Little trouble for the G-Men. Goodell has this thing with guns. He's GOT to be looking at suspension time.
What a dumb motherfucker. And he built up so much good will last season too, playing through injuries and whatnot, not holding out of camp when he wanted (and deserved) a bigger contract. And now he acts like a moody, mentally challenged child all season.
Plaxico Accidentally Shot Himself In The Leg Last Night? I know it's not Jets-Related, but this is hilarious. Plaxico Burrens goes nightclubing last night and accidentally misfires a freakin' handgun he's carrying. Then he misses the team meeting today and can't be reached by the team on his phone. WTF is wrong with this guy?'-Burress-accidentally-shoots-self-in-leg
Moss has numbers that rival the greatest of all time categories for WR's, I hardly think he is waisting his talent (can't blame him for the oakland mess, they ruin careers in oakland). What plex is proving is his agenda is more important then the teams, and as such the giants will simply move on without him the rest of this season. They have already shown they don't need him.
HAHA, what a dick, why don't these guys ever learn? oh wait because they get suspended for a season, but then go to the good ol' commish and give him a blow job and oh wait you didn't just beat up a prostitute its all good.
If he's going to carry a gun, at the very least he should learn about the 'ol safety feature. I mean, knowing how to use it would be nice too.
The guy is a freaking $35 Million Dollar head case. I am SO glad Mangini filters out this kind of guy. People like Shockey and Burress are nothing but huge distractions we don't need. I remember a lot of guys on the board finding issue with the way Mangini insisted on "Mangini Guy" character when some of these head cases had become available, but now it's paying off and the harmony I've been reading about in the locker room lately is unbelievable. There are no "Me First" guys anywhere on the team. In fact, Barton was quoted as saying the other day that this was the greatest bunch of guys he's every played with and he loves that everyone gets along and is on the same page. I really like what I'm reading about this team... especially now, because they're all coming together as one unit at a time of year that is going to produce something very special.
ESPN the Magazine recently had a good feature about pro football players protecting themselves in the wake of the Sean Taylor tragedy. That is one thing. Carrying a loaded gun into a club where drugs and alcohol are likely involved is an entirely different thing. As far as I know Burress got an 11 million dollar signing bonus, paid out all this season. I think the Giants smelled a rat when they structured that deal. In any event, their ability to move the ball effectively in his absence highlights how absolutely irrelevant and overrated the guy is. He should be commended for his efforts in their Super Bowl system, but his combustibility factor is too high. If the Giants were smart, they'd eat the loss and cut him immediately. -X-
Well, he certainly diminished his trade value considerably, that's for sure. If the Giants had intended to dangle him out there after the season was over and get something in return, whatever that something was has just been cut in half after last night. The Giants treated him very well and this is how he repays them, by basically screwing them.
It really is amazing. The rest of the team, fresh off a Super Bowl win and after losing two Pro Bowl defensive ends, behaves like Boy Scouts and acts primed to win another Super Bowl. Burress on the other hand, comes back, gets his big extension, and treats it as an opportunity to half-ass it. -X-