Ryan's Success Depends on Favre Retiring

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joe Willie White Shoes, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. GreatSwamp

    GreatSwamp Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    really? u serious?.....we should bring in joey harrington and tim rattay while were at it.....
  2. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    That's what Raider fans said when they signed Jim Plunkett off the scrap heep. Joey Harrington and Tim Rattay don't have David Carr talent.

    Carr had his ass kicked for years and clearly had battle fatigue. He has had a chance to sit and heal up and watch on a very good team. This is exactly what happened with Plunkett who went on to win 2 SB with Oakland. I'm not saying that happens here but Carr might well come dirt cheap and if he is over combat fatigue has the goods. With a chance to compete for the starting job he probably comes for backup money.
    #62 winstonbiggs, Jan 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2009

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Your absolutely right regarding this. I really think one of our two Qb's on the Roster can run the Run first protect the ball Offense that Ryan wants but because of our Mgmt and fanbase impatience were never really given a chance to do so. Ryan has a window of oppourtunity to try and actually find out the answer to this question the right way. If he starts Farve or a Journeyman and the team Falters this time next year he will have to do whatever is necessary to save his a**! Mangini should have got a new Qb the First year he started while he still had a chance. This decision will dictate the Ryan era. I would take the unknown behind door number one because we already know what we have in Farve. Greenbay let him go for a reason.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I agree with this 100%. Carr was never given a chance to succeed.
  5. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Completely agree. No more of this Qb competition nonsense, or hoping the impasse can be resolved with some savior appearing, as last off season. The odds of getting a Joey Flacco in this year's draft are between slim and nil. Who starts opening day? If Favre is not coming back, and Schott says Clemens or Ratliff should not be, they have to go vet FA, and that right now is perhaps acceptable, but not all that compelling or attractive a prospect. On the other hand maybe he gives a thumbs up to Clemens...

    The Jets Qb situation right now is kind of like a guy hears from his high school sweetheart/favorite sex partner from years ago, and agrees to a date at a watering hole.

    She shows up and looks great as she walks through the door. But even after a couple of drinks you realize she's looking a bit haggard, her personal life is a mess, and she even lets slip that migraines have taken a toll on her sex drive. She tops it off by saying she has to leave when she gets a call from her kid's babysitter that he's puking in the bathroom.

    As she leaves you survey the room, and all that's left are 4's, 5's and maybe if you slam one more double a six.

    That about covers it.
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    :lol: Wow, that's a rough night.
  7. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Yeah, but the battle fatigue thing might be real. I always think of Ken O'Brien when that issue comes up. It can ruin a guy.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Im sure we have all been here before and your point hits home.
  9. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    O'Brien was a deer in the headlights under any pressure. When a pass rusher broke free and was coming at him he couldn't stay on the reciever and throw the ball anyway, then take the hit like so many guys you see. He would get 'happy feet'. Yes, he had an arm and was as accurate as any QB in the league. He just didn't have the whole package.
  10. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I don't think O'Brien played like that early in his career. That's the point, he got banged around about as much as I've ever seen any Qb, and it took a toll.
  11. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I think O'Brien was just slow-footed and that was his undoing. Even his first full year when he was awesome and we went 11-5 he took 62 sacks. As that O-line got old, McNeil and Hector got old, Shuler and Walker got old and Al Toon got the shit knocked out of him, O'Brien had less help and his fatal flaw was a lot more exposed.

    But even late in his career, if he had time he could play. The end of the 1991 Miami game to get in the playoffs, he was money. We got down the field for that Allegre FG in less than a minute after Miami scored. He had the arm, the brains and the cool, he just didn't have a quick release and couldn't get out of his own way or sense pressure.
  12. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I vaguely remember his play. I became a Jets fan just before Todd retired and some of that is kind of hazy, but from what I remember O'Brien was almost like Drew Bledsoe in a sense.
  13. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    That's a pretty good comparison, actually.
  14. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    You know Marino was slow footed, too. But he always had good pass blocking OL's. Run blocking, not so much, but that's another story.

    You can succeed at Qb in the NFL without being quick on your feet, but yeah, not with the OL that deteriorated toward the end of O'Brien's Jet career.
  15. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    O'Brien was easily the second best QB in Jets history and probably had more big games than anyone including Namath.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    What about Vinnie?
  17. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Marino had the presence to step one way or the other to avoid a big hit, plus he got rid of the ball so fast he wasn't prone to the drive killing sacks as O'Brien was. O'Brien threw less picks but he often held the ball too long and never felt the rush coming. You don't have to run like Randall Cunningham to feel the rush coming and slide one way or the other.
  18. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Vinny was way better than O'Brien, played better at the Meadowlands in cold weather and won more big games. I was a big fan of both, but to me Vinny was better hands down.
  19. GriffDog

    GriffDog Member

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Farve isn't coming back plain and simple. From there I think Clemens and ratlif and Ainge for that matter deserve a shot. I have no problem letting a young qb take the reigns. We will be a run first team with a heavy Defense and a good O-line... If you are going to bring in a young qb you better do it now especially since it will be the year of new coaching era. we don't need a veteran qb to win.. we need a well rounded team and smart play calling (and decision making) So yes we can win with what we have but we need to play hard smart football. I personally hate Schotty calling the plays ..those shot guns passes on first downs and the majority of play calls I saw last year were awful.. leon not getting the ball...who does that fall on.. I hope he changes with the new regime coming in. anyway tell me what you guys think
  20. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Just curious, was that "one good year in last five" 2007, when he had 4200 yards passing and led his team to a division win and had a 1:1 TD:INT ratio and the 2nd best passer rating of his 17 year career, or 2004 when he had 4100 yards passing and led his team to a division win and had a 2:1 TD:INT ratio and the 4th best passer rating of his career?

    I guess I'm having a hard time calling either of those two performances "bad", yet you insist one of them was.

    The reality is that Favre did have two of his four worst seasons in 2005 and 2006, but ... that's it. He has not been "bad for a long time" like you imply, it's teh OPPOSITE that's true. IMO his problems those two years partially derive from the tact he was also playing on a team with the least experience in the league (yes even with counting him in) in 2005, and the second least in 2006. I cannot tell you how many times I saw Driver get double teamed in those two years, while his other receivers run the wrong routes.

    Most of the rest of his recent seasons he played great. You keep talking like he's sucked for a long time, but yet he has only been on one losing team his entire career, and the Packers won 10 or more games in 5 of the last 7 seasons he played for them. They (and he) had TWO bad years. PERIOD. Claiming anything more than that is just telling us about your ignorance, not anything about Favre's play.

    But I'm sure you know so much more than I do about this. What do I know, I only watched 95% of his games. You obviously read something somewhere, or overheard someone say something, so you know how he was playing a lot better than me. I was only watching him.

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