Jets Favre to Meet After Super Bowl

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Long Time Jet Fan, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Tim Couch and Ryan Leaf were not NFL caliber QB's Favre was, was, was, past tense! He is Joe Namath on the Rams done.
  2. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I actually think you have a fair chance of being right. But to INSIST you are CERTAINLY right is ... getting silly.

    Look, it's something you may not comprehend, but the reason I simply can't make assumptions like you are is because I was saying the same thing myself 3, and 4 years ago. And I was proven wrong. So I'm not about to pretend I know what he can still do. I know better, I know that I have no idea.
  3. illmatic

    illmatic New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Quick question, i know the Jets could not trade Farve to any team in the NFC North without giving up additional draft picks to the packers. Is there any consequence to releasing him and him then signing with a team in the NFC North? ???
  4. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    So what is your reasoning for why Favre has faded down the stretch the past few seasons? Let me guess, it's everyone elses' fault but Favre's right?
  5. greenwhite&nogold

    greenwhite&nogold New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    These people are just fickle dude. I guarantee you that IF Favre were to come back and tear it up in the first four games that they'd be like "Favre is awesome! Superbowl baby! Like my friend told me at the beginning of the year. Everytime Favre does something good they exagerate it and make it out to be better than what it was... and everytime he does something stupid, they make it out to be worse than it was. The problem with a lot of fans is they don't understand that it takes a team to lose a game. The easy way out is to blame it all on the QB.
  6. greenwhite&nogold

    greenwhite&nogold New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    He faded down the stretch in 2008, that much is true. The whole frickin team faded down the stretch. But 2007 was a good year. Hello!!! he had the 4th most passing yards in the league. He has one bad game in Dec. Chicago and -15 degrees., but a couple of other games in DEC he had an 100+ QB rating.

    get off the generalizations crack pipe...

    September 112 170 1205 65.9 7.09 57 8 2 8.0 97.3 9 -2 -0.2 3 0
    October 69 104 841 66.3 8.09 82 3 4 4.0 84.7 5 0 0.0 7 0
    November 115 165 1366 69.7 8.28 60 11 4 2.0 106.8 8 -4 -0.5 1 0
    December 60 96 743 62.5 7.74 80 6 5 1.0 85.5 7 18 2.6 21 0
  7. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    A question to anyone who thinks that Brett Farve is anything more then another wasted year for the NY Jets.

    Did any of you watch any of the post game pressers ? Brett must have mentioned his age and the affects and toll it has taken on his game play at least 10 times anytime someone put a mike in his face. He has talked in detail, how it takes his body longer to recover and get ready for the following week.

    People, this game is being played by kids half his age and twice his speed. I remember him talking about how he knew he could still make the throws. Yet, all of you saw many a time where recivers got open and Brett unthrew them. This happened quite a number of times in those last five games, not even mentioning the ones, where EVERYONE was saying, " What the fuck was that" after the throw". No I think Brett knows very well at this point that his mind is making promises his body cannot deliver.

    Think of the bootleg where the fake was perfect and Brett was wide open to the endzone. A younger man would have scored on that play 99 out of 100 times. Yet, in Brett case he never had a chance, hell, defensive linemen were out running him.

    No fans Brett is not the answer for the NY Jets, he is a first ballot Hall of Famer for his past glory not for anything he will ever do for the Jets. By even considering bring him back you are just taking another year away from our younger kids Clemens and Ratliff.

    It is my sincere hope that when Tanny meets with this man next week, Brett tells him in no uncertain terms that he is done. I would hope the next day he submits his papers to the NFL and begins to mend the bridges with the Packers. They have made it clear that they still would give him the spokemens gig at a million per if he wanted it.

    It is now time to get Clemens under center and hand the reins over to him. This will be almost a rebuilding year, like it or not we are in for some major changes in direction with this new coaching staff. So, it's now time to find out just what we have in Clemens and he either steps up or steps out.

    If for some reason he really is as bad as many of you wish to believe, then Ratliff can get his shot the second half of the season. Yet, it is this fan firm beleif that by the sixth game of next season many doubters will be admitting how wrong they were about Clemens and we had the QB of the future all along ........
  8. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Why not compare the last four seasons, which is what I was referring to:

    First 12 games:
    Last 4 games:

    2005 286 459 62.3 249.3ypg 19td 21int 79.4
    2005 86 148 58.1 222.5ypg 1td 8int 55.7

    2006 254 450 56.4 237.3ypg 15td 12int 74.9
    2006 89 163 54.6 259.3ypg 3td 6int 66.7

    2007 296 439 67.4 284.3ypg 22td 10int 94.8
    2007 60 96 62.5 185.8ypg 6td 5int 95.0

    2008 268 390 68.7 241.8ypg 20td 14int 91.7
    2008 75 132 56.8 191ypg 2td 8int 54.0

    I'm pretty sure it was the Daily News that had this at the end of the season in the paper.

    What I notice from the above is that in 2007 his stats didn't drop off so much, but also notice that he barely threw the ball. The last game of that season where he was 9-11 99yds and 2tds with a rating of 143.8 throws off the avg rating there.

    12tds and 27ints in the last 4 games of the last four seasons combined. Generalization crack pipe? I don't think so.
  9. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    biggs was also one of the many who claimed Chad Pennington was "clearly done" before this season and that Tom Brady "choked" in last year's Super Bowl, even though he threw the go-ahead TD in the final 2:00. His evaluation of QBs is out there, in my opinion.
  10. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    As if the treatment is not being done at the Jets expense.
  11. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    i wish people would stop saying we need to cut favre. it's probably the same people who say cut coles. we're not going to cut favre, like don said we will NEVER cut favre. the fact of the matter is, if favre wants to play next year, he WILL be the starting qb for the ny jets. I think if favre wants to come back and participates in all off season activities, he will play well next year. a full year under his belt with this offense and being familiar with the player is going to help him. will he crap out down the strech next year if he plays? who knows. I am pretty sure with rex ryan as our hc favre will not have as many chances to throw crappy picks in dec next year because im sure he will make sure schotty calls more run plays.
  12. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    News flash: He answered the questions he was asked. And those were the questions he was asked.

    News flash #2: Taking longer to heal as you age is true of ALL members of species homo sapiens. Now, maybe you would have felt better if he'd gotten up there and said something that is patently false, "no, age doesn't affect my ability to recover at all!", maybe you could somehow delude yourself that Favre was right and every last member of the medical and personal fitness professions are wrong, but the rest of us who have brains and can think for ourselves and already knew the answers to that inane questions wouldn't have had much use for it.

    Thank god no lazy, brainless reporter who couldn't think of anythign more insightful to ask him said "Will you die someday Brett?" He would have answered yes, maybe would have gone on to elaborate (as he always does, bless him) "Who knows, it could be tomorrow or next month." And them people like you could come here and post "We better cut Favre, listen to him, it sounds he might die before the end of next season and then we'd eat his cap money!"


    p.s. There is an article in Sports Illustrated that I have about Favre, wehre he talks about how it is taking longer for his body each week to recover from the beatings it takes on Sundays. The issue date is 1996.
    #72 puddnhead, Jan 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2009
  13. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    If he decides to come back he will be the starting QB, he will cost us Clemens and at least two quality FA's and we will do squat next year and have to start over again in 2010.

    There is no way he moves to NJ after the SB and starts to do a serious conditioning program at the Jets facility.
  14. Determination#4

    Determination#4 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I am sure that was said about Kurt Warner a quite a few times as well. In what game will he be playing tomorrow again?

    I just can't seem to remember that guys age either......Nah, can't be, he "must be too old" !!!
  15. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    In one press conference during the season, I remember Favre saying he doesn't get massage therapy or do a lot of the regular maintenance that a lot of people do. I think if he's going to keep playing he should start. I realize he's a macho gunslinger and that's what always worked in the past for him, but he has to acknowledge that he is older and needs to do more of that kind of thing.

    I play in a bullshit basketball league, I'm 42, and I'm out there chasing 22 year old guys around the court. Much different level of competition but the same principle, probably moreso in the NFL because those guys aren't just 25, they are some of the best athletes in the world. If he's going to survive 16 (or hopefully 19) games on the field getting hit by them at age 40, he needs to change his habits a bit. That or retire, but doing what he did last year isn't going to cut it, not when he's taking up $12 million of our cap.
  16. alngtheway

    alngtheway Member

    Jan 19, 2007
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    i think this is what a lot of people are glossing over. i think the only way you can argue that favre should come back is if you think the jets will win the super bowl next year with him. otherwise, all he is doing is delaying for another year our ability to find the QB of the future. is it clemens? is it ratliff? i dont know, but we wont find out with favre as the QB. i dont know if he is done. i dont know if the NE/Tenn games are what we'll get or the end of the season. But I also don't think the Jets are going to win the SB next year with or without him, and I'd rather take that money and put it towards players that will give us a legit shot in 2-3 years and use next year to find out if Clemens or Ratliff can be our guy...
  17. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I still think it's a year to year league. All those veterans we brought in last off-season will still be here, the objective is always to win this year. Look at Miami, Atlanta, there's new examples every year. The days of rebuilding over years and taking it on the chin during that process are long gone. You load up every year with the best players you think you can get and fit in your cap and take your shot, every year.

    Even with Favre at 40, he probably gives us our best chance to win the Super Bowl next year between him, Clemens, Ratliff or anyone else we bring in. Look at the teams in the playoffs this year, with the exception of Flacco and Ryan, which are rarities, first time in history that happend. Most of them are playoff tested veterans, Rothlisberger, Warner, McNabb, Delhomme, both Mannings, Chad, Rivers, Collins.
  18. alngtheway

    alngtheway Member

    Jan 19, 2007
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    i guess it depends on how you look at it. i cannot argue with you that favre gives us the best chance of winning this year. but like i said above, i dont see the jets as being one year away though i would be very happy to be proven wrong. i just think keeping him for next year limits our chance of finding a QB who we will have for the next 5+ years, and his salary limits our chances of improving our team for next year as well. so looking at it like that, id rather not have him.

    but if he wants to prove me wrong, and comes back at his large salary and wins the super bowl for us, or even makes it to the super bowl, then i will happily admit that i was wrong...
  19. Determination#4

    Determination#4 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I don't know "which New York Jets Team" you were watching but there were quite a few players that were "fading" on my TV set !!!
  20. Determination#4

    Determination#4 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    And that's the Bottom Line !!! Bring Back Brett !!!

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