17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    With regard to the Jets sales force and their "estimations" of the number of "1977 accounts" (1960-1977), everyone should remember it behooves these guys to put the fear of God into everyone to make it easier for them to sell their cockamamie PSLs. I don't trust these sales people now as far as I can throw them. They're on commission. 'Nuff said.

    Also, the number "3,000" is an awfully round number, no? That number may be close or it may be an exageration, but they don't say how many seats, (curiously.... AHEM) they just say "accounts," probably because that becomes impossible for anyone to do the math on. Leave 'em guessing.

    Also, don't forget that when the Jets moved to the Meadowlands (approximately 1984), a lot of NY people gave up their seats... I mean, a lot (it's where mine came from). People west of, say, Coney Island, said it's just too much of a hassle. I don't doubt there are still guys (mostly from Staten Island) who held on, because for them the commute was just about the same anyway. But my point is, there was a tremendous dropoff rate... tremendous... when the Jets moved from Shea to the Meadowlands.

    Judging from what we've seen and heard and what's been reported so far, none of us should take at face value whatever these clowns are dishing out when it comes to "You're going to lose out if you don't grab up a PSL." I think it's all sales bullshit from a bunch of clowns on commission who are playing it fast and loose with misinformation.

    Accounts indeed. And 3,000? If they have access to number of accounts, they certainly have access to the exact number of seats involved in these accounts and a grand total of the seats from 1977. "But oh no, we don't want to tell anybody that on the phone or they'll quickly realize there's no panic to buy the PSLs. It'll make our job that much harder to sell these fucking things. All the older account people will go for the PSL-free Uppers and we can't have that, now can we?"
  2. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I feel the same way. We are taking a step backwards. If people started pissing on the conrete ramps it would be shea all over again. I am going to give it one year and see how it goes. No PSL, No commitment!!!
  3. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    1977 includes 1977 and all years previous so I would think the years after 77 have less accounts, at least until we moved to NJ. Who knows really but the NYJ were NOT SOLD out in 1981 when I bought my tickets. I went to Manhattan and bought my seasons in March of 1981 so I would say its a lot less then 3000 accounts. Ahh you forget, just walked right up and said, " Can I buy Jets seasons?" I thought they were gonna give me a parade. $11 per game and no Pre-season. $88
    #183 sec314, Feb 11, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2009
  4. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I guess the difference is you are of the opinion there are not 3,000 accounts for years 78,79, 80 & 81 & so on whereas I do so we will see in just a few short months how it all shakes out.

    As for the move to the M/lands in 84 all season tix holders were offered 2 xtra seats when the move from Shea to the M/lands transpired. After all pre existing season tix holders were accomodated they began to attack the wait list until they filled out the stadium since they were going from 60,000 seats to 80,000 seats. I would agree 84 has a bunch of new accounts since many of the LIers opted out & NJites opted in. My son as a lark had put his name on the wait list when he was 7 which was 78 & we got 4 tix off the wait list in 84 when the move took place. I feel those 4 tix will go bye-bye since I will not purchase the PSL for them & I feel 84 will not be low enough to keep the seat in the free non PSL UD
  5. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Ain't it something? I got in two years earlier, and the $72.00 it cost for the season is less than one game now. We were bummed went it went it up to $88 in '81! Times change - never for the better as far as sports fans go.
  6. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I highly doubt there were 3,000 accounts over 13 years time, and then in 4 years time there were an additional 12,000. I can see 3,000 additional accounts combined for those four years maybe, but not 3,000 each.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I just received my Playbook in the mail today and read it. We are all in Phase I at the present time (all of us, even the waitlist people). Phase II commences in the Spring. At no time can you jump the line and go into Phase II. If you do not excersize your options under Phase I, you are bypassed and they will contact everyone down the line, all the way to the waitlist people in order of Seniority. Only when that is completely exhausted will they being Phase II and it starts all over again with 1977, etc. I'm posting all this as a matter of clarity for some who don't fully understand the process after all these many posts. It's been a bit confusing at times.

    During Phase I, every ticketholder will be contacted according to seniority (I just was, via this mailing). I have until Feb 25 to send it back in with 3 preferrences listed. No time is lost if it takes me 10 days from now to fill out my preferences, in other words, I do not lose my place in line if I take until the 25th. But if I send it in AFTER Feb 25, that could be a problem, so it behooves all to mail in your preferences in fairly short order.

    Not all PSLs are for sale right now. This was the part that has been unclear to me. The ONLY choice I have right now (again, in Phase I) is to either buy a Club PSL or pass on them. There are other PSLs (non-Club PSLs), but they are not yet for sale (that comes in Phase II along with all other seats, including the non-PSL Uppers). No other seats are being assigned or sold anywhere else but in Club at present, according to this brochure.

    In the Club PSL sections, the least expensive PSL is $5,000 and the ticket price is $400. They go up from there. I have 4 seats, so the cheapest thing right now in Phase I would be $20,000 and $1600 per game (or $16,000 a year, which includes the cockamamie scrimmage...er... I mean, the Preseason games.

    I cannot (will not) subject myself to that kind of exposure. It's not so much the PSL as it is the ticket price and that they have you by the balls in the future. The brochure clearly states that if you are unable to buy your tickets for any one year, you forfeit your PSLs and any money you've paid toward them and you will not have the opportunity to buy any more tickets under your former PSL. You're out the door... finished... good bye. No refund.

    So.... since I do not want to participate in this madness, the ONLY option I have at this point is to fill out the form, make 3 selections as to my priorities (all priorities other than Club), and mail it back in. They say I will then be contacted, but if I specify the Uppers, I have no idea what they would want to contact me for, as the assignment of those non-PSL seats (or the other PSL seats for that matter), will not commence until the Spring campaign, Phase II. I suppose it's in there in case I were to select one of the Clubs as one of my choices. No way Jose.

    I'll keep the board informed after I have sent in my three choices. Right now it's probably going to be whatever I can get in the Uppers, period. I toyed with the idea of the Mezz or End Zones, but it's still very expensive.

    I miss my seats in the Mezz already. I'm greatly disappointed that I cannot have anything that was a nice as they were, but my family had many wonderful memories of terrific games in those seats. My kids grew up in those seats, practically. I'll just have to be content to have nice memories of what it was like to be able to afford to take them there and have a great view of the game. There truly was never a bad seat in the house at that stadium.
  8. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Great link, 314.

    This clearly shows your first decision, based on this: "remember that seat selection will happen in two phases, with club seat PSLs being first."

    In other words, the question at this time is, do you or do you not want Club Seats? Period. End of choices for now.

    If you don't want Club Seats, you automatically propel yourself into Phase II, so there is not much to do in the first Phase if you've already decided you can't afford them.

    I'm sure there are companies and even individuals who will opt to pay for the PSLs in the Club Section, and that's okay with me.

    My posts are more designed for the "Mom and Pop" ticketholders who can't afford the Club PSLs (minimum $5 Grand, ticket price $400... they go up from there...).

    If you've already opted for the Club Section, God bless you and welcome to the world of unexpected, inordinate and disproportional price increases while being held hostage to your initial PSL with absolutely no way out.
  10. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Phase # 2 here I come. My only question is, will there be a tour designed for Phase # 2 and will they let us go to the upper deck?
  11. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Interesting to note (conspiracy theorists please weigh in) that the form says the following:

    But if you look on the drop down menu, they have ADDED a 16th category called "VISITORS SIDELINE".

    Not sure what to think of it, but that 16th choice was definitely not there the other day.
  12. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Thanks for all that information.

    The three I'm most interested in are:
    1 - Upper Prime
    2 - Upper Sideline
    3 - Upper Endzone

    But I might consider one of those $4 or 5k PSLs (doubtful, but might consider).

    No seniority here, so I assume I'll be frozen out of the non PSL seats. I wonder if there's a way to specify 5 or 6 preferences.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Good question. I'd like to get up there myself and take a picture of what the field looks like.

    Again though, from up there, I suspect Leon Washington is going to look like an ant on the nose of George Washington on Mt. Rushmore.
  14. Passepartout

    Passepartout Active Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    One more year, and you all will be, in your new home, so to speak!
  15. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Here's another tidbit I found out today. The ticket price for the Mezzanine clubs - the East and West clubs, which run about $400-500 a game do not include parking or the food you buy in the club. The $400 a game price just gives you the right to sit in your great seat for the game , the right to buy VIP parking at $35 a game, and the right to enter the club. You pay for your food and drink. OH - and you get your own private bathroom (that you share with the other 10,000 -12,000 or so in the club seats.

    Plus I found out today that there will be tailgating permitted in the parking lots. The grills that are there in the plaza must be reserved in advance and are mainly for those who take public transportation to the game and can't transport cooking equipment and food.

    The other thing I was told today by my own personal specialist is that the parking arrangements for the non-PSL uppers have not been decided yet. Right now, the stadium lots in 2010 and beyond will continue to be sold as prepaid reserved parking just as they have been since the construction began. When I asked where the 27,000 fans in the upper deck will park, I was informed that they may be given rights to buy reserved parking, but there might be a limit of 1 parking pass per 4 tickets.

    Now I don't believe this parking crap. I think it is another ploy to sell PSLs. Think about it. There are going to be 28,000 parking spots (3,000 more than the original Giants Stadium) plus improved public transportation. How can they not fit all the cars that would be going to games??? Still, the madness continues.
  16. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I agree completely. I would have gladly paid a grand or two for upper deck PSLs with transfer rights. I too transferred the tickets to my son.
  17. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I think this is fuzzy math. If each account has an average of 4 tickets, there are only 19,000 accounts in the entire stadium right now. With seniority covering almost 40 years, there can't be 3000 season ticket holders per year. Under your math, once you get through 77, 78, 79, and 80 that would be 28,000 seats gone.

    The Playbook states that if all current season ticket holders went to the UD, the UD would be sold out by 1983 seniority. That means there are about 7,000 accounts from 77-83 (7 years) if they are being honest (a big if). That means that with 3000 accounts in 77, there would be about 700 a year from 78-83.
  18. jetmetnet

    jetmetnet New Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    i guess this means that if people like me (who're on the wait list) get the playbook in phase I, then the club seats are not selling well :)
  19. Jetsetter

    Jetsetter Active Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    If "We're the home team", then where at the Giants playing?

    I just got the ass-banging news in the mail. I have yet to review it. I also got a call from a sales-dork on my cell phone this morning. Personally, since I'm out of work right now, MAYBE I'm moving from the Lower Level to where that guy in the orange is in the Upper Deck. In this economy with this f'd up team, screw the Jets.
  20. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    i don't see why anyone would buy psls or even get the upper deck seats. I have to believe you can go online and buy tickets per individual games at a nice discount since no one is going to want to spend a few hundred dollars for a ticket. Once you pay the psl they have you buy the balls. And the upper deck is like watching from an airplane.

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