What Would YOU Do To Get Back Under the Cap?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by EcKo151, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    And be able to bring in a pretty good free agent to boot. We know Mike T knows how to manage the cap, but just saying.

    The NYPost says the Jets are believed to be $10 million over the cap in 2009.

    Now I'm not going to play a Genius when it comes to cap...But if Favre retires, will that $13million base salary come off the books completely and put the Jets $3 million under?

    You would like to have about $12-15 million to get a free agent or two. So does Barton, Barrett, and other(s) become cap cuts?

    Give your suggestions to shave ample cap space for the Jets.
  2. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    I'd hire Mike Tannenbaum and let him figure it out. Oh wait . . . :metal:
  3. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    I have no idea.

    But the lack of production given to the Leon makes me assume he wont be resigned which is totally fucked up. Hope im wrong.
  4. phatnols

    phatnols Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    Barton is a FA

    Pace, Revis, Moore and others have roster bonuses that can be converted to option bonuses that can save 10 mil.

    Favre will save 13 mil

    Barrett cut will save 4 mil
    cutting Baker will save some dough

    here is a good site we should be fine

  5. MyFavoriteMartin5

    MyFavoriteMartin5 New Member

    May 7, 2007
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    There is a thread devoted to this, and there has been a lot of discussion, but here is a quick rundown of some things that can get the jets quickly under the cap.

    Favre retires: 13 million

    Cut Barrett: 3.7 million

    Cut Baker: 2.1 million

    If you make those moves you get 18.8 million off the cap. Right now the jets are 10.2 million over the cap so with those moves the Jets would be 8.6 million under the cap. The Jets can get an additional 2.6 million in cap space by cutting bowens.

    Also here are some big cap numbers that could be reworked:

    Shaun Ellis: 6.875 million

    Brandon Moore: 5.86 million

    if Mr. T were to rework these contracts you could get 2-3 million under the cap.

    PERSONALLY, I would probably make all of the cuts in addition to guys like Eric Smith and James Ihedigbo. It maybe tough to rework Ellis and Moore, but its worth a shot. So with just cutting players the Jets and farve retiring the Jets could be 12-13 million under the cap. The Jets could do a lot with that. You could bring in leohnard and greer. What really sucks is coles is costing the Jets 7 million on this year's cap. If his contract weren't guaranteed that's probably anonther 5-6 million more.
  6. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    ..how much would asomugha (sp?) cost?

  7. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Alot more then the Jets can afford, money and pick wise.
  8. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Gamble just signed 6yr, 50+ mil, putting him in top 5.
    expect Nnamdi to command at least 10-11 mil a year.
    He's by far the FA i want, but it looks like that would be tough for the NYJ to pull off..
  9. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Can the Raiders slap a second tag on him? That would be messed up, but sounds like an Al Davis move.
  10. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    pasted from another thread ...

    There has been a lot of speculation about the Jets salary cap situation in '09, so I dug some info up. This excellent site, http://www.nyjetscap.com/salary09.html, made it pretty easy. In my searches I also found that the NFL salary cap is going up by at least 6% for '09. That number could very well be higher.

    NFL '09 Projected Salary Cap: $123,000,000
    NYJ '09 Projected Cap: $131,249,485 source
    NYJ Dead Money: $3,312,204
    Current Projected Cap Balance: ($8,249,475)

    Players with significant savings if cut/traded:
    Name		Base Salary	Prorated Bonus	Roster Bonus	Other Bonus	Cap Value	Dead Money if Cut	Cap Savings if Cut						
    Favre, Brett	$13,000,000 	$0 		$0 		$0 		$13,000,000 	$0 			$13,000,000 
    Moore, Brandon	$620,000 	$225,479 	$5,000,000 	$0 		$5,845,479 	$384,292 		$5,461,187 
    Ellis, Shaun	$4,650,000 	$2,225,000 	$0 		$0 		$6,875,000 	$2,225,000 		$4,650,000 
    Barrett, David	$3,710,000 	$842,000 	$0 		$0 		$4,552,000 	$842,000 		$3,710,000 
    Bowens, David	$2,000,000 	$133,334 	$500,000 	$100,000 	$2,733,334 	$133,334 		$2,600,000 
    Baker, Chris	$2,100,000 	$250,000 	$0 		$0 		$2,350,000 	$250,000 		$2,100,000 
    Jenkins, Kris	$750,000 	$900,000 	$4,000,000 	$750,000 	$6,400,000 	$4,350,000 		$2,050,000 
    Let?s look at them on a case by case basis.

    Favre: IMO he is likely retiring. That would immediately put us back in the black. If Favre does decide to come back I think it is reasonable to consider a pay cut for him. Yes, he?s a legend, but his play this year didn?t exactly show it. I think it?s reasonable to try and rework his deal over a couple of years and pay him somewhere in the neighborhood of $7-$10 million for ?09. That would save us $3-$6 million off the cap.
    Bottom Line: Favre will retire saving us $13 million in cap space.

    Moore: Moore has been a good soldier and played well for us, especially in ?08. He was a big part of our running success on the right side of the line. His salary should stay as is.
    Bottom Line: No Change.

    Ellis: Shaun has been an above average DE for us, and is the longest tenured Jet. We don?t want him to go anywhere. He hasn?t exactly been dominant though, and he?s probably overpaid in ?09 at nearly $7 million. We can probably cut his base salary by about $1.5 million.
    Bottom Line: Restructure contract to save $1.5 million.

    Barrett: There probably isn?t an easier cut on the roster. Barrett barely made the field for a below average secondary and is being paid too much. We save nearly $4 million on the cap by releasing him.
    Bottom Line: Cutting Barrett saves $3.71 million.

    Bowens: Bowens has provided nice depth for our 3-4 lining up at OLB, ILB and DE. While his $2.6 million isn?t a huge figure, it?s too much to pay an aging depth player. We should be able to chop that figure in half.
    Bottom Line: Restructure contract to save $1.3 million

    Baker: With the emergence of Keller, Baker is paid too much to be the occasional 6th lineman with hands. We all know he?s not taking any pay cuts.
    Bottom Line: Cutting Baker saves $2.1 million.

    Jenkins: Baker is a beast when healthy and the key to our 3-4 being successful.
    Bottom Line: No Change.

    Favre retiring:
    Savings: $21.61 million
    Sub-Total: $13.37 million

    Favre restructuring to $8.5 million in ?09 instead of retiring:
    Savings: $13.11 million
    Sub-Total: $4.91 million

    Other players of note:
    Name			Base Salary	Prorated Bonus	Roster Bonus	Other Bonus	Cap Value
    Coles, Laveranues	$6,000,000 	$1,000,000 	$0 		$0 		$7,000,000 
    Rhodes, Kerry		$700,000 	$666,666 	$5,000,000 	$20,000 	$6,386,666 
    Coleman, Kenyon		$3,000,000 	$1,250,588 	$250,000 	$150,000 	$4,650,588 
    Thomas, Bryan		$1,900,000 	$1,600,000 	$0 		$250,000 	$3,750,000 
    Coles: Unfortunately we made a bad deal with Coles and are stuck with his $7 million unless he wants to be a nice guy and take a cut for the good of the team. We?re on the hook for the $7 million regardless of whether we keep him, cut him or trade him and he knows it. Note to Tanny, don?t ever guarantee a contract again. I?m a Coles fan but $7 million is a bit much at this point in his career.
    Bottom Line: No Change.

    Rhodes: I?m probably going to take flak for this, but Rhodes hasn?t looked like a guy that makes $6 million+ this year. We should try and talk him down on that $5 million roster bonus.
    Bottom Line: Reduce Roster Bonus $1 million.

    K. Coleman: Coleman is an average 3-4 DE. We need to try and shave at least $1 million off that ?09 salary.
    Bottom Line: Reduce Base Salary $1 million.

    B. Thomas: Not much to say here, he?s over paid. Shave $1 million off that salary.
    Bottom Line: Reduce Base Salary $1 million.

    We should be able to work another $3 million or so from these guys based on performance.

    Favre retiring:
    Savings: $24.61 million
    Adjusted Projected Cap: $16.37 million

    Favre restructuring to $8.5 million in ?09 instead of retiring:
    Savings: $16.11 million
    Adjusted Projected Cap: $7.91 million
  11. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    He's going to be franchised again...so multiple picks - probably two firsts.
  12. rhodesfan16

    rhodesfan16 New Member

    Feb 7, 2008
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    Let Barton walk for sure I like Bowens more any way if I have to make a choice
  13. Revis Flytrap

    Revis Flytrap New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    I'd like to get a late pick or two for Thomas and Ellis and at the same time, rid us of their contracts.
  14. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Favre, Baker, Coles, BT, and Barrett all have UGLY contracts. They're all BUMS and should be cut; sucks Coles is getting paid either way so we might as well keep him. The rest should be dumped, along with Franks, Law, and Smith. Several others could also be restructured. We should be able to sign a player or two in FA and get all the rookies signed when all is said and done.
  15. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Favre and Barrett should be plenty. Baker if a stud like Peppers or Asmougha are available to us.
  16. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    That won't be enough. Favre and Barrett will save $16-17 mill, but we are $10 mill over. We will have to leave space for rookies. We will have to make some more cuts and restructure. Unless of course the cap is going up again?
  17. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    My plan for this is very simple.


    Kenyon Coleman
    Bryan Thomas
    Eric Smith
    Chris Baker
    Eric Barton
    David Barret
    Drew Coleman


    Coles- give him a 2 year extension shrinking his $7 million salary this year to 3-4 million and giving us the ability to toss him aside after the season.

    Ellis- he has been great for us, but he doesnt produce to his salary any more. He will likely take at least a minor reduction to help us out.

    Bowens- he is making more than $2 million dollars and while he is great depth, he just isnt worth that.

    Leon Washington- He only has 1 year left, he needs a new deal I believe a 4 year extension for a grand total of about $25 million with a low level first year of the deal (until the salary cap is extinguished).


    Brett Favre- he is tagged with an insane amount of money next year, if he comes back, cut his salary in half, promise him huge endorsements for the team. So it's technically not salary but in the end he will get his money needed.


    I have no clue what the savings would be overall, but I know it will put us well under the cap and in position to tag 1 big guy (Nnamdi, Suggs or Peppers?) Also it could give us the room to bring in a mid level guy as well say one of Rex's Ravens Bart Scott or Jim Leonhard.

    Also if there really will not be a cap in the 2010 season, then it would be very wise to promise the guys low manageable salaries this season and huge boosts in salary next year. Allowing you to bring in as much talent as possible.

    Personally I think we would be better served bringing in the role players with medium salary than a big name guy in Peppers or Suggs. My offseason FA wish list looks like this

    Bart Scott, Jim Leonhard and Chris Canty. Draft wise I would look for a playmaking safety to pair with Rhodes, perhaps William Moore?.
    #17 nyjetsrule, Jan 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
  18. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I like your plan but no way that whiney bitch Coles agrees to restructure. He'll probably turn the tables and demand more money because of how hard practice was this year.

    I'd love to dump Coleman for Canty... but he'll command a surprising salary. If Coleman got a 4yr/$20 mill from us Canty will command more.
  19. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The cap is going up.

    Also, the cap is set to expire soon, they could probably rework some deals to backload them.
  20. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    Coles has stated that he wants an extension. Which is precisely why i figured give him a 2 year deal, which for at least next year cuts his salary until the cap expires in 2010. I realize that Canty is probably the biggest reach of the bunch, but by dropping colemans 5 a year salary paying canty 7 a year shouldnt be to big a reach i would hope...

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