Some of those seats in the bleachers you have a better view of people eating in the resturant then the opposite field. God help the people sitting on the end of the row in 201 and 239.
Yeah, that really pisses me off. Not that I sit in the bleachers, but damn, these are people paying to see a game, and they'll miss anything hit to the opposite side of the outfield from their seats.
At least, if you are in the nose bleeds you are covered by the "Fence", one bright side to these seats. Come to think of it, this stadium is pretty open, there aren't many seats covered by the deck above them. Rainy days will suck for games.
Nothing at all. I just wanted to see what other people had to say on the Torre book fiasco. Personally I think he's a hypocrite.
Ah, fair enough. I'm pretty sure a couple of the guys on here post on Yankee boards. I've never been on any Yankee boards though. As for Torre, the more I see, the more I think that, yeah, he's a hypocrite. I still want to reserve final judgement until more than just the Daily News gives their version of the story though.
So there is no doubt the Yankees are really pissed. MAYBE Torre will get his number retired...maybe...but if he does it will be long after he is dead. "According to Thursday's editions of Newsday, the club is deliberating whether to include a "non-disparagement clause" in the contracts of future players and managers, should they decide later to write about their experiences in pinstripes. Co-written by Torre and Sports Illustrated's Tom Verducci and due out Tuesday, "The Yankee Years," among other things, details how some teammates referred to Alex Rodriguez as "A-Fraud" after he joined the franchise in 2004, and it compares his supposed obsession with Derek Jeter to the movie "Single White Female." Torre managed the Yankees from 1996 to 2007 before taking over the Los Angeles Dodgers last season. He is scheduled to appear on "Late Show with David Letterman" on Wednesday to promote his new book; his first interview to discuss "The Yankee Years" is slated for "Larry King Live" on Friday. A Yankees official, quoted anonymously by Newsday, told the newspaper that some front-office members already are required to sign a confidentiality agreement in order to protect "proprietary knowledge of our business model." Club officials, according to the report, would like to ensure that any future books are "positive in tone" and "do not breach the sanctity of our clubhouse."
I'm no A-Rod fan, but honestly, the whole "A-Fraud" nickname by his team mates is preposterous. Sounds like something a group of jealous nancys would call him. "Boo-Hoo, he is the best player in MLB, and he is being paid like it! I'm just a middle of the road player making $20 million dollars less then him! He is a fraud!" Retarded. All that said, I'll read this book.
And now David Wells calls Torre a punk. I would guess he must be thinking by now this wasn't such a great idea. ""What we do as athletes, that's our problem, our business, and a lot of guys have come out and destroyed that," Wells said. "That's why they don't have any friends. You just don't do that, and that's what Joe did. When you break the code, you're a punk."
The best players in baseball usually come through when their teams need them the most. ARod never comes through in october and rarely from April-Septmeber.
But he puts his team in position to win by his presence alone. Do you think Jeter would get half the pitches he does, or that Teix will, if ARod wasn't in that lineup? I know you know the answer to that junc.