I got to watch some of the game today, I was home from work sick. Posada went yard on the first pitch in the 3rd. Teix had a nice hard single..then A-Rod grounded into a double play...
Good start so far by the Yanks. I agree with Shade's comment about ARod though. He's got some terrible advisers.
Now the Yanks will be weraing new caps this year: http://bats.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/26/believe-it-a-new-cap-for-yankees/ That is absolutely awful.
It's really really early but so far it looks like Gardner is beating out Cabrerra easily for the CF job. Especially with one of them batting .429 and the other batting .000.
Which disturbs me because Gardner couldn't hit Cano on a fly if he ran the ball to second and handed it to him.
Ron Gardenhire said the same thing three days ago. Right now, Manny is the easiest signing on the market. You know the number, you know the years, and you know he's willing to defer money. The only issue is whether or not your team can afford him. The Yankees probably can. If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say that's Frank McCourt's problem. Just when he got the team to the break-even point, the economy took a nose dive, and he's still leveraged to the gills.
He's not willing to defer, that was the whole reason the latest contract went to shit and Boras countered with an identical contract, sans deferment.
That was midweek. It changed again this weekend. In the last of Manny's counteroffers, Boras allowed for deferred salary, but he was carrying interest on the deferred amount. Actually a pretty fair point. Present day dollars have a different value. Boras split the difference in net present value with his last counter and they're now about $1.5 million apart. McCourt got all huffy and essentially said that he was looking for a 'yes' or a 'no' and not another counteroffer, so they'd have to start from scratch. The real beauty if you're the Yankees or Giants is that both McCourt and Boras have sent copies of each of their offers to the press. Things have become so contentious that they don't want to have their position misrepresented. As a result, the entire world knows what it would take to sign Manny - $45 million over two years ($25/20), with an opt-out clause; and, if there's to be deferred salary, it has to carry interest.
SNY also said at the same time that if Manny ended up a Yankee every Met fan on the planet would be livid.