Should we go after Peppers???

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by SyracuseJet, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    He'd be a victim of the cut block on almost every single play.

    JP runs a 4.6 to 4.7, which is still ridiculously fast for his size...

    He'd have to line up at DE in the 3-4 -- a great defensive mind would push him out to linebacker a few times a game though...
  2. martinsec339

    martinsec339 New Member

    Dec 25, 2008
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    having rex ryan may just make it possible hoping that we do get ryan as out HC
  3. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    What people don't understand is this: the Panthers ARE going to franchise Julius'd be incredibly stupid not to. So if a team wants JP, they'll most like have to give up a first round pick and another pick.

    Do you really want to give up multiple draft picks for a 29 year old defensive end that's never played 3-4 OLB? He IS, in my opinion, the most physical gifted player to ever play defensive end, but just because he "wants" to play a position, doesn't mean he'll be successful at it. Honestly, I think Peppers just wants a shot at the season long sack record.

    I'd much rather save our draft picks and try to sign guys like Terrell Suggs and Chris Canty for our 3-4 defense.
  4. SyracuseJet

    SyracuseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    The more I think about it, the more I think you may be right. Maybe not even Suggs. Maybe look at Scott and Canty.
  5. jetsmetsman12

    jetsmetsman12 New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    i dont see why not..

    we obviously dont have a good pass rush so id say give it a shot
  6. Altoona

    Altoona Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2005
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    As you give every indication of being quite young and inexperienced, (and I say this with all due respect) you seem to have somewhere between a little to no idea of what you are talking about, particularly as evidenced by your exceedingly narrow, one-dimensional view in assessing (or at least trying to assess) the value and performance of the Jets' O-line.

    While any analysis of O-line performance (and the number of sacks it has given up can certainly be interpreted as a negative reflection upon the O-lines' pass blocking efficacy, it cannot be considered to be an even remotely intelligent or even relevant (much less a comprehensive) review of overall O-line efficiency if it:

    a.) fails to consider the ratio between running and passing plays,
    b.) fails to take into account the predictability of the play calling,
    c.) does not factor in whether or not the sacks occurred in obvious passing situations,
    d.) fails to measure the elapsed time and difficulty of receivers getting open (on passing plays in general and in relation to plays during which sacks occurred), and
    e.) fails to measure the amount of time it took the QB to locate an open receiver and get rid of the ball, (on passing plays in general and in relation to plays during which sacks occurred).

    Unless you can tell me how long Favre held the ball in each of the sacks surrendered, your opinion herein is essentially worthless which I suppose is yesterday's news anyway to most folks here.

    That your opinion does not recognize the value and importance of the profound improvement in run blocking efficiency (as well as pass blocking) since the arrival of Faneca and Woody only reinforces my impression that your aforementioned opinion lacks mature thought and material substance. Since the arrival of the above referenced pair of linemen (whom you would ignorantly describe as not being worth the money) I would suggest you consider their impact in statistical terms beyond just sacks:

    In 2007 the Jets NFL rankings were 19th, 22nd and 30th in total rushing yards, average yards per carry and rushing TDs. In 2008 they improved to 9th, 5th and 5th. In 2007 there were only three teams in the NFL that gave up more sacks than the 53 we did (KC-55, SF-55 and Detroit 54). That means 28 teams gave up fewer sacks. In 2008 the line surrendered 30 total sacks which means there were 18 NFL teams that gave up more sacks including such teams as the Patriots, Cowboys, Vikings, Steelers, Ravens, Bucs and Packers which most would consider as having decent O-lines.

    You also neglected to consider the impact and period of adjustment required when integrating two new linemen and a new QB.

    In 2007 the Pats compiled record breaking passing statistics while giving up only 21 sacks. In 2008, they had the same O-line but with the QB change, the same line gave up 48 sacks.

    While Woody in particular and the entire line in general have room for improvement, the talent and potential are in place for them to improve and elevate their performance to a top 5 level in the league in all aspects (i.e. run blocking and pass protection).

    In the meantime, try to remember, kid, that Rome wasn't built in a day and that your education as to the facts and realities of what it takes to build a competitive NFL team will take considerably longer.
    #66 Altoona, Jan 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
  7. tom spicer

    tom spicer New Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    1 He wants to play 3-4 OLB to put up big sack numbers but he is to big to play that spot. 2 At 3-4 DE his numbers would go down 3 We have so much money tied up in Gholston & Pace there is no way we sign him 4 The Panthers do not give a shit what he wants they are going to work out a long term deal with him or franchise him so another team will have to give a 1st round pick & another pick for him 5 I have read the Jets are anywhere depending on what media outlet you check 7 to 10 mil over the cap we are making no big FA signings this offseason we have to cut some guys
  8. Welcome to J-Ville

    Welcome to J-Ville New Member

    Sep 11, 2005
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    The best is "Your retarded"... idiots.
  9. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    Really? I always thought the phrase "retarted" was epically brilliant. You've been turned into a tart not once, but twice!
  10. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I live down here in Carolina and get to watch alot of JP.

    One of the biggest knocks on JP by local media is that he often takes plays off and dissappears for long stretches in games, But then he makes the highlight reel play and all is forgiven or forgotten.

    Personally I think he is an incredible athlete but not the best "football player", I think his pricetag would be way too high for what you get.

    It might seem like the Panthers should Franchise him , but from local reports I am not sure if they will. They offered him a huge contract which he did not acknowledge, and if they cannot make a deal after franchising him I do not think they want to pay 17million for 1 season to a guy that doesn't want to be here.
  11. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Scott and Canty would be incredible, I think with some clever maneuvering we can get them both
  12. DraftaFullBack

    DraftaFullBack Active Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    Jordan Gross is also a free agent, they could franchise him if they don't get a deal done, I don't see that happening because they franchised him last year, but you never know.
  13. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Peppers as a 3-4 OLB? Idk dont we have enough guys out there that cant cover? I'll take Peppers at DE obviously and im sure at 3-4 OLB he could still be a force rushing the passer but who knows if he can even cover people out there.
  14. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    For those who keep bringing up OLB , Peppers has not once indicated that he desires to play OLB in a 3-4 , just that he wouldn't mind playing and thinks he can be successful in a different system (3-4) , He is a DE and will play that position wherever he goes. At this point it is also about $$ , He has turned down amulti year contract with Carolina that would make him the highest paid defensive player in the league (according to paper her in NC). So I doubt he would want to play for the Jets , and any team trading for him would want to negotiate some kind of lng term deal.
  15. Altoona

    Altoona Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2005
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    For those who would like to keep dreaming about Peppers playing OLB for the Jets the link below certainly seems to confirm Peppers' sincere desire to play the new position.

    "Carey (Peppers' agent) said ideally Peppers wants to play in a 3-4 defensive system where he can stand up and roam the field as a hybrid defensive end/outside linebacker, similar to how the Dallas Cowboys use DeMarcus Ware and how the San Diego Chargers have used Shawne Merriman in the past before his injury."
  16. JetMonkey

    JetMonkey Member

    Jan 28, 2008
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    Or like the way the Ravens use Terrell Suggs.... hmmmm....
    Rex Ryan + Julius Peppers > Rex Ryan + Terrell Suggs
  17. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Hybrid DE/OLB is not LB it is still basically a DE , He would not be put in any defense with pass coverage responsibilites and would be rushing the passer in any situation you would think he was the stand up OLB but mostly he would be considered a DE.
  18. Altoona

    Altoona Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2005
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    I was responding your quote wherein you said "For those who keep bringing up OLB , Peppers has not once indicated that he desires to play OLB in a 3-4,......

    Contrary to your original errant statement which I sought to correct in posting the link, the point is that Peppers HAS indicated he wants to play OLB in a 3-4 and not the DE position in a 3-4. That would be the same hybrid position that Pace and Thomas play for us. You are free to call it whatever you like and put on whatever spin that makes you happy but regardless of whether or not he ever drops back into coverage, the fact remains that the position he would be playing in a 3-4 defense is called OUTSIDE LINEBACKER.

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