I hope so. Sabathia Wang Sheets Joba Pettitte/Hughes/Aceves/Kennedy/Billingsley/Kershaw ...that's a sick sick sick rotation. Even with injury concerns, it seems like there could be a good amount of depth.
Yeah, because those guys are guys that the teams don't want back and/or would be unwilling to pay as much money as they would make in arbitration. Neither applies to Ollie Perez. BANK ACCOUNT
http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3755609 Looks like Sabathia is longin' for home. I'd still be satasfied with Burnett and Sheets as long as they both pass physicals and have some sort of games-played clause in there seeing as how they are both total bandaids. We need two new starters either way you look at it.
I don't believe for one second that that story is anything more than negotiating through the media. There's no offer from the Dodgers, and Colletti himeself says nothing more than it being a possibility. I mean, yes, Sabathia would prefer to play on the west coast. That doesn't mean he doesn't want to play for the Yanks. Just that there's not a competitive offer out there, and I can't see him passing up $30-40 million in guaranteed money. Would you? From Abraham:
the Twins are shopping Homer Bailey for an outfield bat... NoMass suggests Matsui (and eating some of his salary) or Nady + Reliever for Bailey. Definitely worth looking into. Hughes and Bailey were considered the top-2 pitching prospects just a couple years ago.
It is pretty clear Sabathia has no interest in playing for the Yanks. He might still sign with them because of the money but if I'm the Yanks at this point I move on to other options. It is a recipe for disaster to sign a guy at that kind of money that has no interest playing for you other than the fact that you are offering 40 mil more than anyone else.
Three reasons. Hughes and Kennedy will be in the minors and thus useless for at least another year, probably more. There will be no place for them in the Yankees sign 2 or 3 new pitchers. get rid of them while you can. They can't sign Teixiera and Sabathia. They don't have that much money and as I have said countless times I don't think Sabathia can stay healthy for 6 years when he is putting on 15-20 pounds a year. Don't you find it even a little bit strange that neither LA team or the Giants have made him any offer at all? I do. It's not like they don't have the money and can't use a pitcher if he is as good as everyone here thinks he is. They also know they could get him probably a lot cheaper than what NY is offering yet they still don't even throw a low ball offer out there to see. My guess is they are smart enough to know there is an extreme worry with that slob. Or to put it another way, do you think if this was Santana and not Sabathia the only offers would be from NY and Milwaukee? I don't. This time last year at the very least NY and Boston were willing to give up half their team and 140 million dollars in signing money just to get him. How many other teams I don't remember. This slob is no Santana.
No. There was an article that said some scouts were disappointed with him. Even if I did, it's obvious the Yankees don't or he would be in their plans. He's not unless you think Scranton is being in their plans. Last year at this time he was slated to be a starter. If they thought anything of him they wouldn't be looking for 3 starters. Kennedy is even worse. I think they will trade either or both in a second if they can get anything at all of value for them.
I find myself wondering sometimes if you're even being serious. Then I think back on your posting history and realize that yes, you in fact are very serious.
This isn't Yankee news, but it was Francona being caught off guard and goofy. Not sure the point of being so secretive about this, when everyone know. I also heard a story where Theo was with San Diego in 1999 and has always talked about how he couldn't believe that the Red Sox didn't push harder to sign Teixeira and let him go back into the draft. I think it was Sean McAdam who suggested that, because of he was proved right, Teixeira was Theo's "white whale" - or some such stupid thing. Baseball writers can be so nauseatingly dramatic.
Again, this isn't Yankee news, but it's Schilling's behind-the-scenes story to his 2003 trade to Boston. I only post it because he talks about some of the general baseball weaseldom that goes on. This one I found interesting: And, no, I don't think the unnamed GM was Cashman.