every person attending this game should go to a local high school field and practice kicking a football with these exact rules, for the week and a half. I would fucking love to see someone make this kick
Didn't he spend $140 million on free agents this off-season? What a cheap son of a bitch! lol, just breakin balls buddy
How the hell are they going to know you haven't kicked a football in five years? I'm just curious do they run an immediate background check on you including some kind of weird check to make sure you didnt just go kick a ball around on the local football field by yourself for fun a year and a half ago? jesus they don't really wanna dole it out do they?
How does being a semi-pro football player (or for that matter a former college or high school football player) make me any more likely to make a FG? I'm a freaking LB- the last time I tried to kick a FG, it didn't even ROLL all the way to the goal post. That sucks....
The Contestant shall not be permitted any practice, warm-up, or qualifying kicks, at anytime after his/her notification of participation in the Contest until the actual prize kick(s). My personal favorite rule.... I guess you'd have to wear a fake wig and moustache, or dress in drag to practice kicking at the local high school/college... unless Woody has the contestants on 24-hour surveillance, which he may have, to avoid paying out a dime.... cheap bastard
What other teams are having million dollar contests? At the SB, WS or NCAA FF maybe not individual teams.
The Contestant shall not be permitted any practice, warm-up, or qualifying kicks, at anytime after his/her notification of participation in the Contest until the actual prize kick(s). ------------ so if they catch you running in the concourse kicked a cup they will disqualify you?
yeah I don't get that! Do they do a background check if you win. Call your high school to see if you ever touched a football.
I'm sure if you made the kick they'd find any way possible to disqualify you. I'm also pretty sure it said in the rules that if you drafted a kicker in fantasy football you're disqualified.
"Have you been injured participating in a field goal contest sponsored by the New York Jets? If so Jacoby & Meyers would like to hear from you. You may be entitled to large sums of cash as a settlement.
Yes sir I was terribly injured in the field goal contest. I made the kick but was disqualified because i cheered too loudly after making a $150,000 kick. My pysche is so damaged right now, I'm fairly certain if given the chance a $1,000,000 extra point attempt by the jets I would surely come no closer than Scott Norward would have... I demand you find a way to make me over $10,000,000 in injury benefits and settlements for all of the pyschiatric treatments it will take to fix my oh so delicate mental health.
So you got penalized for excessive celebration. **in accordance with NFL rules and regulations? :rofl:
What you all fail to realise, is that upon making this field goal, you are signed to a 1 year, $150k contract to become the new Jets kicker.
You know I think seeing as how you have to "kick" the field goal to win it, I seriously doubt they will let you use the golf clubs in the trunk of your car!
"If chosen contestant is a young female between the ages of 17 and 22 and wearing a mini skirt extending no more than 1 inch of english unit of measure below the lowest point of her vulva, then said contestant must strike the football wearing a stiletto style shoe with a thin heel measuring no less than 6 inches of english unit measure in length. Under this condition, 5 warm up kicks towards each end of the stadium will be allowed."