A lot of people on here are all ready to claim Rex as a great coach. The last time I checked he hasn't been a NFL HC so why do you think he going to be so great? I sure hope it not because of the D he had in Baltimore. There is a awful lot of talent on the D side of the ball there, so how much was really him? I know who his dad is but tell me if I am wrong but his dad never won a SB as a HC. Now with all that said I am not saying he going to be a bad coach but he has to prove some things to me as a HC before I am going to talk about him like some are doing on here.
The point is, people claimed Mangini couldn't motivate his players. He is a rather lifeless corpse on the sideline. I wouldn't want the leader of my team to look like someone shit in his Wheaties all the time. Rex commands respect, period.
I think the most important attribute that Rex Ryan brings to the table is that he actualy has a history with the Jets. His father was a coach for the Super Bowl win, and Rex, his son, actually wants to coach in NYC. I can't think of another head coach for the Jets who actually had a history with the team. We always had guys like Eric Mangini (a Patriots assistant), Bill Parcells (The Giants guy--and his assistants Belichek, Groh, etc.), Coslet (the Bengwads guy), Kotite (Eagles guy)... I know I am leaving a few coaches out of the equation, but anyhow, this is why I feel optimistic about Rex Ryan. He is the first true New York Jets Head Coach. And I am sure he will kick ass.
When players from that great defense that makes him look so good want to come to NY to play for him, they are good.... name players that wanted to do that with the other coaches.
im not saying your wrong I just want to know where you read that. because i would love to read that, and sticky it.
If you search for "Trevor Pryce" a few threads might pop up with him and a few others saying that.... I was a couple of days after Ryan's hiring.... maybe I can find it. EDIT::: Found it http://forums.theganggreen.com/showthread.php?t=41640&highlight=trevor+pryce
Rex gave us something we have not has since Parcells walked the sideline, a feeling of dominance. Not hope, because even the most perennial loser can have hope, he gives us the belief that we can crush, bully and dominate our opponents. Rex believes and he is making believers out of players and fans without even stepping on the field. A team that believes can achieve. I as most fans were stoked just listening to his speech.
How do you know that he's going to be that animated on the sidelines? He might keep it in the locker room. Of course, the team is gonna play with an attitude, but not sure he's gonna pull a Parcells and get in someones face when they come off the field. To answer the original post, of course we don't know how good a coach he can be, he's just what the doctor ordered though when it comes to attitude and honesty after the uptight one. That's enough for now
I vote to give you the title of #1 Jets fan and take it away from the darksider OP. I agree that his attitude is a major benefit to us. We do have talent and camaraderie and, at times, discipline. We NEVER had the attitude. I saw it briefly when we beat Tennessee and NE back to back and were starting to get nasty on D, but it was briefly. Because MAngini couldn't keep that fire lit, we crashed. I would bet everything I have that Ryan is better at keeping that flame lit.
We don't know, but I do think there is more to go on in hoping this is true than what is the basis for, for example, enthusiasm about Raitliff. By the way I think you are mixing up "claiming to be a great coach" with "hoping he will be a great coach." I think there are a lot more saying the latter than the former.
I know someone who is a Ravens fan & he told me we got a steal that this guy is a great football coach & I know he is not lying to me cause every chance he gets he tells me how bad the Jets stink. If Rex was not a good coach he would have rubbed it in like he always has done in the past with other coaches we have hired.
He looks good and says the right things. Let's hope that carries over onto the field. After the penguin anything has to be an improvement.
I think the reason everyone seems so happy is that this guy actually has a good track record. Groh & Herm were only position coaches when they took over & Mangini was a D coach for 1 year before he took over the Jets all 3 of these guys were not even really proven D coaches. I also think that Grohs relationship with Tuna, Herms relationship with Bradway & Manginis relationship with MR. T all helped them get the job & they were not the best guy for the spot. I know Rex is not MR. T OR Woodys golfing buddy (cause we would have heard about it if he was) he has earned this spot he has been coaching in college & the pros for over 20 years. Also no more 3 man rush & prevent D we will get after the QB now which I love I would rather blitz & just miss the QB & get beat than to sit back & get picked apart all day.
Both HC's in the Super Bowl this year are in their first jobs as HC's. I'll take my chances with a first time HC, especially one that's had success as a coordinator. Herm and even Mangini couldn't really claim that. Herm was never a coordinator, and Mangini was one for a single season.
i agree with the posts saying we lacked attitude. we have the talent (maybe pass coverage is an exception)...but talent ain't doing shit without someone putting that talent in the right position and frame of mind to succeed. and rex looks like that guy. hez brought a namathsque attitude already by guaranteeing a sb in 4 yrs.
Since Eric Mangini was the ONLY member of this franchise to pay the price for this team's self destruction in '08, you'd better pray that our leadership has removed it's head from it's ass when they chose Ryan. If Ryan turns out to be another bum, then this franchise won't be worth the time or trouble to follow anymore going forward until the leadership changes up top. Be Optimistic about Ryan. There's really no other option..
Who has been claiming he's a great head coach? I think a lot of people are optimistic, but I don't remember reading anyone saying he is a great head coach. It's a great point that he had outstanding personnel in Baltimore. We will find out soon enough if he was part of the reason why they were so good. I think most of us probably are wondering if the players made him, he made the players or if it was a combination of both. The best part about the Rex hiring so far IMO is that he's calling the defense. If nothing else, he has great pedigree and has proven himself as a DC.