2 years, $30 million and I'm all for it. I don't know how I feel about this CC deal at the moment. Right now, I'm happy with the signing, but not ecstatic. Don't get me wrong. He is a great pitcher, a workhorse. However, it's been said how he didn't really have an interest in playing here in New York, how he didn't want to raise his kids in NY and he preferred the West Coast. But hey, money talks right? We "got our man" now, so to speak, but the issue I am looking at is that he did it for the money. It may change on when I hear what Sabathia has to say at his press conference. Hopefully he just goes out every 5th day and pitches the way we all know he can.
If I were Sheets I don't sign a 2 year deal. However, there's all these incentive based contracts this year. So it may be like the Burnett deal, 2 years + 1 guaranteed if he meets a certain number of innings.
This deal is even better with the opt-out clause. Think about it. Like Cappy said, we get three of his best years, then he can take off. At that point, we have young studs who have been given the right amount of time to mature and come up to fill in the hole. Also, Cappy, I do agree with your line of though regarding Lowe vs. Pettitte. Lowe is simply a "nice to have" for me. I love sinkerball pitchers in the AL East, and I still want to keep an effective guy out of Boston when possible. Give me Sabathia, Wang, Sheets, Chamberlain, Pettitte and I'll be a happy camper though. Hughes and Aceves ready for spot duty makes that fine for me. Do that, add in Teixeira and bring back Abreu, and I'll be ecstatic. Do all that, dump Matsui and bring in Manny to DH, and I'll probably explode. [daydream mode] Damon CF Jeter SS Teixeira 1B ARod 3B Manny DH Abreu RF Nady LF Posada C Cano 2B Sabathia, Wang, Sheets, Joba, Pettitte Edwar, Coke, Marte, Veras, Bruney, Mo WoW. [/daydream mode] Yes, I know we couldn't possibly do it all. But it's my daydream!
At least the first piece in the puzzle is set. I was thinking to myself this morning, Cashman must be extremely convincing. I'd love to be the object of the Yankees' desire, couldn't imagine how it would be, but here's my scenario: They arrange a night out for me in a club in NYC with my close male friends. The club is filled with nothing under dimes including sporatic female Celebs. All of the former are pre-paid by the Yanks. I get semi-drunk on expensive alcohol..hand pick which girls come with us back to our paid for Penthouse hotel room. Sex ensues the rest of the evening. Probably a typical Jeter night in the offseason.
Alio you just put the Yankees payroll well over 300 mill. Plus if they were to win a Championship, they bought it...and I really don't feel like arguing with trolls over this.
Is the opt out clause just on the player's side or the team's side? Because usually whenever I hear opt out clause it is the player's choice if he wants to get out of the contract, not the team's choice.
I just came in to vent but I see everybody knows what I am about to say anyway but here goes....he won't last 2 years without an extended stay on the DL, he has gained 20 pounds a year in each of the last two years, his era will never be close to 3 again...hmm..what else. Give me time. 160 million dollars..that may work out to 2 million bucks a win..nice job if you can get it. In the meantime 200 RBIs have been let go and no chance of replacing them now.
:up: 1) I don't care if the payroll is $.5B. It's not my money, and I want to watch a winner. 2) Who cares if people have a problem with purchasing a title? Would any person honestly complain if it was their team who bought their way to a championship? Let people guzzle that Haterade. I'll be in the corner drinking from the cup of victory!
Now that they got Sabathia, the yankees need to go after another strong starter like sheets or burnett then their set.
That's mostly how I look at it. Not being a partner, I don't care all that much in the expense line. The exception would be for a small or middle market team, where spending everything on one player meant a less than competitive 2 through 9 - Texas during the ARod years, for example. Boston and both New Yorks shouldn't have to worry about such things.
Totally agree. Same would go for any larger market team. I don't deny that building from within works, however, how many teams that don't spend like the Yankees, Sox, and Mets compete for the playoffs every single year? Once every few years, sure, but the three here compete every year.
Here's my take on that though. It's a good thing, even for the Yankees. Let's say he is miserable in 3 years. Almost the only way that happens is because he hasn't pitched well. So he'll want to get out of here and head west. Fine, go, better for us to not keep paying you. Let's say he's awesome for 3 years, then opts out for more money. Okay, see ya! We got 3 awesome years out of you, and now we have younger arms to fill in. Now, of course there's the possibility that he'll pitch poorly, then decide to stay, even with the fans and media trying to run him out of town. Stuff happens. We'll almost surely be able to buy some of the contract back to ship him back to the NL. Oh well, some more wasted cash. I can't see how this can turn out too badly for the Yankees. There's a slight chance we're stuck with a 7-year dud, but I'm all but certain that's not going to happen.
I disagree that he'll pitch poorly and leave. If he pitches poorly, he'll command less on the market that he would be guaranteed for the latter four years of his contract (4/$92 million). If he pitches shitty or gets hurt in the first three years, he's almost surely better off staying with the guaranteed money. (And believe me, even if he dislikes NY -- which I don't think will be the case... I think much of that was negotiating/posturing -- he's not turning down a significant amount of money just to go somewhere else.