jan 1 newsday says players felt favre was distant. We botched the chad/mangini jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GangGreen04, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. GangGreen04

    GangGreen04 Active Member

    Feb 26, 2004
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    with all these reports coming out on anonymous jets players bashing favre, i am really starting to feel we totally botched the mangini/pennington situation. Favre played horribly all season long except for a stetch of 3-4 games. The team won 9 games with wat was essentially horrible quarterback play. Take away the 6 td performance vs arizona, brett favre was 17tds-23int in 15 other games.

    Now I understand hindsight is 20/20 but i have no choice but to bring up the question yet again?
    Would the jets be in the playoffs had they held on to chad pennington?

    The more i think about it the greater i feel that chad would have won the division had he started the season for us. Not only did the man come into camp extremely motivated for having to win the job vs. clemens but also in the best shape of his career.

    Secondly, the players loved chad, no on here can deny that. If locker room chemistry was really as fractured as these anonymous reports indicate then a major portion of the blame for the jets collapse falls on favre's shoulders.

    Regarding mangini's firing, i am not as dissapointed in his firing as i am with what chad came back to do to us, mainly because his vanilla defensive gameplans left alot to be desired. Nonetheless, reports indicate that he was actually a tough coach whom many players were emotional about firing. Would a greater portion of the lockerooom had supported mangini without the headache of favre? Who knows...

    Ultimately one thing is clear, 2008, a year where the jets looked like big winners entering the season, had them falling hardest face first to the ground in epic fashion by the end of it. I guess darksiders were justified in their same old jets routine, especially those who warned us to remain level headed after the tennesee win.
  2. southwestjet

    southwestjet New Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Yeah, I think so too. It's a sunk cost as of right now, where this franchise ends up right now - well, I feel bad for the older guys, I just hope one of these days any of us can see a Jet's Superbowl one of these days.

    It seems this franchise is going in circles, to sell PSL's, jerseys, etc... I don't know, I just don't.
  3. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Yep, and it gets more embarrassing the more times the laps are completed. I'm now laughing at my favorite team due to the retardation. They act like the fat kid in school who eats his feelings.
  4. vilmatic

    vilmatic Active Member

    May 28, 2004
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    This is what I said back then: That it would take Favre half a year to get where Chad was already. You know? Then when things were going well I said: Favre's a wild card. If the whole team plays like a machine and you've got one spark plug... then you've got something. THen, at the end, I said: YOU'RE FUCKING KILLING US! All the while, steady Chad wins COmeback. Such is life.

    But it's a new year. And it's gonna be a cracker.
  5. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Chad got Dan Henning, his 1st OC when he was a rookie with the Jets in 2000. Thats helps your progress exponentially when you go to a new team and have a language you already understand.... not trying to make that the excuse for his good season, but it helps. He had to do well on his own too.

    With the new news articles, its more like a new year, and a whole lot of shit to follow.
  6. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Chad was finished here. The circumstances no longer existed for him to succeed. The fans were against him, he'd been benched once already and couldn't separate himself decisively from KC in camp. Imagining him leading us anywhere is based on a false premise. If he took the hits to his arm that Favre took this year his shoulder would have exploded.
  7. harts24

    harts24 Member

    Dec 6, 2006
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    NO ,thank god chad is gone.He never would have won that pats game.the last game of the year his three big plays were under thrown,the def.screwed that up.Chad will be looking for another job in 2 years,when Henne is ready to play. Lets Stop with this blind lovefest for chad,it`s time to move on.
  8. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Chad had the team. They all respected him, so of course you are going to hate the new guy a little.
  9. APK 8

    APK 8 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Blind love fest? Chad had the Jets locker room, Favre never won it over. Oh, Chad beat the Patriots this year. Chad also won the division and is playing this weekend.

    That's not blind love, just plain facts. Chad is the better quarterback which I never thought I'd be writing when we traded for Favre in August. Now if only Woody would also admit the error in judgment.
  10. Machjet

    Machjet New Member

    Nov 12, 2008
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    Boy this gets more and more confusing...damn media...

    First we had reports about how good of a teammate Favre was...how good of a leader...how he plays pranks on other players...always joking around with them...and having fun! Of course...these reports came out while we were winning!

    Now...he was distant...never associated with the players...sat in his own office by himself!!!

    What gives???

    At the end of the day...I would say it still falls on the coaching staff.

    The coaching staff is responsible for accountability, creating a positive perception by being fair across the board...they are in charge of managing different personalities.

    If someone was playing poorly or was hurt, it is the coaches job to make a decision and make some changes if need be. If no changes where made...that falls on the coach.

    If Mangini couldn't handle Favre's large personality..well that is on Mangini...he is the HEAD COACH that is supposed to be good at managing these things.

    I think we are heading in right direction....new coach...hopefully we stay away from anything that comes from NE (which we just love mimicking)...and hopefully new accountability for the slackers or players that are hurt! Whether it is Favre, Rhodes...it doesnt matter!

    You win as a team... you lose as a team!
  11. APK 8

    APK 8 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Bill Cowher decided he didn't want to deal with Favre. That tells me all i need to know about that.

    I have no idea how this team is headed in the right direction. They don't even have a coach right now and we are relying on a 40 year old quarterback coming off a 22 interception season. I guess if you think it was all mangini's fault, then yeah, we're in great shape.
  12. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Sooo....Favre excuse making season is going on or off?
  13. Machjet

    Machjet New Member

    Nov 12, 2008
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    What I meant by heading in the right direction is that "it is what it is"....Mangini is gone and we need a new HC...the search is on for that...and I believe that the change was needed.

    I am not blaming Mangini for everything...but he is the main leader in that team...if he didnt hold someone accountable or treated someone different...it is for sure going to spark some controversy, specially if the team or that particular player isnt doing well.

    I guess overall..I am looking forward to the changes...change is good and in my opinion we need it!
  14. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Man that felt horrible...
  15. MexJetinBcn

    MexJetinBcn New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    How many times do I have to say this... the starter wasn't going to be Chad, it was Clemens all along. Remember our discussions during that time. Chad was finished with the Jets, Mangini didn't want him anymore, he was about to start a half-decent 2nd year qb in his place. So don't change the facts now after things hve passed, just remember how they were in the first place.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Mangini was not liked or respected in his own lockerroom. Not after the Kendall fiasco and the Baker situation. That doesn't mean that there weren't players who liked and respected him but most of the players didn't.

    Adults handle situations differently than Mangini chose to handle the Kendall situation. They either remove the problem quickly or they suck it up and live with it in a way that does not spill over into the media and the rest of the lockerroom. Mangini chose to be a prima donna in the most classic way: claiming that the person he was fighting was a prima donna.

    Whatever else is true about Mangini's Jets it's definitely a fact that he never had a solid relationship with the players after the 2006 offseason.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    The Bottom line is with Tuna running the show in Miami and Beli in Ne Mangini was way over his head in the afc east. He does not have the coaching skill to go up against these guys. Sparano is on the sidelines but you better believe he gets help from Tuna from time to time. Chad nor Farve is going to take our team to the Sb and our Talent is overrated despite all the pro bowl selections. It showed the last five games. Mangini and Chad are gone because they should be and Farve should be the next to go. Do we really want a 40 yr old Prima donna Qb with calcium deposits in his shoulder?
  18. ganggreengirl

    ganggreengirl New Member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    He had his own office? WTH! Do other qb's have their own office? Or is this more special treatment for Brett?
  19. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    I have my own office too.
  20. JetsFan2004

    JetsFan2004 Member

    May 12, 2004
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    People will listen to you if you provide an ounce of proof that KC was going to be the starter. The only person that knows for sure is Mangini and maybe Shot. There is nothing that says KC was going to be the starter.

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