Sources: Cowher didn't want to coach Favre

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by sunnygs97, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    You guys are psychotic. If this was a different team, I wouldn't have to read the incessant bullshit eminating all over this board: the Jets are cursed. Pretty obvious to me. Pennington plays boy wonder in 2002, gets injured non-stop from then on out and throws a good number of lazy ass picks himself last year. We get the runner up to the MVP last season, and he comes here and has his worst season ever. But, like Kaiser said, obviously the runner-up to the MVP of the league was brought in for money, and not wins. Woody sucks, he's so greedy! Why doesn't he go sign one of Joe Namath's illegitame children if he wants to spin the cash registers?

    Chad leaves for a division rival and is in MVP talks, wow. There's no way you guys saw this coming. At 8-3 none of the posts I read anywhere said "we'll probably lose to the 9ers, Broncos, Phins, and Seahawks." I knew the pass D was horrible around the 4th qtr of the Pats game, and that if we won any playoff games it would be against the Titans, Steelers, or Ravens, if we managed to continue the run D success, but you guys didn't see the Jets completely saturating the bed. You guys continue to shit on Favre for the last 5 weeks where he was injured, but it was so obvious to you that Chad would be great after he had 3 years to recover from his surgery. Favre's INJURED and old and on the JETS, not washed up.

    Ellis is older now, and it would be nice to have a stud in the waiting, but he LED THE TEAM IN SACKS. ???????????? Granted, he ought to give Jenkins a big thank you card, I know. But it's not like he's out there twiddling his thumbs.

    Stop with the bullshit. We are cursed and bad things happen to us and will always.
    #41 Going4TheGreen, Dec 31, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2008
  2. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I don't believe in curses. The Red Sox were cursed too, remember??? All it took was a GM with a brain and a plan and an owner with the good sense to let him do his thing. Pennington played well in 02, 04 and 06. Last year - 07 - his problems were directly caused by the horrible OL and defense. As for Favre, if he was so great in 07, why didn't the Packers want him back?? They obviously knew something. Why weren't other teams fighting over him instead of just the Jets and the Bucs???? As for Pennington, I saw no reason to get rid of him after this team was upgraded in the offseason and with the running game the Jets had this year, take Pennington's 17 TDs and 7 picks and the Jets win 11-12 games easy. And if Favre's performance was because of his injury (I think not - he has stunk at the end of every season since 2005) then he should have done the right thing for the team and taken a seat on the pine and abandoned his beloved streak in favor of a healthy QB.

    As for Ellis leading the team in sacks - woop deee dooo!!!! How many did he have ? 6?? He was paid in 2004 as if he were an elite DE and he has stunk - yes stunk - since signing that deal. Ellis was always a product of Abraham attracting double and triple teams. When Abe left, Ellis was easy to handle. In 2005 he quit on a bad team. In 2006 he was invisible. Even his "resurgence" in 2008 made him an average DE at best, but his off-the-field stuff took away from that. I hope he is gone this offseason.

    As for obvious - it was obvious to me that the Favre trade should never have been made and I said so in August and I was right. Favre is an albatross.
  3. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Ok, Pennington being great in 02 is acceptable, 04 was good, and only if you like Trent Dilfer numbers, and 06 was mediocre at best, but was the most difficult team to be good on.

    Favre WAS great in 07, don't let bias warp your brain. Runner up to the MVP is never not a great season. The Pack didn't want him back for a laundry list of reasons, that have been disclosed to the public and all it takes is a little reading. He retired, it was a month an a half til the start of the season, Rodgers was about to become a FA (?), the new GM wanted his guy in there, etc etc.

    How did you know Chad would be good? He's been good with a running game, yes, but he's also become an injured towel waver on some seasons. You didn't know 10/9 = 17/7.

    Maybe Ratliff, Clemens and Ainge suck worse than Favre when he's hurt?

    Ellis has 8, a respectable number. He's pretty average league wide but, still not someone whose suckitude I would try to point out, at least on this team. Smoking weed is pretty darned cool in my book, and so is throwing snow.

    Favre is a 3 time MVP, HOF albatross. You just "lucked up" in being right, which was the point of my post. None of this stuff was foreseable. Did you know this year he would play 16 games for the 2nd time in his storied 9 year career? Ooor, are we just the Jets?
  4. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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  5. SyracuseJet

    SyracuseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    Wow. After Arizona, everybody was singing his praises. After beating Tennessee, everybody was singing his praises. Now, everybody wants him run out of town. Unbelievable. Chad Pennington is the same this year as he was with the Jets every year. We wanted him gone cause he didn't have a cannon. Now he makes the playoffs and everybody crys that management made the wrong decision. Are you serious? There is a reason Favre's jerseys sold like hot cakes this year, and it isn't because Green Bay fans were converting. Everybody was thrilled with having Favre, everybody was thrilled Chad was gone, and now everybody wants to cry and complain and point fingers. This is the one thing I hate about being a Jets fan, no loyalty. I wanted Brett, I bought a jersey, I believed and you know what, I still do.

    And as far as Cowher goes, it took him 13 years to win a Super Bowl in Pittsburgh. If you think NY will let him hang around 13 years to get us to the big dance, then you're an idiot. Don't want him. Don't need him. Need somebody who has something to prove, not somebody who thinks their sh-t don't stink.
  6. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Um...track record is the most important thing in football. Name someone who's ever surprised or came out of "nowhere" (to fans) in this game. It doesn't happen.
  7. SyracuseJet

    SyracuseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    How about John Harbaugh, Mike Smith and Tony Sparano?

    I hope you were kidding.
  8. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Oh definitely.

    Football's too emotional of a game for track record to mean as much as people think.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Actually your right but since Belicheck has our number no matter who he throws on the field I gave Mangini a pass for that one. Technically Ne was the team that exposed us but since we won I chucked it up to the Ne Jet Rivalry.
  10. ATL-JET

    ATL-JET Active Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Exactly! I never wanted Favre for Chad and I KNEW this would be the outcome.

    But I acquiesced because he was doing OK in the beginning, making a liar out of me but I was right in the long run.

    I don't want Favre back for another year whether Cowher comes or not.

    He's way past his prime, he's seen has best days. His gunslinger mentality is just unnerving to me.
  11. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    my post indicated that he was to blame, but I made a point that he is only great when he doesn't try to make a play on every passing play, it's impossible to do...and Seattle was not his fault how do you not rush the ball 30-35 times in the game, and how does Sutton not send the house on every play against a second string offensive line!!! I know every Jet fan on this forum can call a better defensive game on Madden than Sutton can in real life he is an atrocious DC.....and Miami well what can you say other than they played bad...
  12. Mr Potato Fro

    Mr Potato Fro New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    He did play horrible in Miami, but one thing i wanted to point out is my take on one of his int. The one where he was trying to catch the defense sleeping.
    I still think that was a smart play and if it hadn't been our guys sleeping that play could have grabbed some good yardage. It was obvious that nobody else on the line even noticed what was going on.
    He shouldn't have forced the pass when he realized no one else was on board, but at the same time, the offense should have noticed what was going on and been johnny on the spot with that play.
  13. Firemangini Ed

    Firemangini Ed New Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    So Don is a Chad hater. Figures.
  14. PleaseWinSuperBowlJets

    PleaseWinSuperBowlJets Active Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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  15. Favre_4_Ever

    Favre_4_Ever New Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    How did he ruin the Jets he took a 4-12 team to 9-7, you call that ruining them?
  16. RevisCB

    RevisCB New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    He didn't take them to a 9-7 team, i think Woody/Faneca/Jenkins took us to a 9-7 team, sure he helped initially, but then you could argue that he prevented us from becoming a 11-5 or 12-4 team.
  17. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    I don't think the problem with the Jets is Favre. I think it's Woody Johnson.

    Think about it just a bit:

    1. Q: When the Jets first decided to sign Favre, who was the decision-maker? Tanny, Mangini or Johnson?
    A. In hindsight, I think it was Woody. I don't think Mangini wanted Favre here and I think Tannenbaum acted as Woody's lapdog to get him in NY.
    2. Q: Now that the decision to take on Favre can be seen as a failure, who thinks it was still a good idea?
    A: Mr. Johnson & Johnson, as anyone who saw the presser could see.
    3. Q: If you are a head coach like Cowher and want complete control over personnel decisions, and Tannenbomb promises to stay out of your way, who else in the organization will be usurping authority and overriding your authority on decisions when it comes to signing talent, since the GM promises to roll over?
    A: The only person left would be the owner...

    Let's face it, Jets fans, our worst nightmare is now our suddenly-too-involved owner, Mr Woody Johnson. He's becoming a Steinbrenner or Jerry Jones. He mistreated Herm Edwards when it came time to make a decision on his future, probably ordered the shabby treatment of Pete Kendall during last year's preseason, decided to sign Favre--which led to the quick release of Chad (for all you Pennington fans), and now, for all you Mangenius fans? He fired him as fast as he could, despite his hard work and loyalty to the organization...

    If you're a talented head coach, like a Bill Cowher, do you really want to work for an owner like Woody Johnson? I "Woodn't."
  18. Favre_4_Ever

    Favre_4_Ever New Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Yea sure they helped but thats why they paid them big dollars in the offseason. Everyone sees what pennington did with the Dolphins and they say that if we kept him we would be in the playoffs that is BS, we would 9-7 at best. Pennington was an average quarterback every year with NY, he was injury prone and had a weak arm, surprisingly he had a good season with the Dolphins big deal.
  19. PleaseWinSuperBowlJets

    PleaseWinSuperBowlJets Active Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    or 13-3, those 5 were winnable
  20. RevisCB

    RevisCB New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Well I'm most certainly not one of those people, Pennington and the Jets needed to part ways, I'm not a revisionist historian, i was for the Favre move, i don't regret it now, we took a chance, it didn't work out as planned, and we will move on. Which means that i think Favre shouldn't be back with the Jets, one because i think a new coach needs to be with a new QB which means having him for more than one season, and two because i feel that the players have lost every bit of confidence in Favre leading this team to where we want to be. I like Favre, he is a great guy, great QB but he is not the QB that should be taking us forward now.

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