XBOX LIVE ftw.... the new xbox live experience is insane. granted, all of these gaming companies, including xbox, are copping off of what the nintendo wii has done with its mii's etc etc etc, but the new "xbox live experience" is pretty nice and looks great
I got invited to the beta a couple of weeks ago, can't say I really cared for it. Maybe it'll get better after they add more content, but I'm not holding my breath.
they need to add some sims elements to it, like drinking your avatar into an espresso fit and then pissing yourself. though it is hysterical that people jump on a $600 video game machine to stand in line at a virtual arcade to a play other video games.
Been following Home since development was announced. Home is going to be cool because of the following: Immediately jump into games from your "home". While between games your "home" can have mini games inside it, such as a pool table. You can also rent blue ray movies and stream them from home. You can also access the PS Store which will allegedly have a store front interface with games "in boxes" your avatar picks up and checks out with. I think it'll be relatively cool. They've delayed it 5 times to add more content. HOPEFULLY they've got their act together by this upcoming summer. The point of home is supposedly to show how much power is in the 600 dollar black box.
i haven't used it but i have heard pretty much the same thing everyone else has said in this thread. seems like the beta is pretty shitty at the moment.
It sucks. You have to pay for shit like clothes and furniture and when ur in their pretend world, there's nothign to actually do. I really don't understand the point.
the point is to get you to buy clothes and furniture to decorate your make believe world so you actually think you are doing something. if they tied your achievements from the games you play into points you can redeem to buy stuff in Home, I'd mess around with it because it is there. but, as it is, I'm not spending real money on fake shit, so I have no need to ever "play" it. hopefully they will figure out how to use it to actually enhance or even compliment the games you play.