping up matches for tonight's PPV.

    WWE Backlash Opener:

    A video package for Backlash airs, previewing tonight's main matches and it's time for the show to begin.

    ECW Title:
    Christian vs. Jack Swagger (c)

    Christian's music hits to open the show. The ECW world title match is up first. Swagger enters. Match begins with Swagger utilizing an amateur wrestling takedown on Christian. Swagger mauling Christian early. Christian gets a little comeback, Swagger moving kind of slow. Swagger again takes control, throwing Christian around like a rag doll for quite a bit. On the outside of the ropes, Swagger is trying to german suplex Christian onto the floor. Christian knocks Swagger into the ring and goes to the top. Swagger meets him there, back-drops him off, and Vader-bombs him for a 2-count. Christian with a quick roll-up, but only gets two. Swagger with a running powerslam. Swagger takes the turnbuckle off the corner, but the ref catches him and puts it back on. As that's going on, Christian removes a turnbuckle in his corner. He slams Swagger into it and nails the killswitch for the win. Christian is the new ECW world champion.

    Winner and NEW ECW champion: Christian

    Backstage: Edge and Christian

    Christian walks past the curtain and celebrates with Tommy Dreamer and Finlay. He asks to be excused for a minute as he sees something. He walks up and we see Edge. The two banter and Edge talks about how he has to beat John Cena tonight.

    Singles Match:
    -Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat

    Jericho is out first. Steamboat comes out and the crowd seems into him. Steamboat with a takedown early. Steamboat out-quicks Jericho, running around and confusing him. Back in the ring, double-chop from Steamboat. Steamboat with a wrist-lock on Jericho. He switches to an armbar. Jericho punches his way out. Steamboat comes back with a loud chop. Shoulder-block from Steamboat. Jericho attempts to throw Steamboat over the top. He skins the cat, old-school style, but on the way back in - Jericho quickly clotheslines him over the top and to the floor. Jericho leapfrogs off the second rope and dropkicks Steamboat down onto the apron, outside the ropes. Jericho pulls Steamboat back in the ring and back-suplexes him to the mat. Big spot with Steamboat back-suplexing Jericho off the very top rope. He only gets two and the pace of the match is picking up as Steamboat is firing up. Running powerslam from Steamboat, but he only gets two. Loud chop from Steamboat. Spinning-kick from Jericho. Running bulldog from Jericho. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho but Steamboat eventually reverses it into a weird figure-four that he screwed up setting up. Jericho rolls to the ropes and forces the hold to be broken. Jericho runs into the ring post, turns around and Steamboat comes off the top with the high-cross body. He goes for the pin but only gets two. Steamboat goes for the tomahawk chop off the top but Jericho falls to his back and catches Steamboat off the top into a code-breaker. Jericho goes for the pin but Steamboat gets his foot on the rope to break the count. Jericho argues with the ref over the pin. Jericho picks Steamboat up and Steamboat rolls him up. He only gets two. Jericho up quickly and puts the Walls of Jericho on Steamboat, who taps out.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    Backstage: Santino and Beth Phoenix

    Beth tells Santino to just come clean and admit he dressed up as a woman to win Miss WrestleMania. He refuses. He tries talking Beth into kissing Khali for him, but she refuses. She says she won't be kissing Santino anymore either as she walks away.

    Kane vs. CM Punk

    Kane's music hits and it's time for he and CM Punk to go one-on-one. Punk is out with his money in the bank briefcase. CM Punk using his quickness to take the early lead in the match. Punk wheel-kicks Kane out of the ring. He leaps over the top and onto the floor, but Kane catches him by the throat. He goes to chokeslam him on the floor, but as he raises him up, CM Punk regains his footing on the ring apron and breaks the hold. He runs and clotheslines Kane onto the floor. Back in the ring, CM Punk with an arm-lock on Kane. Kane breaks free. He dropkicks Punk into the ring-post and he crashes down to the floor. Kane goes out, slams Punk on the floor and brings him back in the ring. Kane with a body-scissors on Punk in the middle of the ring. Kane goes for the chokeslam but in mid-air, Punk switches it to an armbar-slam. Kane is selling that his chokeslam arm is hurt. Punk getting a lot of high-flying offense in now. He applies a version of Tajiri's old taranchala move, within the ropes. CM Punk with a knee to Kane in the corner, into a running bulldog. Punk only gets a two count. Punk goes crazy with kicks to Kane. He tries one-too many as Kane catches one of them and chokeslams him hard to the mat. He gets the pinfall and the victory.

    Winner: Kane

    "I-Quit" Match:
    -Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy

    Jeff's music hits and out he comes. Matt is out next. The two stare each other down as the bell rings to start the match. Jeff kicks Matt into a corner and begins stomping away. On the outside, Jeff whips Matt into the barricade. Jeff runs and jumps off the ring-steps and slams his leg into Matt, who was laying against the barricade still. Back in the ring, Jeff continues his beatdown of his brother. Leg-drop off the top rope from Jeff. Ref asking if Matt wants to quit, he says no. Jeff with a sleeper hold, but Matt slams Jeff into the corner to break the hold. He's up and drops and elbow on Jeff. Jim Ross says Matt has some swelling on his face already. Jeff up to the top, but Matt simply pushes him off onto the floor. The ref asks if Jeff wants to quit and he says no. Matt applies figure-fours and other leg submissions to Jeff for several minutes. Ref multiple times asks if he wants to quit and he always screams "no". Back up, Matt has Jeff on the top rope. Jeff falls down, with his legs hooked onto the top. Matt goes outside the ring and pulls Jeff's head, screaming for him to quit - as the ref asks him. He says no. Jeff elbows his way free and goes to the top. He comes off with the whisper in the wind and knocks Matt down. The two work back to their feet and punch away. Jeff knocks Matt down and puts him in a cloverleaf submission. Jeff with a twist of fate and a swanton bomb. Ref asks if Matt wants to quit, he says no. Match continues. Jeff with a look of disbelief on his face and he kicks Matt. He lands another swanton bomb and rolls out of the ring. He goes under the ring, pulls out a table and throws it into the ring. He sets the table up on the inside of the ring. Matt rolls out of the ring and Jeff follows him. Matt attacks him as soon as he hits the floor, but Jeff reverses a kick into the twist of fate on the floor. Jeff lays Matt across the table. Jeff gets duct-tape from under the ring and tapes Matt's legs together. He throws some punches and then ties Matt's hands together. Jeff takes a rope and ties Matt's body down to the table securely. Matt is tied down now and Jeff taunts him. Jeff goes to the floor and grabs a ladder from under the ring. He brings the ladder into the ring and stops and stares at Matt. He sets the ring up as Matt keeps yelling "Jeff, don't!". Jeff takes his shirt off and sets up the ladder. Matt is trying to talk him out of doing it but Jeff climbs the ladder. He stops up the ladder and poses to the crowd. The ref puts the microphone to Matt's mouth and he apologizes and begs Matt not to do this. He says they're brothers and brothers is the strongest bond in the world. He says he loves him. The Hardy Boys, we can do it all again. He says their mom in heaven wouldn't want this. He said their dad is at home sick. He said daddy wouldn't like it if you did this. Matt screams "I quit" and the match ends. Crowd boo's. Jeff goes to get off the ladder, but climbs back up and comes down with the legdrop.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy

    Backstage: Randy Orton & Legacy

    Todd Grisham talks about tonight's match. Orton says he has nothing left to say to Triple H or Shane McMahon. He says he has one thing to say about Batista though. He says they were in Evolution together and what's changed? He says he has Legacy and Batista is still doing HHH's dirty work. Orton says whatever Batista does, don't get DQ'd. He said you wouldn't want HHH to lose his title would you? He said that's what's important ain't it? He says it's amazing after all these years it's still all about "The Game", for some people at least.

    Khali Kiss Cam:

    The Great Khali's music hits and out he comes. He tells Santina to come out. Santina comes out and says someone has been courting her, so she can't kiss Khali. Santina says it's Jim Ross. Santina says JR calls her his "little slaubberknocker". Khali says he understands why Santina can't kiss him. He says they'll need to prove it by having Santina kiss JR. Santina starts to faint and Beth Phoenix music hits. She comes out and says this is enough of this. Beth Phoenix says she demands a rematch for the title of Miss WrestleMania against Santina. Khali says how dare she interupt this beautiful, tender moment between two people in love. Beth says Santina is really Santino Marella. Beth starts insulting Khali. Khali finally hears enough and "bonks" Beth on top of her head. He then pushes her down to the ground. Khali backs Santina in a corner. Santina tries running out of the ring and does, but "her" top comes off. Santina runs off.
  10. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    WWE Title:
    -HHH, Batista & Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton & Legacy

    Lilian Garcia introduces the match and explains the rules of how the title can change hands tonight. Shane McMahon's music hits and out he comes. Batista's music hits and he's out second. Triple H's music hits and out comes "The Game". Randy Orton's music hits and out he comes with Legacy. All six men brawl and HHH takes Orton to the outside. He beats Orton up the ramp and into the back. HHH comes back out and it's just Legacy now, with Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon on the opposite side of the ring. Batista and DiBiase start the match. Batista throwing DiBiase around like a ragdoll. Shane in with some elbows. He quickly tags out and in comes HHH. HHH throws DiBiase around for a while and still no signs of Randy Orton. HHH tags Shane back in. Out from nowhere, Orton comes back and slams Batista into the ring post. He tags back in and is stomping away at Batista in the ring. Orton tags in Cody Rhodes and he stomps away at Batista. He ties the ref up and DiBiase and Orton double-team Batista in the corner. Batista is thrown to the floor and Orton is kicking Batista on the floor. DiBiase is now pounding away on Batista and he rolls him back in the ring. Rhodes tags in DiBiase. DiBiase hits Batista and quickly tags in Orton. Orton with the same DDT across the ropes he used on Stephanie McMahon. He nails Batista with it and goes for the pin, but only gets two. Batista almost makes his comeback, but DiBiase drop toe-holds Batista down and controls him on the ground. Orton tagged back in and he quickly stops Batista from tagging out. Orton dropping knees on Batista's face. Batista with a big flying tackle on Orton. Orton tags in Rhodes. Batista makes the hot-tag to Shane. Shane boxing and dancing away as he clears house. Neckbreaker on DiBiase and a two-count for Shane. Shane tosses DiBiase to the floor. Rhodes tags in. Shane knocks him down and goes to the top rope. Shane comes crashing down with the flying elbow drop. Shane goes for the pin but DiBiase pulls him off from the outside. Orton throws Shane over the steps on the floor. Orton tags in and suplexes Shane back into the ring. Triple H finally tags in and the crowd explodes. He is beating on Orton relentlessly in the corner. Big sidewalk slam by HHH. He goes for the pin but DiBiase breaks it up. Batista knocks DiBiase onto the floor. Shane and Rhodes are fighting on the floor. Rohdes breaks free, runs into the ring and DDT's Triple H. Shane McMahon knocks Rhodes over the barricade and into the front row. Shane comes after him, but Rhodes hits him with a chair. Back in the ring, Orton misses a RKO. HHH reverses it into a pedigree but he sees Batista with a chair. He stops and argues with Batista and Orton nails the RKO from out of nowhere for a two-count. The bell rings but the announcers and ref say it was only a two-count. Orton punts HHH and pins him for the three. The bell rings correctly this time and we have our winner.

    Winner and NEW WWE champion: Randy Orton

    After The Match: HHH Injured

    After the match, Triple H is "knocked out". The announcers put on their serious-voices and talk about how serious the punt was. They say Batista was out four months from the same move. They put a neck brace on Triple H and a bunch of medics are kneeling around him. They put him on a stretcher. Batista and Shane are over-selling HHH being hurt. Replays of the punt airs as HHH is strapped down to the stretcher.

    Last Man Standing
    World Title:
    -John Cena (c) vs. Edge

    The video package for Cena-Edge airs. Edge's music hits and out comes the Rated-R Superstar. He hits the ring and his music stops. Long delay as the crowd starts chanting "Cena sucks" and Cena's music finally hits. Out comes the World champion. Bell rings and our Last Man Standing main-event is underway. Lots of anti-Cena and pro-Edge chants from the crowd, as the beginning portion of the match is all Edge. After pounding away on Cena for a while, Edge lets the ref count. Count reaches seven and Cena is back for more. Edge spears Cena and the ref starts his count again. Cena up at six and the two exchange punches. Edge with a sleeper hold on Cena. Both men hit their finishers, but get up before the ten count. Edge spears Cena. Cena with the attitude adjustment from the announce table on the floor, over the barricade and into the crowd. Cena battles with Edge throughout the arena. Edge DDT's Cena on the steel grating. Conchairto by Edge, to which Cena barely beats the count for. Big Show comes out and chokeslams Cena off the stage. He crashes through some equiptment and smoke shoots off. Cena can't beat the count and Edge wins the match and the World title.

    Winner and NEW World champion: Edge
  11. InChadWeTrust

    InChadWeTrust New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    Love it. Both faces leave Backlash on a stretcher :)
  12. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    One hellish match tonight, the ladder match, Jeff Hardy vs Edge. There was a ladder straddling the ring and the crowd barrier wall, they both fell on it from this huge falling ladder and bent the other ladder nearly to the floor when they fell on it. Freakin ouch, jesus that had to hurt.

    Hardy wins the ladder match and the world title. CM Punk cashed in the money in the bank, and 2 "go to sleeps" later, he was the new champ. Oh, and Batista won the belt too. And CM Punk also beat Umaga in the strap match earlier.
  13. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Sounds like a sick PPV except for Punk winning. I wanted to see the Hardy/Edge ladder match. I'll youtube it tomorrow.

    I have a chance to go to Night of Champions this year. Strongly considering it.
  14. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Short lived title reign.
    #1154 IATA, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  15. mj2sexay

    mj2sexay Active Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    Hahaa Jeff Hardy has a median title reign of about two weeks. Sucks.
  16. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    damn, i haven't watched raw in years. i'm so glad i happened to flip past during the tag match right before the main event. the "return" of triple h was awesome(even though i didn't know he had been "out" beforehand) does badass stuff like this happen on raw regularly now? because when i stopped watching the only thing worth watching was usually the ppv's.
  17. SydneyDon

    SydneyDon 2008/2009 TGG The Green Card "International Poster

    Oct 20, 2005
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  18. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    By: Bill Apter
    7/4/2009 6:54:08 PM

    I just returned home to find a message on my answering machine that Edge was pretty badly injured at a SmackDown house show in San Diego, California on Friday night.

    Early reports (not confirmed) the problem is a ruptured Achilles tendon.

    He wrestling Jeff Hardy at the time of the accident. I hope to have more details later.
  19. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Fuck. Not good. One of the only reasons worth watching anymore. Edge is the shit. Him and Jericho as tag champs is fucking great. My 2 favorites. I was thinking about going to Night of Champions.. definitely not going to go now. WWE is getting real stale with the same fucking HHH/Orton matches. CM Punk as champ? Gimme a break. Put the belt on this guy.

  20. InChadWeTrust

    InChadWeTrust New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    I actually really like what they are doing with Orton. I think he is one of the bets heels in a really long time. I agree that Cena will get the shot at the next PPV. Lets see what happens?

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