The Jets released the 2nd most valuable player in the NFL!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Cinvis, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    He only did that for half a season, playing on a bad team and bad ankle. His other playoff years were a much larger body of work to judge by, and he proved that again this year. This isn't his first time in the playoffs, it's his fourth, it's not his first AFC East title either.
  2. Jaded Green

    Jaded Green New Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    We went through another season of INT's and pick 6's except Chad was not throwing them Favre was.

    Even if Chad would have been terrible here, we still missed the playoffs, the only difference would have been we would have kept a 3rd round pick, and be slotted to draft higher.

    That's a win win situation for losing, in my book

    Not that I'm saying I did not THINK we would win 1 or 2 more games with Favre, but we didn't.

    I actually thought we would have gone like 10-6 with Chad, so I see no gain here.

    Only loss.
  3. DOOM

    DOOM Active Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    I wish we had kept chad but people were getting fed up with him thus a change had to be made. I actually kept a watch on the phins this year becuz of chad. The fish were my deceased fathers team...and it's chad's second AFCE title.
  4. skorol75

    skorol75 New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    That's what Woody seems to be good at. Listening to what some people say. Did you see what happened last year when we benched Chad. I already saud that: with the same offense Clemens had 5 TDs, 10 Pick, and horrible 60 QB rating. Chad actually threw for more TDs than INTs with that garbage of a line (something Favre could not do this year with good line), and had better rating that Favre this year (80+). Yet people were fed up, so Woody destroyed QB position for years to come.

    Now people blamed everything on head coach. Now, of course Mangini could do better, but that does not mean you fire the guy after 2 winning seasons out of 3 as a first time coach and the youngest coach the League, after turning 4-12 team around, in spite of Favre leading the League in turnovers. Now we have to start over yet again. If we don't win SB in 3 years, and most likely we won't since we don't even have a decent QB on the roster today, Woody will fire our next coach again, we will have to rebuild again. This is not how you run the organization. Maybe a popularity contest, but not a major sports franchise.
  5. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Aside from the brief period where Parcells turned us around, the best team we ever put together was when Walt Michaels had about five years to put it together. He went 3-11, 8-8, 8-8, 4-12 in his first four years, then started 0-3 in 1981 before they turned it around. What if they fired him after three years? I realize in this era you don't get that much time anymore and a lot of stuff has changed, but continuity is a key to long term success. Look at Pittsburgh, look at Tennessee. Mangini's record was better than Michaels' after three years and as you said he inherited a 4-12 team in need of a lot of work.
  6. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    we went 4-12 last season and chad sucked. The packers went 13-3 and Farvre was in the NFC Championship. We did the right thing in taking a shot with Farvre.
  7. Motcrue4

    Motcrue4 New Member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Doubt that.
  8. Gubernaculum

    Gubernaculum New Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    This is the big difference between the Jets and the Patriots- you think Belichick would have let a veteran QB walk freely onto the roster of a division contender? Hell no- it was a completely mismanaged scenario by the Jets- they controlled Chad's rights.

    I love the Favre apologists/cheerleaders that still attribute Chad's success to the "trick" plays of the Dolphins. Clearly the guys who have opinions that matter (sports writers) disagree with that flawed viewpoint. Favre blew chunks with immensely better talent at all positions and he got all of zero votes. Favre has had one good year out of the last four.

    Chad needed a change of scenery obviously but the way the Jets managed it, from getting Favre to releasing Chad, was mismanaged.
  9. Heavy Metal Thunder

    Aug 19, 2008
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    Problem is that he was only valuable once he was in the hands of a competent coaching staff.
  10. Ralphw

    Ralphw New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    why is that?
  11. MudBowl Survivor

    MudBowl Survivor New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Abdul, the Packers were 13-3 in spite of Favre, not because of him. their defense was good and favre played the short game and his receivers had nice seasons with YAC. If you really thought Favre was going to repeat his 2007, you really were looking at this through rose colored glasses, like most people were. We got to see a prelude to the real Brett Favre in the NFC champ game, and this is the guy the brilliant Jets go dump Chad for. LIke i said, they deserve this mess they have made.
  12. MudBowl Survivor

    MudBowl Survivor New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    oh yea...and as for classless...we all got to see the real Brett Favre run away from Pennington after his "great" performance in the last game. Didn't even shake hands. He was and always will be a lowlife, self centered, egomaniac. I seriously hope he plays for 10 more years...he was a joke to watch this year except for like 3 games.
  13. skorol75

    skorol75 New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Chad did not suck, he had average rankings with horrendous OL. What you are compeltely ignoring though is that we allowed a division rival get a good QB for nothing in return. We did not try to restructure Chad's contract, trade him to get some value back, or anything. We outright gave him to Miami and that turned out to be a disastrous mistake. For Pete's sake, Chad came to our house at the very end and clinched the divison in our stadium, while completely outplaying Favre. This is in addition to being MVP runner up and #2 rated QB this year. What more do you need to see to realize we did not do the right thing?
  14. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Chad was horrendous in 2007. He won 1 game.

    We didn't give him to the dolphins. We did the right thing for Chad - we released him and he could have signed with about 6 different teams - he signed with the dolphins and good for him BTW - I like Chad and wish him all the best. He is injury prone but he stayed healthy this yr and is playing well.
  15. Ralphw

    Ralphw New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I wonder how long the Chad talk will last 1 year? 2?
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Now all we need is for Mangini to take the shitty Browns to the SB in 2010 and really rub our noses in it.
  17. skorol75

    skorol75 New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    He was not horrendous, and QB ratings and stats show that. When Clemens took over same exact offense, he had 60 rating, 5 TDs and 10 INTs. That was horrendos. Pennington's performance was not. And I don't care too much for Chad - I care about the Jets. I want Woody to do the right thing for Jets, not Chad. And allowing him to sign with divisional rival while certainly worked out great for Chad, was a total disaster for us. What would be much better is restructuring Chad's deal and keeping him, because even if old Favre, who missed training camp, comes in and performs for a year, we still need a good QB after that. Not to mention the scenario if he does not perform. Woody is just doing what's popular and not what's right. And the way QB situation turned out is a total disaster thanks to him.
  18. blevins

    blevins New Member

    Oct 11, 2002
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    Did you watch the game?

    His flea flicker to Ginn was underthrown. His 2 TDs were perfectly thrown and the dropped pass to Ricky Williams was also right on target. This organization made a mistake letting Chad go (which means it was a mistake to hire Favre since we couldn't afford both. Chad once again led the league in completion %, had only 7 INTs, ranked 2nd in QB rating. And it wasn't dink and dunk either. He ranked 6th in yards per attempt at 7.7 (Cannon arm Favre ranked 22nd at 6.7). Chad very much deserved the votes he got and probably should have won the award.
  19. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    In 2007 Chad sucked dude - look at the box scores - he was 1-7 10 TDs and 9 INTS. He was correctly replaced by Clemons after game 8.

    And I hear you about how we should have restructured etc - but guess what? We had already restructured Chad's contract in 2006 when he failed to get healthy from his second rotator cuff surgery. Its doubtful it was going to be able to be restructred yet again in a way that worked for both sides. If the Jets were going to land Favre the cap space had to be cleared. It wasn't clear that Chad wanted to stay in NY and play second fiddle nor was it in the best interests of the team to have an instant QB controversy.
  20. Chad Penninton 10

    Chad Penninton 10 New Member

    Dec 28, 2008
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    If it makes ya'll feel better i don't think Pennington wouldn't of played as well as a Jet. He needed a change of location and that extra spark you gave him by releasing him.

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