Brett Favre Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by packerbacker1234, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. XGBer-Moving_On

    XGBer-Moving_On New Member

    Aug 19, 2008
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    AGREED Bringing in personnel who were "unwanted" ie Jenkins, Faneca and Favre (Bubba Franks if he could be utilized more- I know he is hurt- would produce) has produced results and permanent smiles

    Id wager (you would have to run it through a computer) that the JETS 2-4 wins better with Favre (I know OLINE sucked and TJones hurt but effective) but your defense was pretty good- You had Vilma for like 9 or 10 games?. He had a great game Monday night- He is a very good undersized LB. I hope that this doesn't produce another long thread!
    #341 XGBer-Moving_On, Nov 25, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't have an argument, the great argument for you guys is Favre has a better rating than QBs of previous eras but it's not fair to compare him to modern QBs:rolleyes:

    The problem is I am objective and you guys are huge Favre fans. That's ok, I realize this. It would be nice if you weren't so blinded by it but you are. I present good arguments and you guys dismiss them simply b/c of your blind love for the man.

    I am getting tired of all the GB/Favre fans coming in and telling me what type opf afn I am. I never switch teams b/c of a player, I have live and mostly died w/ this team since 1981 so don't come in here and tell me I'd rather go 9-7 w/ Chad than 12-4 w/ Brett especially since I have told you a million times how I hoped I was wrong about the Favre trade. I want a SB more than anybody, definitely more than our new Jet fans who have no clue what it's like to never see a SB and who can change teams overnight and pretend like they care as much as I do.

    What?:rofl: YOU, slapping ME around?:rofl: Get of the drugs son.

    You don't get it and you never will. You just don't understand the game, maybe b/c you only follow a player and not the game itself. It's about more than Championships, it's about more than rating. Favre has a great mixture of all the key components to a great QB but not great enough to be top 5. The problem w/ you Favre lovers is that your criteria changes. if you match him up against someone like Starr or Graham it's all about indovidual #s but then if you match him up w/ a Marino it's about winning. In ONE postseaosn game Favre had more INTs than Starr threw in his entire postseason career but that means nothing to you b/c Brett was able to win regular season games in the "tough" NFC Central/North. it also means nothing that Favre was never able to get to another SB after Holmgren yet Holmgren somehow made it w/o Favre.

    Go back to your B boards, go back to rooting for them and let REAL Jet fans discuss the Jets. You are a GUEST at OUR board, the minute your hero leaves you'll leave this board but I'll be here. Show some respect to people who actually have a clue about this game and aren't blinded by their man crush on Brett Favre.

    Please do us a favor and leave this board.

    The problem is these guys aren't Jet fans. There are a few really good packer/Favre fans but most of them are just irritating w/ their nonsensical arguments b/c as we know EVERY TIME Brett's team wins it's b/c of the greatness of Brett Favre and EVERY TIME Brett's team loses it's b/c Bret''s teammates and Coaches let him down.
  3. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I keep trying to stay out of this, but you keep making it harder than it should have to be.

    Respect is earned, sir. I respect plenty of people on this board, and I think other Favre "converts" do too. I used to respect you. But you, almost uniquely on this entire board, long ago went way over the line with personal attacks such as the above, which actually have nothign to do with football any more, no matter how much you protest they do. I don't even bother to debate football with you any more, you show such lack of respect. If you want quality, respectuful discourse, practice what you preach and provide some yourself.
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Respect is earned and you have been here for 5 minutes, yuo ahven't earned any respect. Many people on here might not say the like me but I guarantee most will say they respect me.

    Whether you think I don't know what I'm talking about or not I have kept these discussions civil, I have backed up my points so if you don't agree that's fine but you have been attacking me but that is what happens when you don't have good argumtns to counter my arguments.

    I have shown you more respect than you deserve. You come on this board acting like we should bow down to you b/c you are a Favre fan and you insult any jet fan that doesn't think favre is the greatest. I am always respectful of others, sometims too respectful as in the case w/ you who does not deserve any respect.
  5. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    You deserve respect and anyone who disagrees with you and does not have "seniority" does not. I got it, loud and clear, long ago. I'm just pointing out that you are never going to get what you say it is you seek with an attitude like that. It's "chicken and egg" with you, "I won't give nay respect until I get it." If everyone here were like that this board would suck (which it does not).
    No you haven't. You literally follow up "I show you respect" with "you do not deserve respect and I am not showing you respect" in the VERY NEXT SENTENCE. Listen to yourself, are you really that deaf to your own condescension?
    I do? Really? I'm "insulting any Jets fan who does not bow to Favre" while I'm simultaneously posting stuff like "Favre is not a serious contender for this right now" to the "Favre for MVP" thread? Huh? And let's just say I am doing that, for sake of argument -- just what Jets fan besides yourself (and GSourJr, with my sig) am I doing this to?

    And, while you're at it, could you please point out the post where I say Favre is "the greatest?" If I posted taht I think I would remember, LOL.
    There we go again. This time without even a period in between.
    #345 puddnhead, Nov 25, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  6. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I've been a jet fan for 15 years....long before Brett Favre arrived. The problem with you is that because of my username, you ASSume that i'm strictly here because of Favre....i do support him, because he's OUR QB....and my beef with you since the beginning was because you keep trying to convince the world that Penny is the better option....and i totally disagree with that.

    And as far as respect's earned. And i don't give a shit if you've been here since the days of Jobe...some of the so-called rationale that comes out of your mouth is complete nonsense. You can dismiss that if you want...i don't's my opinion...and it so's the truth as well.

    So take you "blind love for the man" comment...and shove it up your poop shoot with the rest of your so-called logic, dumbass. :up:
  7. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I wish you guys would stop quoting junc. I have him on ignore, and your quotes defeat the purpose.

    I also suggest you also put him on ignore. I found he kept repeating the same thing over and over. He has no real point to make.
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Look in the mirror when you read that back. Show me where I didn't show respect? B/c I disagreed w/ you guys? It doesn't matter how long a poster has been here if they produce good posts. Some of the Favre/Packer fasn have been good while others have not. Some of yor posts have been good but you get too caught up in the "Brett favre hater" nonsense b/c i disagree w/ your opinion of him.

    I have shown your more respect than you have deserved. I am respectful to everyone. Some times things get heated, I don't take things personally and I don't attack personally.

    I don't see every post of yours but the ones that i do see in these types of threads you just fawn all over Brett and lash out at those who dare say he isn't the greatest or dare say kris jenkins could possibly be the MVP of this team and you act like you know what the jets have gone through in the past and you act like you know what happened last year and call out a jet fan like myself as not a real jet fan and one that would rather lose w/ Chad than win w/ Brett which couldn't be more asinine.

    The lies and attacks from you are comical. posts 131, 177, 187, 238,

    I do? Really? I'm "insulting any Jets fan who does not bow to Favre" while I'm simultaneously posting stuff like "Favre is not a serious contender for this right now" to the "Favre for MVP" thread? Huh? And let's just say I am doing that, for sake of argument -- just what Jets fan besides yourself (and GSourJr, with my sig) am I doing this to?

    Did I mention you? The Favre fans that joined here August '08 and later are the ones I am referring to. You are also an irrational Favre fan but apaprently a Jet fan too it's different.

    Big blocker has me on ignore. that's a shame, if I knew who big blocker was or if he ever posted anything i wanted to read maybe I'd be upset.
  9. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Yeah, maybe you're right. I'll look into that. Sorry. I usually ignore the bait, just in a bad mood after the MNF game & self control comes harder this a.m. I guess :(

    It's a shame, it does seem like he knows some things though, I guess that's why I've resisted doing that. If he could just leave the caustic personal crap and the repetitive thread carpet bombing, with the exact same message over & over, behind ...

    No better time to start on this resolution than right now, I see :) ^^^^^
  10. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    I didn't read all of this... Just know, that many of us have had issues with NYjunc and his "posting style".. I think he's won a few awards in the process.....

    Having Favre here is giving Jets fans some the best and most exciting football of our lives...PERIOD.

    We can debate which years and games compare with the past two but, this year and these last few games rank up there with the best many of us have seen.....

    So, do yourself a favor and don't get bogged down here, if you know what I mean.
  11. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I understand how someone can get drawn in, but like Blue said, enjoy the good times, and don't get tied down arguing with a congenital malcontent.
  12. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    you need professional help...and quite possibly, a high school education....but given the cirumstances, that will be a stretch.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Puddinghead: Just so you know, the folks that are backing you her are posters that nobody respects.
  14. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Words of wisdom to this puddin' head, lol. You are right on. I think anyone following this team right now has something a little queasy in their subconscious about how he got here (whether it be how he left GB, or who had to leave here for him to get here). But just like with "my other team," I think you just have to keep in mind that NONE of the players on the field for any of the 3 teams had any say in what happened, so none of that queasiness should carry onto rooting for the teams or players. Sundays are a lot less fun if you do that. He is here, they are there, and that's it. It's actually possible all three QBs, and their teams, and their fans, may come out ahead in the long run.
  15. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Good luck with GB...

    I think all teams involved made the proper moves given the circumstances.
  16. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I hope you are right. You sound more confident than me about it. In the case of one team, though, my caveat "the long run" really needs to be emphasized.

    The problem is "in the long run, we're all dead."
  17. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Thomas Jones has 2 TD receptions this season as of last Sunday.
  18. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Crow meet mouth. I was not for the trade. I am now. I still like Chad as a QB and a future coach and wish him well but I am now officially on the Favre bandwagon and I will eat my crow happily with a side order or fries.

    Watching Brett this year has allowed me to see things I would think only a Packers fan would understand. I think that while Brett puts out this grizzled prankster persona off the field, on the field he is dead serious and that funny guy approach is used as a weapon.

    For example on one play in particular (I think it was the Rams game) one of the Rams D lineman was jawing at Favre before the play. He was walking back and forth shouting pleasantries at him as they like to do in order to get into the QBs head a bit. The few plays that precluded that play, Favre was using his hard snap count and screwing up the Rams timing with the cadence of the count. But this time after the huddle, the two apposing lines line up and the Rams D guy is busy trying to intimidate Brett.... # 4 walks up to the line slowly with that smile....that wrinkled brow, cooked smile that you almost feel at ease with and want to laugh with him as if to say "haha, Brett gets it"......He walks up with that smile peering at the Lineman and shouts a lone ......HUT! and the ball is snapped with no cadence and the fastest hike of the game, was followed by the fastest ball release of the game, which landed in Leon's hands that gained 16 yards. Jokes on you funny guy!

    Its that type of professionalism and maturity that Favre brings to this team. Its classic Favre and I am starting to believe that this season.... well....I wont say it, but it has been special so far and I am imaging it to be even more special as the regular season draws to a close. But watch Brett's mannerisms during the games. Watch the way he plays the apposing D. Making them believe they know him, when the most definitely do not.

    Mangini's coaching style is in part based on misdirection. In my opinion Favre fits in with this style of football like round peg. It is a great match and I do not think that people realize that at all. But they will my friends. Just hang in there and enjoy this amazing season we are having. And thank you Brett! You are home now! Lets go back out there and put a nice GREEN bow on the rest of this season!
    #358 fake_crs, Nov 25, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  19. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Wow. I just read this whole thread. Amazing. First I have to say it puts a smile to my face to see junc (who is one of my favorite contributors to this mb) using some of my arguments in support of Elway. :up:

    And most importantly I bet there are 20+ teams that wish they could have a Brett Favre appreciation thread right about now.
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    How did that thread against me work out for you? about as well as your arguments against me.

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