Real classy. If this is the way Jets fans are, you deserve what you get. No doubt, Favre has played poorly, but that throw was right on the money. The defense has also played poorly the past how many games. Look at how long Brett has had to pass the ball, yet no one can get open. Somehow that is his fault as well.
Now im sure we will hear all the critics. "It's not Favres fault". "Cole's has to catch the ball". Gimme a break. Favre has played like crap. He's gotta go. Hopefully he just retires. Let him retire, fire Mangini and then move on. It's time to make drastic changes to this team again.
Hahaha. Sucks for them. Almost as much as all those who bought Chad jerseys. At least a Favre jersey will be considered a classic. In 5 years, a Pennington jersey will have the value of a diaper.
Weren't that good. Jenkins must have played hurt the last couple weeks and it changed the whole defense. And Favre must have done something to his arm. Didn't practice Wednesday, something up with that.
Oh I know, the same thing has happened all day, but the playcall was not a screen, or a slant to be found
I am SO glad I opted out of buying the post season tickets. Now at least I get to hold on to my cash. And Hey we don't have to give the Packers big picks
we are done -- stop the scenarios New England is plying great ball in december like they always do with 30 injured players and guys coming out of retirement -- they will run up 50 points on buffalo
I don't have a Chad jersey but at least he led us to a division title like he will lead Miami to a div title this year