Jets Mortgaged their future, Big Time

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BomberJet, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    This was my whole point on this thread. With Pennington, or even any good proven QB for that matter in their prime, the Jets window of opportunity was still there to be taken advantaged of. These fans or so called experts that think it's a snap of a finger to bring in a competant QB or to even commit to grooming a young one, what are the odds of it being a success before team has to go through another major rebuild?

    It wasn't my intention to say that I miss Chad. Quite the contrary! He had weaknesses, and they were well pointed it But, he was our best hope for consistantly good consecutive years of competetive football.

    Now assuming Favre doesn't return, what next? Should the Jets commit to developing their young QB's at the risk of another mediocre season? Or, find a fre-agent you can step in and lead them to contention? Who is out there? Sure, Cassal may be available but for what price? Kraft has to be out of his mind not to put a franchise tag on him if there are doubts in Brady's return. What a mess.
    #61 BomberJet, Dec 27, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2008
  2. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    its the coaching......for the last time, peyton manning would struggle with this offense due to the coaching, they don't know how to use a hall of fame quaterback, for the last time it is the coaching. Pennington would have done worse than favre. end this shit.
  3. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    Thanks for your opinion.
    I'll make one point above all that is really irking me:


    With Chad, they would have had at least another year or 2 with a fighting chance to contend. With a 40 QB, what can we expect? I expect nothing less than for my team to be in the Super Bowl!! Has any team with a 40 year QB acomplished that?

    Problem I have is what this team has accomplished so far up to this point. They had one of the easiest schedules in the league with facing such push overs as Seattle, 49rs, Raiders,
    Chargers and to a lessor extent the Broncos. Playoff teams beat opponents like these. With all the aquired free-agents and not being able to make the playoffs...or backing into it for that matter, is this what we would have expected at the beggining of this season? How many here during training camp would have been satisfied of this team not making the final 6 with a QB 1 year shy of 40?

    I don't think any franchise can go out there, hand pick players from other teams, and expect to be an instant Super Bowl contender. This Jet team proves it. Part of that recipe must be in the proven capabilities of the coaching staff. Mangini and crew were certainly far from that.
  4. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    You may be correct. If so there is at least one major decision to be made:
    What to do in this case - clean house or give it another year? With a QB on the downside of his career, isn't much time for guessing.
  5. redneckjet

    redneckjet New Member

    May 22, 2006
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    We didn't do that. Our team has a YOUNG core and a BRIGHT future! The Favre thing apparantly didn't work, but I still believe we have a competitive team. Despite our latest draft bust, I'm already looking forward to next year's draft. and hey!...THIS season isn't over yet......GO BILLS !!!!!!!! GO JAGS!!!!!!
  6. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Great another wah is me Chad fan post.

    I am GLAD he is done. And he still sucks. The Dolphins though, who are actually well coached, have found a way to maximize Chad's abilities and let the defense and special teams win games. But the truth remains that despite good looking statistics he is still generally ineffective especially at scoring. The Dolphins do not use him much in the red zone, and play soft between the 20s which allows Chad to compile those incredibly deceiving QB rating numbers. The Phins released that Chad can only do two things effectively: throw seam routes and dump offs. And thats all he does. It is brilliant really. Even still the Dolphins struggle to score, and Chad is still an incredibly overrated turd of a QB.

    Three things:

    1. Clemens would have started this year if Favre was not picked up. But Clemens was not distinguishing himself and they did not know what they really had in Brett Jr.

    2. Even if Chad had started our brain-dead stubborn and un-original coaching staff would never have handled Chad like the fish, and we would be 5-10 or so right now and Chad would have as many interceptions as TDs.

    3. MVP: Despite that, you could make a good case for CHad as the MVP, because even in his limited role, he has allowed the Dolphins to find a way to win which would not have happened with Henne.
  7. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    Thanks for making sense. Screw all this "If we had only kept Chad" crap. He had several years to get the Jets to the SB. He didn't. And you know what? Barring miracles (like last year's Giants) the Dolphins are not going to the Super Bowl this year either.

    So let's see... How long has it been since the Jets have won the SB? And how long since the 'fins won it all?

    Yeah, the 'fins have been to the playoffs more often than the Jets, but when you come down to it? The 'fins, for all their history of making the playoffs, for all the hype about Dan "Morono" in the 1980s and 1990s... For all expectations about this team? Their drought between SB wins is almost the same as the Jets! So they have NO bragging rights.
  8. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    If they haven't lost confidence, then why do they look apprehensive when they are playing? They seem to be DOA when the going gets tough. There is little aggressiveness, fire and emotion from this team. This pisses off more Jets fans as the weeks have gone on.

    I agree with the second half of your statement. We do need a coach who uses the talent we have. And we do have some talent. This is why I am angry with the current coaching staff. Last season I wasn't down on the coaching staff knowing the team was not that good. I took solace in watching some players improve as the season went on. With the talent acquired this past offseason, I thought we were going to beat teams up with physical play on both O and D line. We have not. We are like a ship without a rudder. There is no definite direction being taken. We try to change our gameplan to coincide with the opponent.

    I want a coach with a compass, GPS and a knack for direction. It seems as if along the way, Mangini and his staff got lost and cannot find their way back.
  9. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    It's the Coaching = TTG's "9-11"

    Run back to it, cause you know people will buy it.
  10. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Says the guy whos team has yet to beat Jet Favre. We'll see tommorrow.
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Who cares that we won zero games where we scored less than 20? It's the D's fault that they held Oakland to 13 pts in reg and our O couldn't score more? It was the D's fault that they basically held Seattle to 10 pts and our O couldn't score more? And the O only scored 19 against Buffalo.

    at Miami: we won b/c of our D, our O had numerous chan ces to score more points and all we needed was 1 1st down to win it and we couldn't do it.

    vs. NE: We held NE to 19 and NE scored it's only TD off a Favre INT that set them up deep in NYJ territory.

    at SD: O and D were awful though the D set up the O w/ a 7-0 lead and they couldn't do anything w/ it and turned it over 4 straight possessions in the 1st half to give us no chance.

    vs. Arizona: gave up 35 but we won b/c the D forced a million turnovers and shut out that AZ O in the 1st half.

    vs. Cincy: gave up 7 pts to Cincy, Favre kept Cincy in the game.

    at oak: held Oak to 13 pts in regulation, our O could only score 13 in 5 qtrs against the mighty Oakland D.

    vs. KC: Another TD allowed by our Offense, 3 more INts by Favre setting up more scores.

    at Buf: won w/ D. They had the bad 1st drive to fall behind 7-3 but after our O failed again the D created a turnover giving the O the ball at the Buf 6 but of course we could only manage a FG. The next time to ensure a TD the D had to return an INt for a TD then w/ the game in hand w/ the ball up 13 what does Favre do? He throws an INT for a TD to make it a game.

    vs. SL: alot like the SL game, the D scored AGAIN and created 5 turnovers.

    at NE: 1st game won by the O. This is the game the D really started to falter but the O picked them up.

    at Ten: well balanced win, D dominated Tennssee despite multiple turnovers from our Offense.

    Denver: stunk in all phases.

    at SF: stunk in all phases. Unlike earlier in the year where the D picked up the O when the O was struggling they didn't the last month but they shouldn't have had to all season.

    vs. Buf: D wins game

    at Seattle: D holds Seattle to basically 10 pts.

    We have won 9 games mostly b/c of the D, if the O would have held up their part we'd have at least 11 wins.

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