Have mercy on my soul.... and be gentle. there are others too. I evaluated his physical traits and how he may progress into the NFL and knew it was going to take time.... but if the ad is an indication of what kind of guy he is, I don't think he is going to hack it. Its very hard to evaluate what is in a player's head by being an armchair GM.
Wow funny story gholston. Did you do the same with your football skills. I cant find them, I cant find them oh damn there they are.....
that video has nothing to do with his ability, if he will be a bust or not we dont know, but because he made himself look like a moron in college don't mean much
he may be a bust for us running the 3-4 (circa vlima 2007, thomas 2008), but does he have trade value as a DE for a team running a 4-3? is there a team that would trade a #2 for a young 4-3 DE stud?
I thought for sure it was going to be some sort of freshman prank the entire team was in on. I was all prepared to laugh at the hijinx of those knuckleheads. But it wasn't.
Instead we found out that Gholston is suffering from early adult alzheimers. What a moron. I bet if the coaching staff saw that video they never would have drafted him.
"I'm a last minute guy so I'm always waiting for the last minute to do things.." hmy: Straight from his
Christ. James Dearth has a spot? I hope it's about his "Girth". I'll have to watch these a little later.