Final Pennington vs Favre Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Long Time Jet Fan, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Seriously junc. I don't even know what to say. Either you're not watching the games, or you're just arguing to argue. Anybody who thinks our OL has been anything but mediocre in pass protection is lying to himself.
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I think you look to give favre the benefit of the doubt, maybe you think I am being unfair w/ Favre but I'm not. The Ol has been good to very good most of the year. We agree to disagree, w/ good QB play I think this is the type of O that can go a long way in January.
  3. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    I agree with you nyjunc. People are defending Favre and 'trying' to blame the bad play on the OL.

    Remember last yr when neither the pass worked, nor the run worked? Thats when you blame the OL. Our running game this yr has been GREAT. I repeat "GREAT". Don't look the number of rushing yards because he haven't run the ball enough.

    Chad was blamed for all the losses last yr when he had a suicidal OL. Now he has a great OL to work with and is producing wins. There's an old saying "games are won in the trenches". Thats true to some extent. Favre? He's old. If he was 32, he would have hand picked his receivers before every play say "you just be ready to catch". Now its like, hey Im gonna throw it 'towards' you (not at you) and you slow down and try to win the jump ball.

    Our pass protection is fine. I remember Favre having all day to throw on Sunday on several plays. But he would just look, look and look. 6-8 seconds enough for a WR to run all the way down to the other end of the field and thats more than enough time an OL can provide. After that, Favre would start scrambling to buy an extra second or two but couldn't. You can't blame that on the OL.

    A great OL will give up sacks and will allow pressure no matter how great they are. Favre was sacked and pressurised several times against Seagirls but hardly enough to say it was the OL.
  4. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Cowboy fan,

    Who said it was either or in blaming Favre or the OL?!? Anyone who saw the Seahawk game and thought the OL played well was talking about the Seattle OL, a bunch of backups and camp cuts hung together with chewing gum and spit. THEY played better than the Jet OL.

    That's not saying Favre played well. Duh.
  5. Jets FTW!!

    Jets FTW!! Member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    stop arguing about chad and favre! Chads having a great year, can't compare on one year. It's like saying last year we could of used favre because he was having a great year! Next year lets see if getting rid of penny was bad. Lets see if favre stays and see what happens next season. You can't compare on 1 season.
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    The problem is the Favre move was all about this season, so that's all we have to base it on. We all know he was great in Green Bay for a long time and he's going to the Hall of Fame, but that does us absolutely no good as Jet fans. He won't be here next year.
  7. Jets FTW!!

    Jets FTW!! Member

    Feb 11, 2007
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  8. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Talk about making posts without a basis!

    Hey, I'm not saying I am certain Favre will be back, but your saying he won't is based on?
  9. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    He wont....and Im are all those other sensible fans. I think you out to take ur medicine cuz ur just taking jabs at others.
  10. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Jets OL played fine...If you're producing over 4 yards a carry on average, the OL is fine. They gave up couple of sacks but Favre waited way too long for plays to develop.

    Am I making myself clear as to what Im saying?

    U r saying Seahawks OL played better than Jets'? I think the Jets D played terrible, which makes the Seagirls OL play look great. If you're doubling up on all the rushers and blitz just literally stands in front of the Qb and watch him play, chances the OL will look great.
  11. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    100% dead on.

    Last week I screamed "Throw the Fuking Ball!!!" more times than I have all year.
    To try and spin Favres horrid play to the o-line at this point is a feeble attempt and says more about ego than actually insightfulness.

    and believe me, I even have a D'Brick thread that gets updated with praise more than anything else.

    It's not the O-line this year, that was last year. Nice try though! :up:

  12. JetsYankeesThrylos

    JetsYankeesThrylos Active Member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    yeah well the oline hasent been what we've all been making out to be, the run blocking is kinda weak, and the protection is good at times, and at those times when its good, farve stands around for like 6 seconds then throws and incompletion or interception, WTF
  13. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    You apparently don't know the difference between run blocking and pass blocking.
  14. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    And you apparently don't watch the Jets games!
  15. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Oh wait...u did...last yr.
  16. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Nice comeback.

    Well, not really.
  17. markcsoul

    markcsoul New Member

    Oct 1, 2008
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    I've mentioned it before, but it needs to be said again.

    Being a Packers fan, I have more insight into this.

    There are 2 main reasons why Favre is not doing so hot this year, which some but not all have acknowledged already.

    1) O-Line is not a good passing o-line.
    Look at how many time's he's been sacked this year compared to other years, the pass protection is just not the best. Although a fair amount of them have been coverage sacks, which leads me to point 2.

    2) The receivers are good, but not great.
    They can't get open very often, and rarely have big seperation. They also are not that fast either. This leads to Favre having a low yards per attempt, as well as total yards. He has not had one 300 yard game this year, that is very hard to believe. He also has had many sub-200 yard games as well. Part of this is because the running game is so good that he doesn't have to pass as much, but not all.

    Many are saying Favre is too old and whatever, but I'm not convinced that is true. People said the same thing during the 2005 & 2006 seasons, and then look what happened in 2007. What was the difference? In 2005 & 2006 he had no good receivers other than Driver, in fact, several were quite poor. Also he had several rookie or 2 years o-linemen both of those years as well.

    In 2007 he had Driver, a non-injured Jennings hitting stride, a promising rookie in James Jones, an emerging receiver in Ruvell Martin, and a decent FA pickup in Koren Robison. Not to mention his line finally had some experience under their belt to play well for the most part.

    So what's the solution? Using more quick slant routes for one, which plays to Favre's strength, along with rolling him out more to avoid being sacked and give his receivers more time to get open.

    If Favre returns next year, I think you could maybe see a 2007 type season again if the schemes are changes to his strengths and clowney and possibly a new rookie or fa receiver are added with good skills.
  18. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    I want some of what your smoking it must be good stuff. The final favre v. chad thread:rofl::rofl::rofl:
    Stats do not mean a thing in this argument Favre all the way. Even though the old man is showing his age he is still better than chad. Favre at 80 will be a better qb. If chad is sooooo gooood why did he do jack shit with the Jets. This season is a fluke he will return to being the same old chad soon enough. When he does all I can say is enjoy your pennington.
  19. HughC

    HughC New Member

    May 3, 2008
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    Maybe he meant the final one of the day.

    What's the over/under on the number of new Favre/Chad threads to appear on Sunday, twenty?
  20. Fusion2006

    Fusion2006 New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    Hey I don't have time to read a million pages of this.

    But what if the Jets beat the Phins on Sunday and Chad Pennington watches yet another Super Bowl on TV, is the debate over right there? I don't think its THAT simple because its a team game but those same people that blame 90% of the Jets problems on Favre and give Chad 90% of the credit for Miami MUST abide by this then.


    If the Jets beat the Phins next week - Chad lovers will say "its a team game, Chad is still the better choice" - even though all year they have been focusing on the play between two players.

    If the Phins beat the Jets next week - Chad lovers will say "I knew it, Chad is better than Favre".

    There will be no "last thread" because Chad lovers will never give up on how we would be SO great if we just HAD a player who has never even been to a CONFERENCE championship game let alone the Super Bowl. Or lets celebrate his Pro Bowls and MVPs. Oh wait.

    At the end of the day, he's better off in Miami, it doesn't mean he'd be great here. Its about circumstances and being in the right "fit" in football. Someone please stop the how you would CERTAIN if Chad was here, we'd be awesome. IF arguments are so stupid because you can't be proven wrong but at the same time you can't prove your right.

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