Brett Favre Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by packerbacker1234, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. XGBer-Moving_On

    XGBer-Moving_On New Member

    Aug 19, 2008
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    Absolutely It was and STILL IS a great ride GO Jets Go Jeff (i mean Brett)
    #321 XGBer-Moving_On, Nov 23, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  2. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    So in that case Starr is the best QB of all time? And Marino is lumped with all the bad ones who never won a super bowl? Nice logic there buddy.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You guys have been the opens telling me about rating when it compares to players of other eras! I know it's not fair to compare them w/ players of other eras.

    So Desmond Howard only made 1 play in that SB? Let's take away that TD(after NE climbed w/in 6) and he did nothing else? he didn't set Favre and the O up all game long w/ great FDP, did he? it was ALL Favre and his "magic" that won that game for GB. Why is it you guys cannot give credit to anyone else besides Favre? Howard had TWO HUNDRED FORTY FOUR total return yards. Howard was amazing all postseason long. Favre threw for 71 yds against SF, Howard had more PR yards than that. It's ok to celebrate the greatness of favre but it's alos ok to give credit to other people around him from time to time and it looks like I know more about his GB days than you do or at least I have an objective eye.

    Favre hater? absolutely not, I LIKE Favre and I always have but unlike you guys it doesn't stop me from being OBJECTIVE! I don't credit him for every win and balme his teammates/CS for every loss like you guys do.

    Isn't it interesting though that Favre made 2 SBs w/ Holmgren and zero w/o him while Holmgren got a SB w/o Favre?

    Are you going to start again? Arguing w/ me is pointless when you don't have the facts to back up your argument b/c I come w/ them. The folks that have a hard time w/ me cannot fully back up their arguments, those that do still have a difficult time b/c I always prepared but they have more fun. SOME of these Favre backers are coming w/ great info, some aren't(cough cough). When people have to attack me instead of my argument I know they are out of ideas.
  4. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    the problem is that you don't have an argument...which is why half the board is frustrated with you. Your tunnelvision has corrupted your reality.

    And there were "facts" presented to you...but you refused to accept's like talking to some old man with alzeimers....which brings me to my point....why argue with somebody who can't comprehend reality *cough cough*....
  5. #4kicksA$$

    #4kicksA$$ New Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    I really like seeing a Brett appreciation thread,unlike the Pack Rats forum where if you support Brett they rip the shit out of you. I will admit that I became a Jet's fan when Brett came to the team. But I have watched oe listened to every game this season,and really believe Brett has helped this team a lot. I watched a lot of last years film of the Jet's after becoming a fan. This is a vastly improved team,as many have said old #4 brings more to a team than just skills. His love and excitement for the game are infectious,that is not coachable. By the way on a side note I have always been a Packer fan and NEVER thought I would enjoy seeing the team struggle. But I really hope the Packers continue to implode,mostly because I want to see TT ran out of town.

    GO JETS!
    #325 #4kicksA$$, Nov 23, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  6. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Aye, I too was a poster at Packer Rats, and, but alas if you even utter the word Brett Favre, or give him any credit for a single thing this season as a jett, or really show any support what so ever, you are pretty much burnt at hte stake. I mean, it's as if every single fan not only blame's favre for the divorce, saying he should of stayed retired, they also in turn begin blaming favre for every single playoff loss since the super bowl. Not only that, they take any and all credit away from anything he did last season, claiming that Ryan Grant, the OL, Defense, and WR's won every single game,a nd Favre merely cost us games (you know, with 3 total losses all season).
  7. XGBer-Moving_On

    XGBer-Moving_On New Member

    Aug 19, 2008
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    I agree on this (therefore the title of the reply)- Don't use QB rating. It elevates the Jeff Garcias and depreciates the Favres of the world. One week its good the next week its bad- therefore Rex Grossman in 2006.

    I have opinion about Favre being th e top 5 I won't argue it because it is not black and white. Same logic: it is not black and white why teams lose NFC championship games. If a defense gives up 4th and 29 for a first down is that not a momentum killer?
    #327 XGBer-Moving_On, Nov 24, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2008
  8. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    QB Rating is a nice stat. But you have to look at how many throws the QB's throwing, along with his yards and TD's.
  9. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    This thread never dies!!! It's hilarious.

    And on that note . . . i shall post
  10. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    I appreciate what Farve has done.

    But I think he is getting way to much credit for our success. We are a way better and far more complete team then we have been in a long time. He has got a very easy job compaired to a lot of QBs in the league.
  11. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    Brady still got most of the credit for the Pats success last year. He had waaaaaay more talent to work with than Favre does now. Warner has the best WR combo in the league but still gets credit. The Giants have arguable the best O and D line in the league but Eli still gets a ton of credit for their wins. Why shouldn't Favre get credit?
  12. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    I am not saying its right because it happens to other people also.

    I am saying the FO has finially built a really solid football team. And everyone saying its mostly because of Favre are crazy.

    If Favre was on our team last year - would we have been saying anything postive about him? Probably not.

    Our team is becoming complete now. And Farve is contributing.
    #332 ouchy, Nov 24, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2008
  13. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    Maybe it is mostly cuz of Favre. When it comes down to it, though, it's a GROUP effort. Favre might have the biggest impact, maybe Jenkins, maybe the O-line additions. Either way we know all of those have had an impact and it's stupid to discredit one just cause you favor one of the other additions more.

    Btw, it's FAVRE
  14. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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  15. XGBer-Moving_On

    XGBer-Moving_On New Member

    Aug 19, 2008
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    Bold Face bubba know he hasn't caught any lately but he is a Jet
    #335 XGBer-Moving_On, Nov 25, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  16. tangini_disciple

    tangini_disciple New Member

    May 1, 2006
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    if there's one thing that the titans game proved to me is just how valuable having a veteran qb is.

    a great qb can get 1st downs on 3rd down. favre did that consistently this season and you can see that there's a significant improvement from last year. you can see similar things that peyton manning does and tom brady used to do for their teams. a qb's job shouldn't be measured necessarily on qb rating. it's how much he puts his team in position to score points and favre is really good at it. it's all well and good to get a 60 yard td, but honestly, that's not as useful as a 14-play 7 minute drive that results in a 1-yard td plunge by the rb when you're ahead. the former gets a lot more points on the qb rating scale. the latter is a two-edged sword. it scores points for you AND gives your defense rest. it's defense by offense and such drives have played no small part in the last 4 victories.

    the key here is that favre is playing very well. i have no doubt he could gunsling and get huge plays, but that's not what wins games. i see his play in the last 4 games coming to that team mentality and that's why i appreciate #4.
  17. Favre4Ever

    Favre4Ever New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    1) I never said either of those things.

    2) He set GB up on a TD play and a FG drive. The opening TD pass to Rison, which was about 54 yards, started with about a 30 yard punt return from Howard. Did that really matter though? Rison would have scored if that play was 99 yards away. Favre made a great read on the audible and a great throw. Howard had nothing to do with that. Favre also hit Rison on another long pass to set up the FG after Howard put them near midfield with a kick return. The other scoring drives were a 74 yard drive for a TD, an 81 yard pass from Favre to Freeman, and a FG set up by a Doug Evans INT.

    3) We can give credit to others, and we have. The credit is spread out to plenty of people because it was a team effort. I have already said that Desmond's kick return put another nail in the coffin and Reggie White sealed the victory. Ironic that what you're accusing others of is exactly what YOU are doing.(which is not spreading the credit out to others) You're basing the Super Bowl victory on one man's performance. I am not. Stop making assinine comments, suggesting that GB wouldn't have won the SB without Desmond. No way you can prove that you're not an idiot with that statement. GB made plays when they had to, and basically just went into cruise control (Mike Holmgren conservatism) for most of the 2nd half. There's no freakin' way you or anyone else can just assume the entire offense wouldn't have responded if they had to.

    4) Yes he was.

    5) Why are you bringing up the SF playoff game? Its irrelevant here. Do you even know why Favre only threw for 79 yards? I'll tell you why because I watched the game and I'm 100% sure that you didn't. Because it was a sloppy mess on the field. It was raining and the field was muddy as fuk. Yes, Howard was player of the game. He returned a punt for a TD in the 1st quarter and on the next return he got tackled at the 5. That set GB up for a quick 14-0 lead, and from there the packers kept the ball on the ground and ate up clock. What team wouldn't do that under those conditions? Favre's stat line for that game? 11 of 15 for 79 yards, 1 TD and 0 INTs.
    And notice that he threw for 79 yards, not 71 as you indicated, you fuckin' assclown. So i guess you DON'T know more about the Packers than me. You just look at fuckin' stat sheets to formulate your dumb ass pathetic arguments.

    6) Yes, you're a hater. You'd rather go 9-7 with Penny than 12-4 with Favre.

    7) Its not interesting at all. Its a testament to Holmgren's greatness. A great team is based on many different things, and it starts with coaching. How man great head coaches has GB had since Holmgren's departure? I'll give you a clue. The answer is less than 1.

    Now stop spewing shit and fucking up this thread or I'll have to keep slapping you around in here. I enjoy doing it, but at the same time I can't help but feel embarrassed for you. You seem to be a glutton for punishment though, so bring it if you want but at least do a little better research on the stat sheets before formulating your next pathetic argument.
    Maybe you can put together a compelling case for Bart Starr being a better QB than Dan Marino, John Elway, Joe Montana, Steve Young and John Unitas. After all, Bart does have more championships than those guys and according to your criteria that makes him greater. In fact, I think that means only Otto Graham is greater than Bart. Graham and Starr.....the two greatest QBs ever!! Fuckin' hell..........who would have ever thought that?
    #337 Favre4Ever, Nov 25, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  18. XGBer-Moving_On

    XGBer-Moving_On New Member

    Aug 19, 2008
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    Sanity is Especially Appreciated when It Prevails

    In my opinion the Cardinal game, although fun to watch, may have given Favre a false understanding of what he has. He does not have the WRs with separation speed (maybe game speed and quickness) that he has had in "gun slinging games" or last year (remember the Monday night OT win vs Denver when Packer WRs beat Dre Bly and Champ bailey for 70+ yd TDs). He works the middle, just over the LBs with accuracy, throws slants for YAC, moves the chains, gets in the red zone and "manages" points. He even throws it away (ie New England). And yes once in a whilee he takes a chance. If Coles or Cotchery don't have the separation it is a jump ball- go on to the next play or series- and regain the momentum that first downs produce. If he is at mid field, he will take a sack, if his back is against his goal line he will heave it. What he is doing is managing momentum. Steady pounding Momentum has beaten more defenses than any one long play. (the NYG Offense beat the highly ranked Packers Defense last january because th momentum rarely swung out of their favor. They recovered most of their own fumbles) THe result is .727 W percentage. Credit to him for adapting.

    The one negative is that he does not look comfortable in straight dropback pocket protection. He is throwing off back foot and in that regard he is not the BF of old- he used to throw off his back foot with no degradation of skill or accuracy- but now???. I want to see him become more comfortable with his OLine and therefore in the pocket. If he gets comfortable in the pocket - watch out (I mean like vs the Cardinals watch out).

    BTW WHO is the Jets Punter???
    #338 XGBer-Moving_On, Nov 25, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  19. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    nyjunc please do us a favor and leave this thread. or look up the definition of being "objective" because you obviously don't know what that means.
  20. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    Man oh man oh man.

    Can we put this stuff aside now that the Jets are winning?

    Can Jets fans forgive other Jets fans and can we all get along in the hope that the Jets get to the Super bowl? Or am I just too stupid? And all Jets fans have to attack each other for having an opinion once upon a time?

    Are the posters on this board going to play: "I was right, you were wrong!"
    All season long?

    Cah-mon, dudes. I could play that game too. I don't even want to list the details, besides, most of you won't even remember when you accused me of being a Patriots troll because I said Mangini had to win this season because The Jets Are So Goddm Talented!

    So let's unite!
    Forget the past!
    We are all Jets fans!!!
    We all wan the J-E-T-S to win!
    Let's go Jets!

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