Heard on 1050 CC declined the Yankees offer, however their direct quote was "It was reported CC Sabathia declined the NY Yankees offer"... they didn't cite their source. They also said the Phillies and Yanks are pushing extremely hard for Lowe, which is looking at 4 years 14-16 mil.
Yankees have let Sabathia play with them for what,,,six weeks? Yankee management need to grow some balls like the Mets have (went to KROD, said heres the deal, you want it or not, because if you do NOT,,,we are moving on).
The Mets didn't so much grow balls, as they said "Fuck it!" and offered a contract to everyone. They also caved to FRODs 3rd year demand.
LOL....They guy just saved 62 games and signed for less than Billy Wagner did three years ago. THATS A REAL CAVE IN. Meanwhile, CC says he wants to play with the Dodgers,,he's going to see the Giants this weekend,,,,ETC....YANKEE BRASS GROW SOME BALLS AND TELL HIM TO FUCK HIMSELF.
TEH SAVE!!! What a stat. You'll love K-Rod if you can get him a lead with three outs to go. But that's about it. Wonder if his fastball will top 89 mph next year?
There is a reason he signed for less then Billy Wagner. He's not as good. There is a reason the Mets were the only serious suitor.
KROD had 62 saves last year. Whats the most Rivera ever had with ALL the great Yankee teams? Tori Hunter laughed when a sportswrite asked him about his drop in velocity. He says the guy throws 93-94MPH with a newly developed change-up thats unhittable.
What a stat? With 3 less blown saves the Mets are in the playoffs and the team that won the World Series is watching the playoffs at home. But apparently it's a worthless stat. Come on Cappy your better than this.....
The save is a stat that is more than just useless. It actually hurts teams (because managers manage for a stat instead of a win). Good for K-Rod. He managed to get a few outs with leads of less than four runs. Are you aware that he never pitched more than one inning this year? Wait... that's not true... he did once. In the playoffs. And he got rocked. Good luck getting through innings 6-8. And despite what Torii Hunter has to say about it, K-Rod's velocity dropped significantly last year. Here is his average FB velocity, season by season (courtesy of fangraphs): 2005 - 93.3 2006 - 94.8 2007 - 93.6 2008 - 91.9 That's a significant drop-off when you're talking about several hundred pitches. You should also be concerned that batters chased far fewer pitches from him last year (5% drop) and contact is up by 3%.
How about 3 fewer leads blown in the 6th? It's a stupid stat because there is no difference between giving up runs or getting outs in the 6th and the 9th.
The problem wasn't the blown saves. The problem was the blown games. The stat itself is meaningless. Let me ask you this: It's the seventh inning and your team is holding onto a one-run lead. The pitcher will be facing 2-3-4 in the opposing lineup with two runners on base and one out? Who do you want out there? Your best pitcher (i.e. your closer)? Or do you leave the "seventh-inning guy" in the game or bring in your "setup man" -- both of whom are presumably less talented than your closer -- because it's not the ninth inning? If you hold the lead, and get a clean eighth inning, your closer comes in to "lock down a save" against the 7-8-9 hitters. But where was the really important inning? Where could a manager really leverage the talent in his bullpen? In that seventh inning. Bingo. Thank you.
Not true. Conversations with third parties, eh? Nice. Also false. Don't believe everything you read in the papers, son.
I was listening to the radio today and Lou Merloni (who played with Sabathia in Cleveland) was saying that Sabathia had said back then that when his contract was up he wanted to play in the NL so he could hit, and also be closer to home. The close to home thing is pretty well known, but I had no idea that he had such a desire to hit.
I've heard that, too, but I also can't see someone turning down $30 million for 2-3 plate appearances every five days. The dude can take swings in the cage, if he wants. Or, fuck it, if that's a deal breaker, let him PH in blowouts, with the understanding that he does not go past first base.
I would, especially if it also came with being closer to home. If the difference is $1 million and $31 million, then obviously not. But if it's $110 million and $140 million then absolutely, and I wouldn't even have to think about it. That's just me though, who knows what Sabathia will do.
Have you seen the pics of Sabathia's home? I am supremely confident that he or his wife already have ways that extra $30 million could be spent. Yes, Sabathia would prefer the west coast. But let's put aside what those of us with mortal incomes would do -- professional athletes are a different breed. Have you ever heard of a player passing up $30 million in guaranteed money? Shit, I've worked with plenty of them (built/ran websites for a bunch of them and worked with a lot more at autograph signings, etc.), and even the nicest, most grounded of them wanted to get p-a-i-d. And there we were just talking about a few grand in merchandise sales, not tens of millions of dollars. Maybe this'll be a first... but I've never seen it happen.
More rumors starting to swirl: From Abraham: Then this: Then this: Newsday Yankee Blog Not sure if they're all just feeding each other rumors or what... but here's to hoping Don is a very, very unhappy Yankee fan by the end of this week. Speaking of which... I wonder if he'll continue to ignore that post, as predicted.