So I take it that's a big ol', "No," with respect to trying to refute the points I made, huh? :lol: It's okay. I figured as much.
I'm not making it sound like anything other than it is. The truth. No spin, positive or negative. You have asked several times why no one else was interested in Sabathia, implying that they thought he wasn't a good pitcher or was an injury risk. That's not it at all. Every team would love to have Sabathia. But not at the price the Yanks offered right out of the gate in free agency.
Well...then there is this. "The New York Yankees, making a hard late charge to beat out the Atlanta Braves for A.J. Burnett, offered the free agent right-hander a guaranteed five-year contract Wednesday, a baseball source told" I would assume if they get him they will then go after Pettitte or Sheets. Not Lowe.
What are the odds of a guy 6'5" and 300 lbs. even living seven years? AND I top of guaranteed contract, they paid him $50 million more than the next offer? By the way, its CC that has the opt out after 3 years. The Yankees have no opt out. Have you seen the Yankee proposed ballpark menu for next year? $32 for a regular sized hot dog, and $20 for a budweiser.
Yanks desperately needed a starting pitcher, they went out and got the best one. Who the hell cares if they overpayed him a little. They can afford it. Its not your freaking money, why the hell does anyone care. He's making similar money to what Johan is making.
I actually wouldn't mind seeing the Yankees sign Burnett if it prevents the Braves from doing so. I know the Yankees are going to implode so keep on signing everybody especially if it prevents a rival of the Mets from doing so.
GO FUCK YOURSELF. You shit for brains piece of trash! blah blah blah pointless crap useless dribble. Moron. Look, I'm Joejet
I would love to see Manny come to the Yankees just for the entertainment value. Girardi does not even like candy bars in the clubhouse. The poor guy will have a heart attack in six weeks. GOD KNOWS I am NOT wishing that on him.
Sign him for 1 year, he would be motivated for another contract. Teams are weary of his bullshit. 1 year is the way to go.
LOOK. Just for the record I love to TWEAK Yankee fans. With God as my witness, on MY TWO KIDS LIVES, I had a try-out with the Yankees after graduating high school in Yankee Stadium in front of about 15 scouts. Needless to say, I did not get a contract offer, and since then have been a METS fan.
That has an exactly 0% chance of that happening. Manny has been playing the last 4 or 5 seasons, specifically for this offseason. He wants the longest contract at the highest possible salary. I think the only way he'd concider a 1 year contract, is if it was at a $50 million salary.
Let's see... the Yanks had about $85M coming off the books, which I think (but don't recall for sure) that it worked out to $72M to spend this offseason before hitting last year's payroll. This accounts for the 2009 salary bumps for players already under contract. CC will cost $23 million. If they get Burnett for $18 million (yikes, that's a lot for him), they'll have $31M to play with, assuming they're comfortable spending as much as they did last year. Signing Pettitte for $11 million, and then throwing $20 million at Teixeira is the way to go. Barring that, I have no problem offering 3/$60M to Manny if the Yanks can move Matsui and have Manny as the full-time DH.