I'd much rather sub Sheets for Burnett, but if all of that happened, I'd be an extremely happy Yankees fan.
"The Braves, according to two sources, have not offered Burnett five guaranteed years, contrary to what FOXSports.com reported on Wednesday, citing a different source. The team's offer is for four years with an easily attainable vesting option for a fifth year, the sources said. The total value, if the option were vested, would be approximately $80 million over five years." I would think the Yankees should get him is this is true. Probably today. I thought I read somewhere that the Yankee offer was 91 million and 5 guaranteed years. Somebody else wrote that the Yankees should sign Dr. Andrews to a full time contract too. Not a bad idea. http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/8922020/Wednesday-MLB-winter-meetings-blog
Are you kidding me? We got something for Melky Cabrera! That's like trading your old gym shorts for a car. I don't know how I feel. Should the Yankees just scoop up Lowe, and give him the years he wants, or risk Burnett? I think the only two things that are really clear right now are 1) Teixeira is probably going to be a Red Sox, and 2) Andy Pettitte probably won't be a Yankee.
I think Burnett is the by far the better pitcher IF he can stay healthy. He did for 1 year. Maybe that's a new pattern. I'm not sure why they want to give up Cabrerra for Cameron unless they think Cabrerra can't play the field. He is certainly a better hitter in the few years he has been around. I personally think they want to split up Cano and Cabrerra and Cano has the better upside. I think he stays now. Wow..I just noticed Cameron strikes out 158 times a year over 14 years...lol.
He certainly has more pop. I hope he still does now that he has had to give up the juice (I assume that was what the suspension was for). The next suspension I guess is 50 games..or is it 100? I think they changed the rules last year.
I can't for the life of me understand why a fan who stated that he was against signing Sabathia because he was concerned about a pitcher's health AND is wary about long term contracts to pitchers in general then turns around and says he wants to sign AJ Burnett. Whatever you think about Sabathia in the future, his track record has been one of nothing but durability. Burnett, on the other hand, would be signed for his age 32-36 seasons, and has made 10 trips to the DL in 10 years, with multiple elbow and shoulder problems. Take my standards out of it. By your own standards, Don, Burnett is not worth it.
so the obligatory Santana re-visit. Melky traded for Mike Cameron. Hughes a season later with much less chance of making rotation. Ian Kennedy a bad pitcher. Its still early like some of the anti Santana trade people have pointed out. But this non trade was then and will prove to be a complete and utter miscalculation on the yankees part. AND that miscalculation mostly belongs to Cashman. Now back to this off-season.
So wait, Burnett having one healthy year marks a trend for him, but Sabathia's total lack of health problems thus far (except for his obesity) is alarming? :scratchhead: I definitely think this move was made to get Melky away from the resurging Cano. Melky strikes out a lot too. He just grounds out more. Plus, Cameron had 25 HRs last year, Melky has 23 for his career. Offensively, it's still an upgrade. BTW: Cano was staying to begin with.
Look at it this way: Yanks make the trade, they have: Santana Yanks don't make the trade, they have: Sabathia, Cameron (for Melky), Hughes, and Kennedy They're still better off.
How about this, if Hughes turns out to be a flop, so does one of either Tabata or Jackson (one of which would have had to have been part of the deal as I've said a hundred times already,) and Kennedy never pans out, I'll say in 20/20 hindsight we blew it. Fair enough?
but if theyre willing this year to sign Sabathia, lowe and Burnett then they would have been willing to sign Sbathia alone having already signed Santana, no? So how about Sabathia, Santana, Wang and Joba.
I said Burnett is a better pitcher than Lowe. I don't care if they sign him or not. Oh and by the way, I'm not the only one that thinks Sabathia he is a slob. Good line. "Sabathia’s also as big as a house, a guy next to whom David Wells would look anorexic." http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/28159311/
Hughes and Kennedy have no place on the club this year and they would have BOTH Santana and Sabathia if they made the deal last year. I don't know why the obvious keeps escaping you. They wouldn't have Cameron, that much is correct.
I don't care if he's fat. I care if he can pitch. And he can. Did you see the subtitle on that article you posted? "Signing Sabathia ? and maybe Lowe and Burnett ? is great call by Yanks" And you missed the point... you have been RAILING against the Sabathia signing. Your stated reasons: 1. Injury concerns. 2. Length of contract. But when it comes to the oft-injured 32-year-old Burnett's five year deal, you're just whatever about it. How does that make sense? Shouldn't you be bashing Cashman even more for pursuing Burnett than you were Sabathia? Unless there's something else going on. Maybe it's that you don't like fat people.. Or maybe you're just a racist.
we already threw Tabata away. And if it works out in Cashman's favor then I can say in 20/20 hindsight that cash is a genius. So then noone is ever wrong or right the way you look at it...? its always 20/20 hindsight? Santana was a proven commodity at the time, thats the difference. But believe me bro, I dont want to talk about Santana. I was just posting the obligatory update is all.......
They would not have BOTH Sabathia and Santana this year. Please. And I think you'll see that Hughes and Kennedy both start for the team this year. If you see 20 starts from the two of them, that will be 20 starts that aren't being made by Ponson or Rasner. That's a good thing. More importantly is that you think beyond one year when considering the impact.