2008-2009 Yankees Off-Season Thread

Discussion in 'Baseball Forum' started by dwalsh, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    I think we've established that Don has no fucking clue.
  2. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Wow..I said they have no plans for him in the majors. You just said the same thing yet somehow it's different? They don't. Live with it. They aren't paying anybody 10 million dollars to see it the bullpen. Get used to it. If somebody gets hurt he probably gets called up assuming he isn't throwing like shit again this year. But then I already said that, didn't I?
  3. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    The problem is, what you said is wrong, and is totally different than what Cappy said.

    Cappy is saying the same thing that Girardi and Cashman have said, that Hughes is not being viewed as "one of the five" in the starting rotation planned for early-April '09. That doesn't mean he won't be a starter in April, merely that as of right now, they are running operations under the assumption that he cannot be counted on.

    What you are saying is that you have interpreted their comments to mean "Hughes will start the season in Scranton/Wilkes Barre, and if he excels, might get back to the majors." That is 100% wrong. Not merely mistaken or misinformed, but wrong.

    Hughes will be in Tampa the same day Jorge Posada shows up. Before Derek and Alex even get there. He'll then be given the chance over the following month and half to earn himself a locker in the new Yankee Stadium. Will he do it? No one knows, which is what Girardi and Cashman were saying.
  4. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    You and he are just twisting semantics. You do need to use a little imagination to figure out what they are really saying. Obviously they would never publicly use the words I do. However, that in no way changes the facts or what they are really saying. There is no room for him, there is no place for him. Simple
  5. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    This is good news, in my opinion, for there to be something to the Teixiera rumor.


    "Since the Brewers have had limited contact with the Yankees, they are under the assumption the Yankees' interest in doing the deal has wilted. And since the Brewers insisted the Yankees pay some of the $12 million remaining on Igawa's contract and the Yankees are balking, there is a feeling in the organization that maybe it's not best for the Yankees.They are not sure they want to do it," a person with knowledge of the Yankees' plans said. "
  6. Cappy

    Cappy Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Thank you, O Mighty Don for helping us to understand what They Are Really Saying.

    C'mon, dude. We get that (if they sign Pettite) there's not going to be a guaranteed spot for him, and that they are conducting their business as though Hughes will not be with the club to start the season. Yes, this is obvious.

    The difference, though... and this goes far beyond semantics... is in the interpretation of what this means. You allege that this is a huge blow for Hughes, that they don't like him anymore, or that he's a bust. It is none of these things.
  7. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Now I see what they are talking about Don with you interpreting quotes. You interpreted this like a spin doctor. I don't see how this can be linked to Teixiera at all.

    Edit: I see what you were saying, there is creedence to the rumor the Yanks have pursued Teix...my bad

    Although that said, there was creedence to the fact the Yankees were pursuing Teix when Cashman met with him, no? You don't meet with a player unless you have some invested interest.
    #1067 GQMartin, Dec 16, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2008
  8. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    If you really do get it then why do you keep arguing it? He has no spot on the Yankees. Girardi says it, Cashman says it and yet you want to somehow twist and turn that into him having a spot. He doesn't. If they thought he was good enough to pitch for them they would stop looking for a #5.

    Now, like I said several times, if somebody goes down he can earn that replacement spot. That is obvious.

    If you don't see why this is a huge blow for Hughes then you are blind. He was kept last year to be a starter. They refused to give him up for fuckin Santana so he could be a starter. He sucked and now he can't even make the team. They are willing to spend 10 million bucks to keep him out of the lineup and you can't see it? Give us all a break.
  9. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    I really don't care what anyone says. I've ALWAYS like Hughes, he has pitched well at points but had injury problems, the cardinal rule is you don't lose your spot to injury. So until he pitches himself out of a roster spot, he is on the roster IMO.

    This argument does not apply to Kennedy I'm long done with him. Did the Yankees really think they would defy the odds and go 3/3 on young pitchers???
  10. Cappy

    Cappy Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    That's never been what I said. Holy shit, dude. Reading comprehension. It's a good thing.

    1. They might, if they plan on pursuing Teixeira.
    2. It's not a question about whether they think he's "good enough to pitch for them" this year. It's about whether they thought it was the best plan to count on him to do so. To just hand him a spot, like they did last year.

    How many times do I have to say it? If Hughes is such a pussy that he can't handle this, then he was never going to cut it in the big leagues regardless. Do you think that's the case?

    So far, all we've seen from you is the absolute worst case scenarios that involves reading between some imaginary lines as to what Cashman and Girardi mean (beyond what they actually say), having it affect Hughes to the point where he runs home crying, and will be the worst pitcher ever. Just because YOU lack the fortitude to handle adversity, don't project that shit onto others.

    And who is this "us" that I'm supposed to give a break? Everyone else here seems to think you're a moron. At least I'm trying to give you a chance to explain yourself (or, more realistically, admit that you have no clue what you're talking about). But since you can't seem to do that, I'm going to throw my hat in with everybody else, I guess.
  11. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I want Texiera! Come on Yankees!
  12. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    From Rotoworld

    SI.com's Jon Heyman believes the Yankees will be ready to pounce on Manny Ramirez if they lose out on fellow free agent Mark Teixeira.

    Heyman calls the Yanks "behind" in the chase for Teixeira. Most who cover the Yankees seem to view either a Teixeira or Ramirez signing as a significant long shot. Even if they're not really pursuing the players, it makes sense for the Yankees to keep their names involved in an effort to drive up prices, especially with the Red Sox and Angels in the mix.

    This rotoworld guy is an idiot. How can you say the Yanks signing Ramirez and Teixiera is a significant long shot as most consider them to not really be pursuing each player and then say IF THEY LOSE OUT they will pounce on Manny?

    If they are not pursuing these players, how can you lose out on them???? Pick a stance buddy.
  13. Learn To Swim

    Learn To Swim 2008 Nightowltom "Best Non-Jets Poster" Award Winn

    Sep 25, 2004
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    The rotoworld dude's point is that Heyman is probably completely full of shit and that most guys who actually cover the Yankees full-time think that they're just trying to fuck up the market for Boston and Anaheim.
  14. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    Heyman: "The Yankees are in on the Mark Teixeira sweepstakes but don't appear overly optimistic to outbid the determined Angels or Red Sox. "

    ESPN is also reporting that a deal could be coming soon, worth between $22 and $28 million.
  15. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Wow Don. We should all be bowing to you. You're clearly the only person in the entire world who knows what Girardi and Cashman meant when they said that their plans did not include Hughes in the rotation. Why aren't you a sports journalist? You'd be a superstar with your insight skills.

    I don't think you're a moron. I think you're so blinded by your irrational hatred for Cashman that you'll find any excuse (or make one up) to throw some more wood on the fire. It's silly, but hey, if you can still sleep at night, more power to you.
  16. SixFeetDeep

    SixFeetDeep Red Hot Robbie Cano

    Jan 24, 2007
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    a deal or an offer?
  17. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    A deal. They say it's going to be over fairly soon.
  18. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    I'm seeing things about the Orioles still.

    But if he signs with Boston, bring in Manny. I'm sold on the fact that A-Rod will have no protection, plus I'd rather have him batting 3rd in front of Manny anyway.
  19. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I really think the Yankees should finish building a super pitching staff, filling the rotation with ace potential in every slot. I would forget about Tex and Manny and do whatever it takes to get Peavy out of SD, then I would fill the lineup holes with complimentary players. They tried winning with a lineup full of all stars and failed, now they should do the same with the pitching staff. If the rumors are true regarding the amount of money Tex will get, he will be the most overpaid player in the game, he is a good not great player and certainly not worth close to 200 mil, that is insane.
  20. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    Really? Teixeira at $22-$25 million is a worse deal than Jeter at $21.5 million? Or Andruw Jones at $15 million? Or Zito at $14.5? Or Delgado at $16?

    There are some really terrible deals around the league, and I don't think paying $25 million for an under 30 switch hitter who hits for average and power, all while playing Gold Glove defense is one of them.

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