Get Rid of Clemens

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by RedWhiteBlue&Green, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    agreed...Can't really make a judgement on Clemens yet till we see how he performs with the current talent around him.

    Sidenote: GREAT avatar, Vision!
  2. RedWhiteBlue&Green

    RedWhiteBlue&Green Active Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    Ratliff looked great in pre-season. Of course he was only throwing to scrubbs, but he looked great nonetheless. If I were the Jets, I would sign him. And our team is pretty good. If there's a top qb left in our spot in the draft, I think we have to snatch him.

    I believe Favre is going to stay for another season. So I would cut Clemens and Ainge and keep Ratliff and the new draft pick. That's if my planets align properly in the pre-season and Mars doesn't collide with Earth. Maybe just a collision with Boston :D
  3. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Hey IS,

    Maybe it's your birthday, or maybe the new year, but I TOTALLY AGREE with that post! On the money.

    I think the key to your post is the If part, really the second if, as that relates to the first - we can post all we want here, but the likely answer to who plays Qb will depend on what Favre wants to do.

    Getting back to the first If, yeah, if Favre does not come back, there's really no reason to get rid of Clemens, at least not yet. The Jets can bring in the best vet they can find, but at this point of the ones who are available I am not sure any would deserve to just have the team handed to them. The Ratliff fans here, hard as the time is that I have in understanding them, would at least agree on that.

    Despite the OP, we really don't know enough about Clemens to just toss him away. If Favre is coming back, there is no reason to do so. Nor do I really see a reason if Favre is not.

    If Favre does come back, a real effort should be made to get a better feel of who ranks second and third on the depth chart. The smoke may clear by then. Drafting Qb should depend on who is available. If no options look good, so be it.
  4. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    It would be insane to count Clemens out at this point. I think he deserves a long look with a legitimate cast surrounding him. My only beef with him is that I wish he were bigger. Other than that, he was asked to do a lot when he had his one chance, and I expect him to impress us the next time.

    Ratliffe? He's got potential. We keep him too, obviously. I didn't even get to see his Clowney highlights in the preseason games so I am not ready to put him ahead of Clemens.

    I'd bring in a vet once Favre retires. At first I'd say Leftwich, though Garcia probably makes more sense.
  5. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Take some of my shit too...retard!!!
  6. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    And incase if you were under that rock last off season, we acquired about 6 other excellent players too.
  7. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Favre: "No more years, no more years" He also gave us the confidence to lose 4 out of 5 when we needed the wins the most. Why do we keep defending this guy. Don't get me wrong he is the best qb to ever play in this league the stats don't lie. He just didn't seem like he was that interested in playing anymore. He just doesn't seem to have that fire burning inside for football.
  8. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    That is an accurate assessment IMO. Favre overall may not have had that much impact on the team this year. There are games that he was the difference in a win (the 2nd Patriots game is the A1 example), there are games he was probably the difference in a loss (we probably would have won at least one of those final games with a different QB in there -- even with such terrible D play in that stretch).

    The question is, what happened at the end? If it's injury or lack of conditioning in offseason finally catching up with him, then I say we want him back for 2009, since those issues will hopefully be gone. The nincompoops say he's old and washed up, and I wondered that myself 18 months ago, but that doesn't make any sense given what he's done in the last 18 months, for the first 21 of that 26 game stretch he has had plenty of amazing games. The nincompoops can't explain that, so they ignore it. If he takes offseason conditioning seriously, does the camps etc, then when the opening snap comes he will actually know what the hell he's doing this time and if he can keep his patience, he has a real shot a great veteran game manager a la John Elway at the twilight of his career.

    But only if he wants it. I think right now he really doubts that he wants it enough, and if that desire doesn't come back soon then he probably will quit. But if Rex Ryan is serious and does want him back, maybe he can stoke that fire that I'm sure Favre still has deep down.
  9. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Favre was terrible late in the year, but the team as a whole also tanked. Why I have no idea. Things that worked didn't, strengths of the team became weaknesses. It was hard to take, and difficult to watch a good team self destruct.

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