Brett Favre Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by packerbacker1234, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. XGBer-Moving_On

    XGBer-Moving_On New Member

    Aug 19, 2008
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    Was Job a Jets Fan?
  2. GriffDog

    GriffDog Member

    Apr 17, 2007
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    That pass he through to Coles was insane. That alone puts him on another level. and that was a risky cowboy play and I love that type of player on out team.. the team looks awesome. Sunday was the best I have ever seen them look. We got this.
  3. Favre4Ever

    Favre4Ever New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I see you never could reply to the Super Bowl 31 comments. Not that I needed more proof that you had no clue about that game, but I think your lack of response speaks volumes. Clown.

    And I still am a packers fan. Think what you want of me being here. I don't really care. I've followed plenty of other former packers players when they went to other teams. You should understand, being that you're probably watching your boy penny in Miami every week. Errrr.....check that, you probably just look at the Miami stat sheets every week and formulate your opinions from that instead. LOL

    OK, I will. You do realize that this excludes you?
  4. Favre4Ever

    Favre4Ever New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    nobody = only you
  5. Favre4Ever

    Favre4Ever New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Of course he has no real point to make. He treats this as if this is a competition and the guy who types the last response is the winner. If he typed facts along with logical opinion he wouldn't garner the responses he does.
    Guys like him want to be right all the time and try to act like a know-it-all. Most guys like that don't know half of what they try to portray. I didn't take issue with him for quite a while until he started spewing all kinds of stuff about Green Bay football, which he obviously knows next to nothing about. Fraud wants to start spewing crap, he's gonna get exposed.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    It is unfair to compare Starr and Graham to Farve. Today's athlete is a totally different category and we don't know how they would have fared in todays game if they had to play.
  7. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    What is your question about SB XXXI? I don't ignore anything but sometimes I miss certain posts. There's no need for your childish comments to be thrown in there. I don't ignore anything and I can swat away and of the Favre stat skewing you throw at me.

    You can't compare guys from different eras, you compare them and their dominace to guys in their era. if you count Elway, Montana and Marino in favre's era then favre is at best #5 behind those 3 and Brady. Starr and Graham are not 5th in their eras.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I will have to agree with this actually. I think Dan Marino is the best of them all but never had the running game he deserved.
  9. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    i actually "lol'd" in real life after reading this. i wish you could hear yourself talk to see how ridiculous and child-like comments such as this sound
  10. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    Where is your backing? Saying so and so or this guy are better than Favre are NOT facts. You act like that's rationally backing up your argument but in reality you're just saying your opinion and acting like your opinion is "fact"
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    No more ridiculous than you and your man crush for Favre and as far as child like comments you guys certainnly have alot more in this thread than I do. I just had to point out that the folks agreeing w/ you are some of the least thought of on this board.

    I haven't said my opinions are fact unlike your weak arguments where you change every time I put a hole in one of them.
  12. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Guys, enough with the attacks. Next one gets a vacation.
  13. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    was waiting for this. i want this to get back to being a "brett favre appreciation thread"
  14. Favre4Ever

    Favre4Ever New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    You know, I'm not so sure Miami would have used a running game if they had one. Besides, with the way Dan could sling the ball around the field, you'd think damn near any halfway decent back could rack up some yardage on the ground. Miami's problems were defensive. Most of the teams Dan played on rated in the lower half of the league in points allowed. Pretty sad that Dan could put up 30 points and those teams would still have to struggle to win.
  15. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    I appreciate Brett Favre. :)
  16. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Ok, Elway I wont argue about. he has a couple rings, could of had more, and he was a hell of a leader. I like him, a lot. Montana has the rings, and he took two different teams to the playoffs (favre is about to do the same).

    But Marino? Sorry. Favre got the ring Marino never could, and beat out every single record Marino ever held (save passing yards in a season, which it appears that Brees is about to get). Marino was a hell of a QB, he really was, but you can't put him ahead of somebody who not only had better production during hte regular season (aka, the career numbers), but also won the pinacle of his sport while the person #2 in all major categories stat wise behind Favre never did. That ring alone, combined with the stats, puts favre ahead of Marino by default.

    In his own era, Favre is arguably #4 at worst, #2 at best (he needs one more ring to shut up those Elway fans (and trust me, I love me some elway) and I know the eternal montana verse elway debate will always go on).

    I think Favre is clearly better then Graham, and even Bart Starr admitted himself that Favre is a far better QB then he ever was. Yeah, in one game favre had more ints then Starr had in his entire career in the playoffs, that is great. Different era's. Starr, while great, didn't necessarily have to toss it up 50 times a game at times to win. Defenses weren't nearly as fast, and DB's use to just be WR's that can't catch, and now they are simply WR's who suck at routes.

    So hard to really know. I understand people not saying he is in the top 5: But I saw a comment where Junc said he wasn't even in the top 10.

    I'm sorry, but you are the only person on this planet (outside of blatent #4 haters) that would say that. Favre is in the discussion for top 5, and anyone in that discussion is also in the discussion for best of all time.

    I must say, I think nationally, Brett may be the most popular player in NFL History.
  17. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Why its true.

    Junc was here for all the tough times.

    Were you?

    Will you be when they return?

    Say or think what you want about junc, but he has paid his bills along with many of us and thus can post whatever his feelings are. He has earned it.
  18. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I respect Junc, which is one reason why I think him and I rarely have gone at eachothers opinions that much. I don't know what it is, but I seem to get the feeling that most of hte long time jets fans here really don't mind me much. I know my fellow packer fans have... not exactly done a good job of respecting the long timers here... but meh. Their fanatics of a single player, while I just enjoy good football. The jets are good football. Having brett just makes it better for me personally.
  19. NewestJetFan

    NewestJetFan New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I am not trying to pick a fight with you but I really don't get how you conclude Favre is not top 5, seriously?

    Does grit count? Longevity? Yards? TDs, Wins, Pretty good % of completions for a wild man? Completions? 40 plus comebacks? Leading a Jets team on the field and in the locker room apparently to 8-3 after a disaster last year, 2 SB appearances? What does the guy have to do to satisfy you?

    Elway, Montana and Marino played in the 70s and early 80s and were well established when Favre began his streak in 92' or so. So, their eras overlap at best.

    You can point to Interceptions. Babe Ruth struck out a lot and Favre is always trying to make things happen and go for the score. I was in St. Louis when he threw 6 picks to the Rams. He had to pass every play. The Rams were so much better, they were a scoring machine (greatest show on turf years). Favre never stopped trying to score and GB had no running game. Favre was trying to score every possession because the rams scored I think 8 straight possessions.

    I get it your a Jets fan and will be for many, many years to come as I have been a GB Packers fan and a Favre fan. My advice to you is enjoy it now because Favre is the best QB you will ever see wearing a Jets jersey.

    I really would like to hear a logical argument how Favre is not top 5 because I don't get it and when you pick your 5 compare the stats please.
    #379 NewestJetFan, Nov 26, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Marino never had a team around him, he always had medicore talent and overachieved w/ them. If marino ever had the talent of the '96 packers he'd have won a SB too. Brett wasn't great in the 1996 postseason, he was good but not great. The MVP of that postseason was Desmond Howard. Dan had to carry his team, Brett didn't in that yera but in years Brett had to carry his team he never won anything. Brett broke his records b/c he played longer and threw the ball more. Maybe the Jets dominating favre's teams clouds my judgement a bit but I feared marino as an opponent, I have never feared Favre.

    Leaving out Montana whose peak years came before Brett played you still have Brady and Favre isn't even really close to Brady. Brady has been by far the best QB of his generation.

    Otto Graham didn't have #s b/c the position was played very differently back then but the man led his team to 10 title games winning 7 of them. Bart Starr was flawless in postseason, he wasn't flashy but I'd rate him ahead of favre.

    I'm not sure if he's top 10 or not. I don't just use compiled #s for my argument. it's only a part of it, I judge teams and how QBs elevated their teams, how they played in postseason. Favre had some good postseason years pre '98 but never really had another good one after that. W/o Holmgren he never won anything and never performed in postseason. That has to be taken into consideration.

    I think most objective people who follow the NFL and know a little about it's histopry would not put favre in the discussion for greatest of all-time. Top 10? maybe but there's alot of great choices he has to beat out and he doesn't beat them out b/c he played forever and compiled great #s. Manning has put up better #s, why isn't he the best of this generation? B/c he chokes in January, he doesn't play well in big games and that's a huge factor. It's not all about #s.

    I have stated my argument over and over. Just search the archives. Marino, Elway and Montana's career overlap w/ favre's so if you want to remove them that's fine but he's still no better than #2 in this era behind Tom Brady and I would put him ahead of Manning BUT according to the criteria of the favre fans Mannign should be ahead since he has better #s than favre(at similar stages) and he also has won a SB.

    Did Brady throw 6 INTs against that Rams team a few weeks later?

    The Jets were setup for success before we got favre so since you haven't followed the Jets long I'll clue you in. We have been an every other year team since 2002 winning the div in '02, going 6-10 in '-3, being a kick away from the title game in '04, going 4-12 in '05, going 10-6 and making the playoffs in '06 then going 4-12 last year. We were horrible mostly b/c of out inept OL, we fixed that this offseason. Put Favre at his absolute best w/ our team a year ago and we win about 4-6 games. That's how bad the OL was.

    Babe Ruth struck out alot, Babe also won 3 Championships in not even 6 full seasons in Boston. The Sox wouldn't win again for 86 years. he went to the Yankees who had never won and he won 4 more w/ the Yankees.

    IF he winds up leading us to a Super Bowl then I think he takes a huge step forward.

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