What the hell is wrong with you? He can do whatever he wants in his spare time, he's a young man trying to make himself a better person, especially considering he doesn't hae to do anything team related in months.
sorry...maybe i shud've broken it down into a few smaller sentences for folks like u. i was saying that if this "story" picks up, and becomes "hot", then the friend cud find himself in an awkward position of making public something that was confided to him. (lemme know, i can further break the last sentence down into a few smaller ones)
"Lemmie" is a colloquial term the correct term to use would be "let me know" , or the more correct usage would be "Could you possibly inform me?" LOL
This is probably it, seriously if I was in Brett's situation I may not be all buddy buddy either as the old man in the group. It would be a different issue if he kept to himself during the game which to me he doesn't do. I think the haters want to spin everything into he is an asshole.
So in the span of one thread we have Favre being defended and excuses being made for his lack of communication with and committment to his team or his teammates, for his horrible performance down the stretch, and for his age (I guess 40 year old QBs don't need to talk to teammates??/). Then Ferguson, who had a good year, is being criticized for getting an MBA with people saying that indicates he is not dedicated to football? My fellow Jet fans are unbelievable. What should Ferguson be doing that he is not doing? And which player is still in New York? In some people's eyes, it is amazing that Favre can do absolutely no wrong. A QB goes 1-4 in his last 5 games with 2 TDs and 9 picks a QB rating of 40 and throws passes that quack and it is the fault of:1) the defense(????), the wide receivers, the offensive line, the coaching staff, and the fans - all of whom didn't give the QB the respect and reverence he deserved for past performance and reputation, present awful performance be damned.
were jets fans, this is what we do? Anybody familiar with soccer in england, anybody see the parallels with newcastle united?
So you think just because he is taking a class he isnt working out in the off-season??? Brick is one of the few guys that is in the training complex all off-season and works harder then almost anyone on the team. If the guy wants to expand his mind and take clases he has the right to do so.
Dont argue with these retards. I have heard dumb shit here, really dumb shit, just look Don is prominent with his abject absurdity as an example, but to say Brick isn't good because he is getting an MBA takes the fucking cake. Yeah his run blocking isnt that great because he is getting ready to write a thesis on the importance of using leverage to build a company. Jet fans have hit a new low in shear stupidity. I beg anyone that actually thinks that to please post after me because then I can put you on ignore because your opinion is worth less then a broken clock, as it is right twice a day and they are not!
Of course that's the talk down in the sticks for the Packers/Favre fans. You're loyalty to Favre has blinding you all and you think Favre can do no wrong. He cost this team a lot down the stretch with his bad decision making. Mangini didn't tell Favre to throw all those terrible interceptions
:rofl::rofl::rofl: LOL some of you are Really holding it against Brick for getting an MBA? Wow some of you must be some insecure fucks. What's the matter, scared that an O-Lineman might be smarter than you?
Do you think D'Brick could spend a little more time in the weight room rather than working on his MBA?
Haha, who the hell's Burt? And if that was on purpose, it's even funnier. :lol: Although I think it's Bert, still hilarious. Doesn't take much to get me going. :lol:
I've always liked the Jets first, Favre second. I'm not from the side of the state that views him as an idol. I spent a couple summers in NYC growing up and learned to like the teams there rather than the ones at home. Favre's joining the team lead me to a google search, and I found this board, and thought Mississippi Jet was a unique name for distinction amongst people who mostly live or lived in the NY area. Also, please use proper sentence structure as well as contractions when addressing me. Your use of "you're" even threw me off, and I am exposed to the "ignoramus" language on a daily basis.
Yeah, seriously. The real question is why go to Dowling for an MBA, that school and program is a a total joke.