Well, he answered everything but the questions were weak. Certainly enough different people were asked. I guess it just goes to show the media really suck. They don't know how to ask a question but they will waste a million words telling us their own opinion. They wouldn't know how to write the news if their lives depended on it.
I don't care what he had to say, I think it was great that his teammates were there for him and I think(hope) we'll look back on this as a turning point for ARod in NY and we'll see him doing a commercial for the next WBC saying he's won World Series titles instead of saying he's been a part of division winners.
They were all there I think..at least 20 or more as was Steinbrenner and everybody else..not that they really had a choice but it still makes a strong point. The good news is that the Yankees are making headlines again. The better the stories the better the team does. It has always been that way, right back to when Ruth played.
There were a few strong questions. The problem was the faggoty format designed to protect A-Hole. No follow-ups. So, he could get off with idiotic non-answers.
They knew the rules, the hard questions should have been asked first, not held back for a followup that was never going to happen. Anyway, he still said more and answered more that everybody else before him combined. Now I want to hear from the other 103.
He raised more questions then answered. WTF is Boli? Who is this mystery cousin? If he only took 1 drug, why did he test positive for 2 banned substances(Primobolan and Testosterone)? How "young and naive" can you really be at 26 after just signed a quarter BILLION dollar contract? He basically lied his way thru this press conference due to a piece of crap format. He had no idea he had done anything wrong, but at the same time it was a huge relief to get it off his back? What? Fuck Rodriguez. He's a cheating liar. He got busted. He is lying about it. He is a piece of crap.
The press conference was an embarresment. However in rooting for the best interest of the New York Yankees, I hope he comes out and puts up A-Rod like numbers and finally hits in the clutch. But he's a total d-bag. Everything is contrived and embarressing. He'll always be an island onto himself and an outcast and never a Yankee. If they win it's because they're so talented that it doesn't matter but I don't ever forsee myself saying "The Yankees are champions of the world again thanks to A-Rod". I hope I'm wrong. Doubt it.
Primobolan. Baseball players are typically dumb. Really, really dumb. Money doesn't make them smarter. If anything, it makes them more dumb. This is not a defense of A-Rod, what he did, or saying that his press conference was sincere or anything. But you're talking about grown men who play a kid's game and have been stuck in a high school locker room setting for their entire adult life. Most of them are lucky if they ever manage to think for themselves.
No one knows if "boli" is Primobolan, it's just assumed it is because of the similarities in the name.
And it is available OTC (or at least it was then) in the Dominican...you can almost bet where a good number of those other 103 names on the list come from.
Interesting, only 52% of fans think Arod shouldn't go into the hall and this was taken now when the whole thing is so hot. I would guess after he hits his next 100 it won't even be an issue anymore. http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/story/11394941
And testosterone? Maybe there was no cute nickname for that, so he thought he'd just leave it out. ETA: The Daily News does a nice job of investigative journalism this morning. Hopefully, this will be an age where baseball writers make up for negligence of the past.
Has this whole thing turned anyone off to baseball? It's starting to turn me off. Frankly, let them all take performance enhancers. These old school game preservationalists/purists who claim they don't want the sanctity of the game be tainted, have an agenda. They merely don't want to see new players surpass their favorite players who hold the record(s) now. When a contemporary player overtakes their favorite player their childhood memories die...wahhh, wahh...that's what this bullshit is all about. Leave the game alone. I'm tired of this bullshit.
Well that was fast... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/20...odriguez-cousin/index.html?eref=si_topstories