Jets Favre to Meet After Super Bowl

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Long Time Jet Fan, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Wow , just wow.
    I'm all for moving on , wheather Brett decides to stay or not. But why all the hate for him ? I just don't get some of you guys.
    Proving the NFL community is right about Jets fans being assholes isn't smart.
  2. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Read that again...I said the past few seasons, not just last year.
  3. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    Well young man it's " people like me" who have supported this team for over 40 years, how long you been around?

    New flash for you,
    Do your research, you will find, Brett was the one in most of the cases who brought up the subject of age as a factor in why he was having difficultly in performing like a kid in his mid-twenty's
    You might also check on just how many players are still around in this game past the age of forty, who are not kickers.

    News flash # 2 for you,
    I know very well about old bodies and the toll time takes on them, I live every day with the aches and pains of age. I remember very well when I first started to notice them as well, guess when, you got it, right after I turned forty. That was almost 14 year ago and I will be 54 this year and most consider me in very good shape. I could not image what my body would feel like if it had played pro ball for damn near 20 years!!!!!

    Now son, I have seen some good ones and also seen some stinkers, Brett has been both on the NY Jets in the same year. Believe me when I say his time has pasted, I wish that were not the case as I had hope he still had a year or two left.

    Brett has been great and I would have love nothing more then for him to still have had some magic left to spread on the Jets. Yet, those last five convinced me the year was really a waste of time with him under center. It just took away playing time from Clemens or Ratliff that would have made going into this season easier by knowing just where we stood at QB.
    An him coming back just delays this decision another year and also ages other players another year with no reward other then to add to his already amazing stats..

    The younger Brett Farve would have willed at the very least 2 wins out of that last five and got this team into the playoffs. Matter of fact, I think he surprised himself, in that he could not on his own force of will, get to the playoffs after getting the team to 8-5.

    Now,I am not willing to lay it all on Brett shoulders others both players & coaches played a role in the failure and choke at the end. Yet, like it or not the main culprit in the collapse was Brett himself and his failure to just get the job done.

    I can tell you for certain that Chad would have gotten us to the playoffs with this team, the results would have been the same as the Fins, once there, but we would have gotten there. An I was all for moving past Chad as well, as his best days are behind him as well....

    The point of this whole deal with Brett will be resolved within two weeks and it is my firm belief that he will retire from the NFL once and for all. So all the lobbying for a return of Brett is in my opinion a moot point. Once and for all the Jets need to get younger at this spot and develop there own player and stop trying to retread others who's time is behind them.

    So we use this year to learn Ryan-ball and find out just what we have in our younger kids. Personally I see Clemens winning over everyone including yourself , if given half the chance to do so. With him under center I see this team making the playoff in the coming year with an early exit first or second round. Then the following year with Ryan as coach and Clemens well intrenched at QB for the NY Jets a very serious run at the prize.....:jets:
    #83 fltflo, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2009
  4. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Great post...until I read that.

    Nobody knows how well we would've done with Chad at the helm this may be right...but Chad also could've crapped the bed for the Jets this season. Sorry, but that statement is "assinine" at can't base how well Chad played for Miami and assume that's how he would've played for the Jets.

    For example....Chad won games w/Miami utilizing the Wildcat.....the Jets wouldn't have run the wildcat with Chad as the QB. Miami used Chad differently than the Jets did. It's a variable that was introduced to the equation by Miami, that the Jets had no intention of using in their own scheme of things.

    I'm not trying to intentionally shit on your post...I just disagree with that statement.
  5. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Hopefully this is true. We dont need our new coach being stalled for this. The quicker he makes a decision the better.
  6. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    I'm tending to agree with you on this.

    I would love to have Favre back, but agree with most he needs to be in camp with the rest of the players.

    The only hope we have of a SB this year is Favre.
  7. sayuki

    sayuki New Member

    Nov 6, 2007
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    no more Favre!!!!:mad::mad::mad:
  8. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    No offense taken, difference of opinion is what makes American great.

    I made the statement about Chad to just make the point, that at 8-5 a game manager was what was needed. One thing Chad is, is an excellent game manager, he generally does well when he does not try to do too much. The Jets had some huge up and downs this year with a very huge down at the end, a solid game manager would have leveled that out across the whole season. Remember, Chad beat many of the lesser teams we lost to, not by much, but he got the win.

    Jet fans also need to keep in mind that Brett prefers to play out of certain sets which allows him to wing it more times then he should or I'm sure Schott likes. I really believe that to accommodate Brett style the Jets scaled down the offense and the looks it used in Schotts first year, that confused defenses. Now this apply's to Chad as well, which is why I felt we needed to move on there as well. Do to Chad's numerous injuries over the years, they really limited his total arm strength to be a threat to throw the deep ball consistently at any point in the game. Although to this day he is still one of the best short ball and underneath guys in the league, yet again that limits your total offensive attack. An it is my belief that to make it to the end and grab the prize you have to have both the short and long ball in your attack.

    Which brings me to Clemens and the need to see just what we have there as far as talent. It's time to stop screwing around with guys who will not be around for the long run, we need a offensive leader who will be under center for the next 6 to 7 years minimum. A team will never succeed in the NFL if it is changing it QB's every two years, because with each change you really are starting from scratch.

    I don't think I need to go thru the list of issues that made Clemens first foray under center more difficult then it should have been. People always seem to want to bring up the phrase "Pocket Presence" , well in my opinion, it's hard as hell to have pocket presence when you are forever under pressure because your supporting cast, to put it mildly, outright suck! An in spite of all that, he still almost pulled off a 5 win season after the Jets got off to one of there worst starts since Kottex was the coach.

    Clemens has all the tools to be a very good QB on this level, a very good arm that can make all the throws, one of the quickest releases you will see in the NFL, many say as quick or quicker then Marino's, a ton of smarts, excellent leadership skills and a good scrambler.

    He does need to improve his foot work in the pocket and he will have to over come his height disadvantage which is a little shorter then you would like out of a pro QB. Yet, when people bring that up I just think of Doug Flutie and Clemens towers over him. I also think he and Brady are almost the same height and it did not seem to stop him.

    Will he succeed, I believe he will and be the QB we all hoped for coming out of college. It may be a little rough at first but if he gets the whole off-season as the #1 guy and the season then, yes I think he can be the man.

    Yet, if I am totally off the mark here and he is an outright bust and the worst QB ever taken by the NY Jets, we need to know that as well. An bring Brett back or some other retread will only delay this decision and cause us to lose a possible starter, as this is Clemens last year under contract, can you say Steve Young !

    As I have stated before this is a minor rebuild year as the players become accustomed to a new coaching staff and a different direction for the club. If Clemens sucks that bad then Ratliff & Angie if he is still around will get the second half of the season to show why they should stick around the following year. So by the end of next year we will either have a solid QB in place, Clemens in my opinion, or we will be drafting the best available QB with the first round pick in the 2010 draft and starting him very early........
  9. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    fltflo , way to go with the whole age-ist patronisation thing. Age makes you wiser , not right.
  10. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    I would also like to add that I have no hate for Brett Farve. I have always been a huge fan and love to watch the guy play all thru his career. The man in spite of all his quriks was something very special and it would have been wonderful if the Jets would have been the ones to draft him instead of Atlanta. One thing for sure it would have been a hell of a ride those 20 years...

    Yet as special as he was, what I want is a solid QB for the long term and the 3 year road to become one of the elite teams in the NFL. Like it or not fans Brett is not that QB and as I stated in the above post, each time you change QB you must begin again.

    So many of you who believe that those of us who wish to move on hate Brett, you could not be more wrong. We just know that he is not what the NY Jets need to succeed in the long run. Last years highs were wonderful the NE game the Titans game but the Jets will never get to the prize with the Seattle game or the Oakland game or the second Miami game.

    Thank you for a wonderful year Brett, in spite of everything you will always have a special place in every Jets fans heart, but it's time to get serious and get down to business for the long run......
  11. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    favre can play until he is 90 sign him to an extention! He has atleast one good decade left in him! Age does not affect him at all he is the freaking iron man of the century. favre is the best player to ever walk the face of the earth. Give me a break! What is with all the BF man love? All you favre lovers need to take his junk from your mouths. How about if favre comes back and stinks it up as much as he did last you stop posting on this board. If favre comes back and takes us to the SB I will gladdly never post on this site ever again in my life. This man is not bigger than our beloved Jets. Jets 1st not BF 1st. If you think BF is such a bad ass put up! If you are just talking shit shut up!
  12. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Why should any Jets fan love Favre? He was brought in as a *mercenary to bring the team up another level. Nobody loves a mersonary who takes your money and fails.
    #92 winstonbiggs, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2009
  13. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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  14. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    .........and your point is ?
    Dislike is alot different to hate , Mercenary or not. We have a HOF player come in and TRY to help OUR team for big bucks and he fails. Debatable that it was all his fault , but to HATE him because of it ? Please!
    Man, if you hate everyone who failed for the Jets , your list must be endless.
  15. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    winston never said he hated him, he just doesn't love him.
  16. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    As a member of the Jets village I have the right to show up with an unruly mob with pitch forks and torches and run him out of town. I'm afraid of him I don't hate him.
    #96 winstonbiggs, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2009

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