Alio's Kick Ass Program

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by AlioTheFool, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    I am starting NO Xplode and Creatine in a week and a is it OK if I keep eating lean for the month I am on them, or should i add some more calories and carbs to the diet?
  2. JoeJet

    JoeJet Banned

    May 7, 2006
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    When did this turn into a gay thread? Guys constantly talking about their body development. Who gives a freak?
  3. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    when was it about anything other than fitness, be that aerobic or weight lifting?
  4. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    Iso curls? You do realize that iso (isometric) means not curling, right? You should be holding at different positions in the muscle's range of motion each time, as well.

    Negatives are great exercises that not enough people do.

    I also highly suggest a modified hammer curl, where you start with your knuckles facing up and rotate your wrist so that at the end of the motion, your knuckles are facing away from you. You can also invert the rotation though I find it hard as hell (which means I should do it more often). It really develops the wrist and works multiple angles of the bicep.

    Remember, you don't work muscles - You work motions. The more motions you do with a muscle, the more strength you will develop.

    Personal recommendation (that most people will tell you not to do, admittedly): I HIGHLY recommend (if you can stomach it) eating/drinking high protein foods/drinks (meat, milk, protein shakes, etc) during your workouts, after an exercise. The best gains I've ever gotten were from eating steak and beef products during and immediately after workouts and rugby practices, and I mean IMMEDIATELY (step off field, reach in bag, grab cold beef burrito I brought from home, chomp, feel amazing the next day rather than sore). I know a lot of people don't have the cast-iron stomach that I have, so this may not be for you.

    AKA drop sets?
    #544 Quack, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2009
  5. Guelah97

    Guelah97 Member

    Jan 24, 2008
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    ^ Yeah, drop sets/strip sets whatever you want to call them in order to keep stimualting more muscle fiber.
  6. InChadWeTrust

    InChadWeTrust New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    I do but your not going to like my answer: pull ups
  7. 1028

    1028 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    If you're gonna go with a vertical pull to help him build bicep strength, chinups would probably be a better recommendation. Weighted ones, if possible.

    Nearing a 455 bench, hopefully under 220. Will post a vid if anyone gives a shit.
  8. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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  9. boogerstyles

    boogerstyles New Member

    Jul 19, 2004
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    I meant more "isolation" curls, as in using a lighter weight (for me 30s or 35s) and concentrating on motion and not going into a resting position during the set (like at the extremes of the range of movement in the curling motion where your muscles aren't working). To be honest I just feel like my bicep workout in inconsistent, my strength varies and hasn't improved really at all, while I've seen good gains especially in chest and legs over the past 4-5 months. I guess everyone has that weak muscle group..
  10. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Great bumps here all! I love to see when people are still working even if they feel like they've fell off a bit. I actually sort of fell back around the holidays. I still worked out most days, but there were quite a few that I just didn't "feel like it" so I skipped.

    While I amazingly didn't gain any weight, I lost a lot of muscle definition, and my gut started expanding again. I've been busting my ass the past few weeks, and everything is getting back to pre-holiday form.

    One comment I'd like to chime in on is Quack's suggestion of eating during workouts. I don't eat food during workouts, but I do drink my protein shake during the workout. He's right, it definitely helps combat soreness, and you do see better gains from doing it, as opposed to eating at other times.

    Something else everyone trying to lose weight might to look into doing: drinking green tea. Recent studies have shown green tea to raise metabolism. The bagged stuff is good, but supposedly using the leaf is better. I've never even seen the leaf, so I just drink bagged (though I haven't had any in a few weeks. I need to get back to it.) Sweeten it with pure honey so that you avoid all the sugar.

    Congrats to all making progress, and to all making the effort, best of luck!
  11. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    Yeah, I've lost 25 pounds since the season, so I'm gonna get my ass handed to me when rugby starts up again. WEIGHT LOSS BAD. That's what happens when you take 3 weeks off from lifting.
  12. 1028

    1028 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Yeah my cut isn't going as well as planned either. Still wanna to lose another 10 pounds to get circa 210ish. Was supposed to be well done with it by now, but whatever. I wanted to take this cut slower than my last few cuts to make sure I kept the strength gains. I can't really complain though... I've actually managed to put on some solid strength during the cut (especially on bench, which has boomed 40 pounds or so). Squat has gone up around 30, and my DL has remained stagnant since I began the cut.

    Hopefully I can lose these last few pounds by March, then begin hitting the shit hard again. Aiming for a 500 bench and 650+ squat/dl by August.
  13. 1028

    1028 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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  14. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Need advice on my diet plan...posted this in forums got no response.

    I guess for starters I am 26, 6'1", 223 pounds, with an athletic build, and a semi-active lifestyle (always on my feet at work, workout 4-5 days a week, and participate in year round sports). I am not a gym novice, but I recently hired a personal trainer specifically for injury prevention, concentrating on my legs (torn ACL/Meniscus, high ankle sprain, badly pulled hamstring, to name a few) for the sports I play. He pulled the calipers out today and I got 18% body fat and we set a goal of 12% (no date discussed).

    I've started this diet over the last couple of days and would love a critique on it. (It seems its very similar to the Dave Palumbo diet.

    Typical weekday diet (weekdays are easier for me to adhere to a strict regimen because I have people prepare food for me.

    Meal 1: 4 egg white omelet, 1/4 cup chopped onions, 1/4 cup diced tomatoes 2 piece whole wheat toast (no butter), 2 tblspn ketchup.
    Meal 2: Met-Rx RTD-51 Chocolate Shake
    Meal 3: 2 Grilled chicken breasts (approx 8 oz.) over romaine lettuce, 1 tbspn extra virgin olive oil + red wine vinegar, 20oz. caffeine free diet dr. pepper
    Meal 4: (Pre-Gym) Met-Rx RTD-51 Chocolate Shake
    Meal 5: 8oz. Lean ground turkey (or 90/10 red meat), lemon juice for taste, over iceberg lettuce.

    So basically I've calculated 1,858 Cals, 73G/Fat, 73G/Carbs., 224G/Protein during the week.

    On the weekend my diet is different because I prepare the food myself.

    Meal 1: 1 cup 100% liquid egg whites.
    Meal 2: Met-RX RTD 51 Chocolate Shake
    Meal 3: 8 oz lean ground turkey, 1 cup 100% liquid egg whites, over iceberg lettuce, 1 tblspn extra virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar, spices.
    Meal 4: 46G 100% Whey Protein shake in water. 1 tblspn natural Peanut Butter.
    Meal 5: 8 oz lean ground turkey, 1 cup 100% liquid egg whites, over iceberg lettuce, 1 tblspn extra virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar, spices.

    Calculation: 1875 Calories, 63G/Fat, 73G/Carbs, 244G/Protein.

    So the weekly breakdown in percentage is, 54% Protein, 30.8% Fat, 15.2% Carbs.

    Aside from what I consume, every day I take: Flax Seed Oil, Fish Oil, AST Multi Pro 32 X Multivitamin, Reservatrol, 2 tabs CVS Fiber chewables, and Animal Flex Stack for my joints.

    I realize I need to cut out the tomatoes and ketchup. And I drink water sporadically throughout the day as well. Other than that any tweaks I need to do?
  15. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    no help???????
  16. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    im not an expert by any means, but what are your goals? are you trying to lose weight or gain muscle? if your trying to gain muscle mass your diet could use more calories. you actually need an excess of calories every day if you want to add on more muscle.

    if your trying to shed weight you should see some good results from what you posted.
    i dont know your age or weight but guys usually burn more than 2,000 calories a day without any exercise. so adding in that your working out regularly and your burning a lot more calories than your taking in.

    and to be honest if your working out regularly you dont need to cut out the ketchup or anything else. it shouldn't affect your progress to any significant degree, but if you feel like eliminating anything you consider bad go for it. if you wanna keep a little taste in your diet you can get away with the ketchup.
  17. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Goal stated in the first go from 18% body fat to 12% body fat...but I guess more specifically, maintain my muscle mass while shedding % fat.

    Also, my age and weight are in the first things mentioned in the paragraph...26 6'1", 223LBS, Athletic build...18% body fat from the caliper test.
    #557 GQMartin, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  18. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    my bad i just looked at the meal plan, never even looked at the stuff above it.

    well im not a fan of the shakes or anything, but i guess people like them and have success with them so whatever works for you. again the food shouldn't be a problem if you stick to that diet the ketchup wont hurt anything.

    personally my best success losing weight has been when drinking a gallon of water a day. i know it sounds like a lot but if you can get in the habit of drinking water instead of anything else it becomes easy. thats about the only suggestion i can offer on your meal plan, instead of drinking water sporadically make it a regular thing.
  19. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Kenny did you buy a gallon jug and keep refilling it, or did you just buy 7 jugs/week?
  20. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    1.5 x bodyweight = Demigodhood

    2 X Body weight = Godhood.

    Good luck Bro! Would love to see the vid!

    Ever go over to t-mag?

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