I downloaded the demo for this earlier and it's pretty awesome. I've loved the Resident Evil games since the first one came out on PS1 (the main games, at least). RE4 is one of my favorite games and this looks to be following in it's footsteps for the most part. My only gripe with RE4 was that although it was really creepy and unsettling, it didn't really have many so-terrifying-not-going-to-sleep-tonight moments like some of the others (especially the Gamecube remake of the first one). Here's hoping they up that a bit. Most of the demo is more actiony and doesn't deal with the story so I'm still crossing my fingers. I'm excited for co-op play too; my girlfriend and I are going to go nuts with that. She's a horror geek too :grin:
RE4 is great, I've played through it about 8 times (the only other RE game I played through more was RE2) but after your initial entrance to the village, the game loses all horror aspects and pretty much becomes a guns blazing action game. it's still great, but all the really challenging parts are just shooting seemingly endless hoards of enemies.
I've been itching to play a new RE game. It's been a few years since I last got into one. I'm definitely going to check this one out.
I dig the demo. Don't know if I'm going to buy it, but it's definitely worth a rent. Not a fan of not being able to move and shoot, but it is what it is. I'm sure I'll adjust. There's alot of games coming out soon, should be good.
I love the series but I was actually not a fan of the way they changed the movement system and other gameplay in RE4. I also don;t like how they changed the virus and the zombies. I think that's why it isn't scary any more, because these are just deranged people now. I know we can't go back to Raccoon City, but they seem to have done away with all the Umbrella Corp stuff. I will play this one because it is RE< but in my opinion nothing will ever beat RE2.
I never pictured you a gamer. I love RE4, especially the Wii edition, if you got a Wii, pick it up, the pointer makes it even better, than it was on the PS2. I was never that big of a fan, of the earlier games, because the camera anoyed the hell out of me, I just couldn?t get used to it. I?m definitly gonna pick up RE5, but I?m not sure how much I?m gonna miss the pointer. I hope the Demo will be here soon for the PS3 also, fucking MS, with their exclusive policy, and make their own customers pay for it. If the 360 onlineservice would be free, everyone would get the stuff at the same time, and 360 users would save a lot of money, this way, MS is making it hard for every gamer.
I actually only have XBox Live silver, which was free. It was exclusive to the paying gold users Monday through Thursday (I think) and then opened up to everyone else for the rest of the week. As far as playing online, I agree that paying for XBL is bullshit, especially when the other 2 consoles are free.
OK so RE5 demo is on Playstation Netowkr now!!!!!! I like it man...I think the character models could look at bit better, and if it was designed exclusively for PS3 I think they'd look more like Snake in MG but still, I think the game is going to be very good...... They need to allow you to move and shoot though....not like in a FPS where accuracy isn't affected, but there needs to be a way to at least walk as you shoot. Has anyone completed it yet?
the demo looks great, but gameplay is pretty boring. I'm on the fence about this one. it will probably be a good game, much like RE3 was, but suffer from following an outstanding game while not adding anything new.