Thanks. As I said, "NOT ONE SINGLE NEWSPAPER" has investigated the Obama-Odinga relationship. I've seen the Factcheck and Snopes pieces. Thank you, though. Note the "bald denials" that I mentioned.
When the story first broke several journalists wrote pieces on it. Now that every republican message board in the country has posted Corsi's article, it's all you can find. With that said, if it was a story CNN at the least would have run with it. They played Wright and Ayers to death.
One journalist. One. Her name is Lynn Sweet. She writes for the Chicago Sun Times and the (HawHaw) Huffington Post, and she didn't investigate the relationship to any depth. There were no other stories of substance, other than a simple report on the trip to Africa.
I was wrong. TWO journalists wrote about it. Here's a Sweet piece on the trip. A contemporaneous account. And another by her.,CST-NWS-sweet29.article And for those that need visual aides. [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
Look, wexy, you need to understand that regardless of his skin color Barack Obama is an American Politician. I understand that up until this point, African Americans have had very limited engagements with our nation's highest office and the demographic as a whole may not be used to the criticism that comes with holding that office. I am sick and tired of being called a racist by people in my town who voted for Obama. All I have ever said was that I think the man has no idea what he's talking about regarding tax cuts and credit, and that now is not the time to be taxing the top 5 percent more because the top 5 percent as well as american based multi-national corporations can pack up and leave whenever they want. I do not use racial slurs as a personal preference, and that was long before Obama was elected. The fact of the matter is, Obama is just as prone to fair criticism that Liberals have been giving Bush for the past 8 years. Welcome to freedom of speech. Do not dismiss those of us on the opposition from day 1 as ignorant or racist, but expect a minority of people to have those problems. We have had dorm race riots on this campus here because of ignorance since election day. Started by both blacks and whites. I am sick of it. This is not post-racial America by any means. The morons who are calling it that have no idea what they're talking about. When white people enslaved black people for 400 years, that kind of caused animosity that takes a lot more than just electing a black president to fix. Furthermore, the south today is a good case in point. Jim Crow didn't die til the mid 70s, in some places its still thriving, and animosity is going to continue, be it private or public. EDIT: I've gotten so many racist text messages since election day. People going as far to saying that there'll be tax credits on KFC and Hennessey. This shit has seriously got to stop on both sides, because on election night someone who didnt know I wasnt black (wrong number) told me if Obama lost to "slap the first white person I see wednesday morning."
Obama being elected isn't going to help the race problem what so ever,even may make it worse,unless the Blacks stop making every fucking thing about race(and no,it's not every black person). My kids had groups of black kids walking down the halls in school chanting "my president is black". The reality will quickly hit that Obama is just going to be another political face on TV unless people realize that each individual has to do their part to make this a better country racially.
Obama being elected is a source of pride for minorities all over the world. The first family is an example of what can be. If he can help lead us out of our financial ruin and restore a level of confidence to our citizens and our standing in the world, his impact on race will be enormous. Jackie Robinson wasn't just another baseball player and Obama isn't just another President.
That's fine, Winston, Obama is what he is.. the first Black President. But he's also The President, and he's open to criticism without fearing being called racist for doing so.
Agreed no reason not to go after him on policy you don't agree with. We are in a critically dangerous time economically and I would hope that the country would stand united for a time just like we did after 9/11. Obama is the President elect and he deserves all of the respect that comes with the office. In times of crisis after a long vacuum of leadership, we need to stand behind our President and let him govern for awhile.
IF he does a good job in office. But the fact still remains,a level of arrogance from the Black community is not going to help heal race relations in this country. That is absolutely fine that it gives them pride,and hopfully opens the door for new opportunities for people who thought they weren't there. But the people have to change too. regardless of what they think,he is not going to pay the mortgage of for a tank of gas. And people also have to realize,for the group that used the "man holds me down" excuse,it's now gone. If he doesn't teach black people that working hard gets you to where you want to be,not tax gifts,then his impact on race could be a negative one.
Before Obama's press conference today the DOW was up 185 and was hovering there from the 2 minute warning of his speech. When he stopped talking it was down to only being up 60. I don't know what it's closing at right now. Look at who he had on stage with him and tell me that bringing those people back is change. I believe the fed chairman under Ford (or whoever before greenspan) was there too.
That's just another commentary piece by a hard core right winger. Mark Hyman, nice. You may want to Google him. He has about as much credibility as Corsi.
Well that's good. But while he was talking it was starting to tank. Could be unrelated, might not be, its hard to predict those things. I'm guessing people clicked the sell button when he started mentioning capital gains.
Bro, I raised THIS VERY POINT and was roundly attacked for it. You Campaign for PEOPLE YOU AGREE WITH...and ODINGA IS A MARXIST. And these a$$holes attacked me.
Am I to assume that all of Generation Hemp will be removing their "Question Authority" bumper stickers? Whether or not, I have to believe the "Buck Fush" and "Teach Peace" stickers stay forever. The Grateful Dead sticker stays with my blessing.
I remember that. I remember saying that I thought Odinga was a bigger problem that Ayers, if people only took the time to read. Not, I guess. Change, and such. Changechangechangechangechange. Mass murder, socialism, and militant Islam being very minor things.
I saw some of those at a store a month or two ago, but I forgot where. I meant to go back and get one.