Final Pennington vs Favre Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Long Time Jet Fan, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. Fusion2006

    Fusion2006 New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    You paint this picture of this guy as this "Jet Great". Choking doesn't necessarily mean that you throw the big INT when the game is on the line (i.e. THIS YEAR - JETS V. DOLPHINS).

    He can't take the big risk at the end of teh game because he doesn't even have the arm the do it. He throws dinky 5 yard passes when the game is the on the line. How many BIG late game drives did you see out of Pennington in years with the Jets. This year he has been a bit better but as a Jet he stunk, you never had that confidence in him when the game was on the line.

    Any QB that has never led his team to even the CONFERENCE title game let alone the Super Bowl, is NOT "clutch" - ONE division title?. Choking doesn't mean you always throw that late INT (if he wasn't injured and even playing that is).

    But of course you are going to paint some rosy picture where he was a victim of circumstance. Once again, the guy was OK as our QB - he had a lot of heart, but overall he was a failure because he never won any individual awards OR any team awards. It was time to move on.

    "Big game" Pennington. HA!
  2. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Hahaha yeah he "sabotaged our season" and outside of 1-2 games Chad played better.

    That might be the funniest thing I've ever read.
  3. keypusher

    keypusher Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    Yes, that is exactly what choking means. Or at least an example of choking. The general meaning is playing below your general level in big games. I don't know enough about Pennington's career in NY to say for sure, but my general impression is that he's played well in a number of big games, and badly in a few. Overall, not a choker.

    Your complaint with Pennington isn't really that he's a choker, it's that (in your opinion), he's not very good. That's a perfectly respectable opinion, but it doesn't excuse you from using words correctly.

    The mantra on this board about Pennington choking at the end of the Jets game in September is stupid, by the way. The Phins were at the 18 yard line with ten seconds left, so anything less than a TD pass was useless. Even if it had been Marino throwing to Duper and Clayton, those aren't good odds. The last pass was basically a jump ball between Revis and Ginn, and Revis made the play. Good for him, but it isn't a case of the QB choking.
  4. Fusion2006

    Fusion2006 New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    I would hope ONE of those was the game where Chad had the ball in his hand threw an INT with the game on the line AGAINST Favre and the Jets.

    Sometimes Nyjunc I respect your opinion other times I just don't get it. This team has more problems than Favre. Favre did not "sabotage" the season. We have the 29th pass defense. We have a run defense thats given up 100+ yards to the Broncos, Bills and Seahawks. The Seahawks played with FIVE backups on the OL and had Morris as their RB. The coaching staff constantly runs when they should pass and passes when they should run and makes terrible 4th down decisons and makes NO half time adjustments. They can't get ANY pressure on the QB with their pass rush. But you always seem to discount all that with jabs at Favre. I don't get it, I know you thought Chad was awesome but at some point you have to see this team objectively and realize they just arn't that good overall.

    And Jets fans have a terrible reputation because they do things like cheer against their own team at home against a divisoinal rival.
  5. Trip McNealy

    Trip McNealy Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    Wow, and you say you dont have an agenda?

    Please. If anyone sabotaged our season it was our atrocious defense.
  6. Fusion2006

    Fusion2006 New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    I respect what you are saying and maybe "choking" is not the right word per say.

    I assume your a Phins fan but if you watched Pennington over his career that play sums up why it is so frustrating to watch him sometimes. He doesn't have that ability to throw that big pass in the perfect spot because his arm just isn't strong enough. He plays with a lot of heart and he's smart with the football and seeing receivers but he's not that guy IMO I would want in a late do or die situation.
  7. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Chad was a Jet great- when healthy. He's the only Jet QB to start in 3 different postseason and win postseason games in 2 different seasons.

    The fact that he even had his team in that game against us in week 1 was amazing, we dominated most of that game and w/ no running game and no WRs he nearly led Miami to the W.

    How many big game late drives have we seen out of Favre? and if not for Favre TOs we wouldn't have needed 2 of the 3.

    Chad big game late drives:


    -led us to leading FG w/ under 3 mins left vs. KC but D allows game losing TD.
    -led us to GW FG w/ just over 2 mins left vs. Miami in huge Sunday Night game.


    -led us bck from 14 down in the 4th qtr to send Giants game to OT.
    -led us back from 14 down in the 4th qtr at Oak which incluided needing a 2 pt conversion to tie the game and send it to OT.
    -led us to GW TD drive down 4 pts in final minute vs Jacksonville.


    -led us to last minute FG to beat Buf by 2.
    -led us to game tying Fg to send Rams game to OT
    -led us to GW FG in OT win at SD in playoffs


    -led us to GW TD w/ just over 2 mins left at tennessee.
    -led us to GW FG at Miami in final seconds.

    How soon we forget? But you joined in September so I don't know if you are a Jet fan or Favre fan.

    What Chad did in week 1 was miraculous, even having his team in that game w/ a chance to win when he had no running game and his WRs did nothing all game yet he led them back and they had a chance to win. Fvare had a million chances to keep Miami ouit of reach but he fumbled deep in Miami territroty and couldn't lead us to some critical 1st downs to end the game.

    I never said this was all on Favre but I do believe if we had better QB play we'd have at least 2 more wins right now. It's alot harder playing D when your O doesn't score unless you get TOs for them and your O constatntly turns it over. That's alot of pressure on a D and the D finally buckled late in the year.

    Our D gave up 100+ yds rushing to Morris BUT they only gave up 10 pts!(the other 3 were on the O). Do they have to shut out opponents to satisfy you? Our O scored 3 points against a terrible Seattle defense.

    Another Favre fellater talks to me abaout an agenda?:lol: I'm sorry he's been great all year, we would have gone 0-16 w/0 him.

    What has Favre done in those situatiosn this year that has you confident in him? Chad won multiple games for Miami late this year, Chad has led big drives in big spots many times throughout his career. Name me all these games we lost b/c Chad choked?
  8. cnc66

    cnc66 New Member

    Aug 30, 2008
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    Well said Junky, I LOVE what Chad has done for us this year. Not only the wins, but how he is mentoring our young qb's. Having said that, if favray should show up with his "A" game, imo, you will win. If brett gets on a roll, your running game is going to eat us up.. might anyway.. the only thing that could make this matchup better would be you winning at the seachickens.

    Rooting for the jets today is the same as rooting for the patsies.. feel guilty. :)
    #168 cnc66, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008
  9. 4jetfans

    4jetfans Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2004
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    Thank God its at 4pm and not at 8PM. Lets find out who wins and losses in the 1pm games and then let the chips fall where they may with our game.
  10. Jetsetter

    Jetsetter Active Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    From today's Daily News:
  11. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Lol junc I love how u give chad credit for all those drives that led to game tying fgs but favre doing it against oakland to tie, game winning drive against the chiefs, against the patriots he gets 0 cred.

    Then u defend chads game ending int against us, favre didn't do enough that game? Lol
    I guess u defend his loss to the texans also? Woulda been another game ending int if the corner doesn't fumble the ball.

    Favre hasn't played well obviously, but this cs is the bigger issue. But u constantly take jabs at favre u give this team to the patriots cs and we're 13-2 right now.

    To say favre sabotaged this team is just idiotic and shows how ignorant u actually are.
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Who didn't give him any credit? I saud he had 3 this year though 2 we were in that situation b/c of him.

    The QB play has held back this team, whether you guys want to admit it or not it has.

    Give this team to the Pats CS w/ Favre the way he's played this year and we might be a game or 2 better, put Cassell on this team and we are a game or 2 better.
  13. Trip McNealy

    Trip McNealy Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    The QB play has held back this team. But it hasnt held back this team more than our atrocious defense.

    The fact that you think the D has "carried" us is embarrassing. We cant stop the run and haven been able to stop anyone all season vs the pass. We are worst in the league with forcing 3 and outs and at the bottom with stopping teams on third down.

    You simply dont know the game. At all.
  14. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The D carried us much of the season. Creating Tos, making up for bad Brett turnovers. It was bad at times early but there's only so much ou can do when your O only scores off TOs and they turn it over so many times a game.
  15. Trip McNealy

    Trip McNealy Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    No. It hasnt.

    The defense has been awful all season. There hasnt been one game where the defense has "carried" us. Maybe the Rams.
  16. ajetsfan4ever

    ajetsfan4ever Active Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    noodle arm is actually gonna start 16 games in a season today.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Chad and Farve are both at best first rd one and done Qb's! The goal is a Sb not the first round of the playoffs therefore neither one of them are the answer for the Jets at this point!
  18. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Oh, wait... now your anti-Favre too? :lol:

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Not Anti Farve at all. As I have stated If I had it all to do again I would have chosen Farve over Pennington any day of the week. Pennington has played well for the Phins but all of this comes to and end next week no matter what happens. He could and will never get us or any other team to the superbowl. I wanted Neither Qb actually. I wanted to gut and rebuild this mess from the bottom up since 2006. Mangini does not have the balls to design a offense to suit Farve because he is to conservative. Now we have a lame duck coach and a Qb who might skip out the door this afternoon.
  20. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    C-H-A-D Chad Chad Chad!

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