Have a question for all you Farve haters

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by #1 Jets Fan, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I love how all the idiots band together.
  2. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    it is pretty well known that the jets had offers out there to move ahead of the ravens to take flacco......

    the ravens got wind of it and made the move to get him

  3. nyjetsjetsjets

    nyjetsjetsjets New Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    All i want is a receiver who can be the deep threat we need [Clowney + a draft pick or FA], Bart Scott at ILB, McAlister [but moved to FS], and let whichever of our QB's that can run the offense best start. There is no reason why we can't win now. With Mangini gone, we should be less predictable for the Patriots, and actually playing to our players' strengths. How can any of us possibly know what our players' strengths are, if they've been in a "system" for the past 3 years? I reserve judgement until i've seen who we draft and bring on board from free agency.
  4. jetsmetsfan

    jetsmetsfan New Member

    Apr 20, 2004
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    What is this? Let play pretend WE'll find out soon enough maybe it's Brett or Kellen It could be Ratliff of maybe some one else.Let put our trust in this guy I tired of having a team with no face. Lets fianally ralley around Rex and shoeew some face /pride I getting pumped!!!!!
  5. jigglebilly

    jigglebilly New Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Nicely said, no matter who is next seasons QB, we still should cheer him on.
  6. Johnny4

    Johnny4 New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    If thy struggle until they find themselves, they aren't making a point, you are finding a QB. Worked out pretty good for Baltimore, Atlanta and New England this year. The common factor is they all had good D's. I even like Anderson from Cleveland, his game is made for the Meadowlands. I'd trade for him for a 3rd this year and a conditional next year. Although Cleveland would be stupid to trade a decent QB that's affordable.
  7. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Actually at 8-3 No, I felt like we probably would have had the same record if Chad Pennington or Kellen Clemens were the starting QB, and you know what we would have ended up at least 9-7 if Chad or Kellen were the starting QB.

    The only thing Favre did was set us back a year in developing a QB and make a divsion rival in Miami stronger.
  8. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Chad that maybe true not really sure but PLEASE tell me what has Kellen done to make u think that?
  9. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    To be honest I do not like Clemens and was very adamant last yer that I did not think he was the answer.

    I only think we would have had the same record with Kellen as Favre is because of the schedule, O line and improved D for the first 3 quaters of the season.

    The only game I think that Brett won for us that the other 2 probably would have lost was the 2nd NE game, However I think either Chad or Kellen would have won the first NE game.

    Bottom Line is Favre really did not make a difference in my opinion last year, I do not hail the 8-3 start on him , nor do I cast to much blame on the 1-4 finish on him.
  10. The Grim Revis

    The Grim Revis New Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    This is a "what have you done for me lately" city.

    Why take the chance on bringing back a 40 year old coming off a bad year with a partial tear in his shoulder?

    Why not start of the Ryan regime with a new face? It could be Clemens, Ratliff, Sanchez, Stafford, Anderson, etc. I think we should cut our losses and accept that the Favre thing didn't work.

    I know we were 8-3, but we finished 9-7. Doesn't matter what we did in the first 11 eleven weeks. The Jets blew it in the last 5, and Favre was a huge part of that.

    Chances are that at age 40, Favre's shoulder won't be getting much better, even after rehabbing it.

    It makes no sense for this organization to start Brett Favre in 2009, and it is really only setting Rex Ryan up for failure, just like it did with Eric Mangini.
  11. concussion80

    concussion80 New Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    I don't want him because he has NO ability to make plays with his feet when he needs to, and without massive depth at WR like the Cards have, there is no way he does what Warner is able to.

    There were SO MANY times that the Ol gave him time and room to make plays on the scramble and he either hesitated or threw the ball away.

    I am sick of seeing that shit.

    I might also add that, even if we bring him back, it's highly unlikely we get to Super Bowl so why bother wasting another year
    compromising our future, specially with a new head coach.

    We need to start fresh and focus on defense and let the QB situation shake out in the next 2 years.
  12. takrew

    takrew New Member

    Jan 21, 2009
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    Please refer to his last 10 years in GB..... don't want to see that here in NY.
  13. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Well there has been no drama in NY so far. Don't sweat it, he'll announce his retirement in early February.
  14. tom spicer

    tom spicer New Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Yea with Kellen or Chad we would have beat the Cards when Favre had 6 TD'S & we would have beat the Titans & the Pats in there house with Chad or Kellen STAY OFF THE CRACK
  15. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    How would Chad or Kellen have done against the Seahawks, 49ers, Raiders and Broncos? That's such a stupid argument.
  16. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I would trade the wins against Tenn & NE for wins against Oak, 49ers, Broncos & Seahawks.
  17. tom spicer

    tom spicer New Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Kellen & Chad would have beat Oak, 49ers, Broncos & Seahawks right ? Yea ok Chad played 1 full season in 8 years with us he was always hurt. We would never win a Super Bowl with Chad as our QB PERIOD. Kellen got beat out in camp this year by Chad & managment already knew Chad was not the answer thats why they traded for Favre cause they knew if Kellen could not beat out Chad he was not the answer either. Kellen played so poorly Ratliff passed him on the depth chart what does that tell you ?
  18. supersonic

    supersonic Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2003
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    1. He is too old to take the rigors, and just getting older.
    2. He has a throwing arm injury that he does not want to get fixed.
    3. He does not want to participate in the offseason training program.
    4. He has been horrible down the stretch for the last 3 years.
    5. He is an attention whore
    6. From all reports the players are not fond of him
    7. He puts himself above the team.
    8. His retirement drama routine is wearing thin on everyone.
    9. He is a vindictive prick just based on his shenanigans with GB last year.
    10. He never wanted to play in NY anyway but he had no choice after he was unable to manipulate GB.
    11. His cap number is huge and his based on his performance his cap number should be about 1/4 of what it is.
    12. If we keep him we will have little money to do anything else.
    13. We have 3 young homegrown QB's on our roster that we need to explore.

    In short he's old, he's dick, he's expensive and he needs to go.
  19. tom spicer

    tom spicer New Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    13. We have 3 young homegrown QB's on our roster that we need to explore
    We have a real shot to win the Super Bowl next year with 1 of these 3 as our QB.

    Jamie Dukes on the NFL network said to all Jet players get a clue the QB is treated differently than the rest of the team it has always been that way & will always be that way WAKE UP !
  20. supersonic

    supersonic Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2003
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    I guess if you were a Pats fan you would have said the same thing about Tom Brady.

    Dukes is a dunce. I saw the clip. Hardly all are treated differently. Dating back to Parcells all of our QBs have been 100% involved in the offseason program. And if you were to say that to Phil Simms, I am sure he would beg to differ.

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