Favre OWES Us One More Year

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by nyjunc, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. azpackjetfan

    azpackjetfan New Member

    Dec 8, 2008
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    Say what you want about Favre and you all are. Most of it I agree with. However, Pennington was darn lucky on Sunday. He had no interceptions and he should have 3 at least maybe five. The tipped ball that was called illegal contact prior to the pass aren't usually called in "playoff type" game.

    The one that was right in our Linebackers hands and a lot of green field ahead could have been a game changer.

    The flea flicker he chucked up with three Jets around the ball but couldn't adjust. If Favre throws that ball it's picked guaranteed.

    The one in the left corner of the endzone that I think Lowery tried to jump at instead of playing the ball going to the corner.

    And even that "pefect throw" to Fasano was poorly played by the cornerback and especially the safety coming over very late. Now had the safety played it better, Pennington might not have thrown it, but Pennington looked every bit as average a QB as I have seen, and he dodges about 4 to 5 highly questionable throws.

    Same thing in the San Francisco game. He threw into coverage 2 and 3 times that were sure picks and the DB dropped them everytime.

    Those are the only games I saw in their entirety so I can't comment on the rest of those close games the pulled out.

    Although, we were out of the playoffs by halftime. With Jacksonville getting pummeled, it was over and everyone on the team knew it. The fans always tell the story in those instances.
  2. jigglebilly

    jigglebilly New Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    I'm god-jigglin tired of hearing all this so I'll at least put in my opinion.

    You say that people can't blame it on that he didn't know the team well enough before because they wouldn't say it when we were 8-3.Guess what NEWS FLASH, you wouldn't be making this argument then either. I don't think he really HAS gotten fully used to the team, he knew them well enough to play good games, but there was constantly confusion between him and his team, and trust me, his communication doesn't go with age, unless you can no longer say "the " when your 60 (and not because of a disease or something). You saw what went wrong the times we lost CONFUSION HAPPENED, because Favre still hadn't become fully accustomed to the team yet.

    And he was good in the games he played well in because of the universal QB skills, which means for those of you who don't know how to put together words, means that it doesn't matter what teams you're on, because the skills are universal.

    Confusion is the reason for some interceptions, penalties, incompletions, and other things. And for those interception that you say he easily didn't have to throw, he threw interceptions the years he went to the superbowls, and so did Eli Manning last year, or were those things that just looked like interceptions that Eli made last year.

    I don't know whether you have some spontaneously generated grudge against Favre, whether he killed you parents, or whether you just hate people with slight beards, but can you not see that not only was Favre not even close to our only problem this year, but that you have a chance at making him better with the team, and therefore giving you one of the best QB choices that you can get presently.

    And I know you say he got worse and made the team worse after 8-3, but made them worse then what? The team he had helped improve drastically?
  3. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    It's an even year... He'll suck in 2009 just like every other odd year in his career.
  4. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Look this is a moot point anyway, but the two TD's by Pennington were simply "perfect" throws. The throw to Ginn was in a spot that only Ginn was going to catch it and the throw to Fasano was to a spot where only Fasano could have caught it.

    On the Ginn TD Lowery had decent position, but did mis-time his jump. However, Ginn who was deeper and taller than Lowery had to jump to get his hands on the ball. I doubt that Lowry (even if he had timed his jump better) could have only batted it away.

    If Pennington had thrown the ball to the correct "inside" shoulder on the Fasano TD it would have been either intercepted by Elam or Smith (depending on the tragejectory that the ball would have been thrown). As it was the ball was thrown to the outside shoulder and Fasano made a great adjustment. Are you expecting the CB who had inside / short coverage or a safety to make an INT on a ball throw deep to the outside shoulder? There was good coverage on the play and int was just a good adjustment by Pennington (to not throw the ball where it was designed) and a better adjustment by Fasano to react to the ball.

    IMHO if you are looking at those to plays to show that Pennington should have had more INT's than you could just about claim that on pretty much any play where the CB has decent coverage. Either one of those plays the DB's would have had to make excellent plays just to break them up. To expect those plays to end up in INT's to show that Pennington was "lucky" is pushing it in my mind. The called back INT and the drop by the LB I'll agree with. As for the long pass - if we said every long ball that is short and is better played by the WR should have been an INT then every QB would probably have at least one more INT per game.
  5. jigglebilly

    jigglebilly New Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Y'know, Why not for one year, the jets say "What the jiggle, lets bring him back" If he gets his shoulder better, then the jets can improve, and answer me this, what do you get when you improve form a very near playoff appearance.
  6. azpackjetfan

    azpackjetfan New Member

    Dec 8, 2008
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    All valid points. But that flea flicker was plain lucky. I know Pennington saw the DB's back turned and decided to throw it, but they (Jets) should be able to adjust to ball underthrown as bad as that one was and it least knock it down. I was saying if Favre throws that pass, you know someone would pick it off. Pennington's prayer gets answered and changes the game in one play.
  7. keypusher

    keypusher Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    Well, I don't agree about the flea flicker, but I agree about the Ty Law penalty and the drop by the LB. We got lucky. But these things even out over 16 games. When quarterback A throws 7 interceptions, and quarterback B throws 22 interceptions, it's not luck.
  8. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Favre owes us an apology and his retirement. Like he is going to get better wake up people! He will only get worse next year. What the fuck are you people smoking!
  9. ToddisGod

    ToddisGod Banned

    Mar 5, 2008
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    henne is the future in Miami- 2011 at latest. i watched pennington the other day threw three deep balls
    horribly underthrown flea flicker, amazing play by te, push off by ginn

    if pennington was here yes maybe in playoffs but we would all be talking about not doin anything against balt, tenn or pitt defense
  10. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    I hate to beat a dead horse (since there is so much more happening within the last 48 hours), but where else would you have liked those two TD's to have be thrown? Just because the receivers made great catches doesn't mean the throws weren't on the money. Also, if your going to ding him on the great cathces by Ginn and Fasano (and why you would ding the QB for those I have no idea) you should mention the other "long" pass to Ricky Williams that was perfectly placed right in his hands and he dropped.

    Look - I'm not saying that The Jets would have been 13-3 with Chad at the healm this year. However, I do believe that Chad's play this year shows that he could have been successful with the Jets - assuming the Jet running game would have been as successful as it turned out to be. My guess is that the Jets might not have won all of the exact games that they did this year, but they would have won at least a couple that they ended up loosing. I think 11-5 would have been totally realistic.

    And once you get into the playoffs you have a chance. I don't by into this "team X is destined to be a one and done team". In my mind that usually is said by some of the fans rooting for non-playoff teams.
  11. f$@! doug jolley

    f$@! doug jolley New Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    pats get randy moss for a 25 dollar gift certificate to bennegians, and we trade a first rounder for doug fucking jolley. we could have a legit te in Heath miller, who was selected after oakland used our pick, instead once again we proved that our front office is completely and utterly retarted when it comes to the TE position (hope Keller proves that not to be 100 percent correct, jury's still out on that one)
  12. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Favre owes us a high draft choice and a 3rd Round Pick.
  13. Mr Potato Fro

    Mr Potato Fro New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    Wow. I mean just Wow Junc. I woulda never thought.
    The thing that really impressed me was it was obvious you gave this some thought and had a good point of view to back it up. This completely goes against what i assumed your point of view would be.

    Reading your posts this year i thought you were just a blinded Favre hater from day one. And then someone had posted on here that you were usually right on the money. In my head i was thinking "yeah right, Junc is just one sided on Favre, always will be."
    Not that you give two sh*ts because you don't even know me, but my respect for you just went up a few notches. And not because you want Favre back or you had something nice to say about him, but from this post i can tell that your not just stubborn or one sided on your views, but you actually put some thought and reasons behind your views.
  14. ScotlandJet

    ScotlandJet New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    Junc, Have you started celebrating New Year early? Farve is done. He was plain and simple just awful, he never looked comfortable and his throws were lame ducks. How many times did he nearly get picked off. I don't want him back. we need to move on.
  15. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    We didn't trade a 1st rounder for Jolley, people don't understand what that trade actually was about. We gave them our 1st rounder and moved down about 20 slots plus we picked up extra picks one of which resulted in Kerry Rhodes.

    Heath Miller is an average TE at best. He's nothing special and keller will be alot better than him. Already in an up and down rookie year Keller matched Miller's career high in recs and was only 31 yds behind his career high in yards and Miller started from day 1 while Keller only started 6 games.

    Thank you.
  16. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    You know what Junc? Favre is my favorite...no secret, but he's done.

    You saying you want him back makes me think you are Jets FO material. You should send in a resume.
  17. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    What Favre really owes us is a quick and painless retirement. By quick I mean today, the guy is going to cost us Cowher and then retire in February while we are stuck with the Schott family reunion and no Qb. No promising HC is going to come here with the uncertainty of Favre hanging on.
  18. ScotlandJet

    ScotlandJet New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    Amen Brother.
  19. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    It boggles my mind to think the FO would cater to a player that is already 2 years past being able to contribute anything, and upset a whole franchise.
    If Woody was really concerned with selling PSL's, and giving the fans what they want, he should realize that we wanted Favre gone as much, if not more then Mangini.
    Favre was a no brainer, at the time of his arrival, but we must face the facts, THE FAVRE EXPERIMENT WAS A FAILURE.
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    If I was working in the FO we'd have had alot more success through the years and we'd at worst be playing this weekend.

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