Giambi was much better when he came here. Giambi had hit .340. This guy hit never hit more than .286 which isn't bad but he strikes out 130 times a year. He does hit a lot of dingers though and at Yankee stadium might hit 50 or 60 every year.
I should have been more specific, I meant latter contract Giambi. Yes, Prince fans a lot, but I guess it doesn't affect some (ahemmm Howard) but wasn't it Prince's defense that cost the Brewers a key game at the end of the season costing them the playoffs?
I mean this Prince thing isn't a bad idea, I guess this is the Yankees' contingency plan if they do sign 3 FA pitchers, they definitely won't be in the market for Teix. Contrary to what Alio dreams about, lol.
Red Sox will probably sign Tex. Our response to that should be Manny for 2 yrs with an option 3rd yr. Anyone agree?
You combine cancer with a bunch of pitchers who are going to break down before they even get to the 3rd year of their contracts and aging vets that are broken down and that brings a smile to the face of Red Sox fans and Yankee haters everywhere. Rejoice now Yankee fans because this is a recipe for disaster.
I see youre in mid-season form spending more time in Yankee threads than Met threads pretending you know what youre talking about.
The NL West was total shit. They had a good shot, regardless. Not saying he didn't provide a boost, but he wasnt the only reason.
You guys are nuts. The Yankees are going to be very good this year. I still think the Sox have an edge in rotation depth and overall quality, but don't underestimate the Yankees. That offense is not going to under perform the way it did last year. They will be very dangerous. If the Sox sign Teixeira I think they win the division easily, but the Yankees will be right there.
Funny I'd say I spend alot more time in the Mets thread except there is more action in here to talk baseball. It's ok spew your venom now but when I'm right in 2 years I'll expect some recognition. Sabathia will be fine in 09 maybe in 2010 but now way he goes more than 2 full seasons without a DL stint. Like I said earlier there wasn't anybody banging down this guys door why is that? How about Burnett he's only on the DL every single year. Oh just because "I don't know what I am talking about" here is Burnett's injury history... April 1, 2001 - May 1, 2001: stress fracture in right foot Aug 19, 2002 - Sept 14, 2002: bone bruise in right elbow Mar 29, 2003 - April 9, 2003: right elbow inflammation April 26, 2003 - June 3, 2004: right elbow inflammation, had Tommy John surgery and returned to action the following year March 27, 2006 - April 15, 2006: right elbow soreness (Wikipedia says a piece of scar tissue from TJ broke loose) April 22, 2006 - June 22, 2006: more right elbow soreness June 19, 2007 - June 28, 2007: right shoulder soreness July 3, 2007 - Aug 12, 2007: more right shoulder soreness Just a few issues with that right arm...... enjoy your 5 years with this guy.
Burnett I agree 100% is a huge risk, but what are you basing the Sabathia claim on? His history of durability or his near flawless mechanics that should protect him from major arm troubles? Or is it "he's fat so he must be an injury risk" even though that has no basis in fact?
fair enough, if you are proven right in 2 years I will give you credit. now can you shut the fuck up until then?
That wouldn't happen until February. He will hold out a long time for a longer contract than 2 years.
Is that coming from a Mets fan? think you need to get your own house in order before worrying about the Yankees and if you think the only problem you had last year was the bullpen then you are sadly mistaken.
If they sign Teixiera he will only barely replace Manny and he really won't do that. He has never had a year like a normal Manny year. You will still have plenty to worry about. That's not to say you won't win but it won't be easy. You still have health issues with Ortiz and Beckett to be concerned about. You have no catcher. Other things I am sure I am forgetting.