Depends, how long ago did you buy the game? What types of games are you playing and what level are you? You will notice a significant difference in play once you learn all the maps. Every level has a good amount of good hideouts and spots to shoot from. I usually play hardcore deathmatch, that way people dont just run out and shoot up everything. Its must less realistic when you can pump some guy with about 10 rounds and he is still standing. Hardcore, its usually the first guy to get the shots off is the guy standing at the end. 1,2, or 3 shots at most to kill someone. Here are my tips: Tip #1 - Use bouncing bettys. Plant them in high traffic areas, it will increase your kill count, and streaks which can rocket when you get to 5 ( artillery) and 7 (dogs). Dogs may be the best streak booster, even better then the helicopter in COD4. Tip #2 - Find a good hideout in each level. Actually, find two so your not predictable. Surround the entrances with betty's. Make sure your spot has a great vantage point to pick off enemies. Tip#3 - Get in a Tank! Enough said.... Tip #4 - Use Aperture, it significantly increases your aim. Tip #5 - STG-44. Best gun I have come across thus far. Tip #6 - Swap out your bouncing betty's as Perk #1 for Grenade launchers on levels that have tanks. Also make sure your primary grenade in these levels is the sticky grenade. Tip #7 - Stopping Power, it helps you kill your opponent before he kills you. Tip #8 - If your in the open and being shot at, jump sporadically. It will make them miss. I cant think of anymore now, I pretty tired. PM me if you want to know the good spots in each level. At least the ones that work for me.
Why, because you cant handle a gun that has some kick? I admit that COD4 has better weapons (no shit), but overall gameplay and levels kick ass in COD5. Tanks, dogs, and bouncing betty's FTW!
Only because it saves itself....all your stats, your earned perks, and everything. I have a 1.15 kill death ratio, a 24 kill streak, and unfortunately a .85 win ratio. Those are the stats they save. Good enough for me.
It's a camping game. What's the fun in being shot from corners and shit? It's fucking stupid. The tanks are fun and shit but that's it. It's not even like I suck, I have a 1.35 K/D and a 31 kill streak but man, the game blows.
Camping is good to kill those foolish enough to run out in the middle of the open map. You deserved to get killed repeatedly if thats the case. You can camp in any level on COD4, and virtually its the same game. Where you get this notion that its completely different is beyond me. There are multiple levels on this game that you cant even attempt to camp in. Asylum, Dome, and Courtyard to name a few.
You?re a camper yourself, aren?t you? @topic, average game, bad singleplayer, solid Multiplayer, but already got bored of it, and I doubt I?ll play it again sometime.
well got it for xmas and me and my 6 year old play alot.but the PS3 is hooked up to the big screen in the living room where i have the Wii also.and my older daughter always wants to play the Wii. my son has this signal he gives me like he is moving the controllers with his thunmbs when he wants to play Call of Duty.
he understands right from wrong and this is only make believe. he is only allowed to play with me.never alone.i think that is fair. i played cowboys and indians,did people believe i would grow up a racist???
started him on Star Wars movies when he was 2 1/2 . Empire strikes Back baby. and first baseball & football game was @ 3
The funny thing about that is, that even the adult version of the game is cut here. They don?t want anybody to play, what you?re 6yo plays. That?s why I buy a good portion of my games from either the UK or, if I want the german version, from Austria.
i played for 3 hours last nite solo. my boy got home from shopping with the wife and he was pissed.i have a half day today and i plan to push the germans back today with the sharp shooting eye of a 6 year old baby.