I'm going to revise the statement I made earlier in this thread that people discussing secession over this made this the blackest day in history. While I do agree that Obama brings many risks to our country, just as McCain possibly would have, I disagree after further thought (and time to cool down since my guy lost) that it made it the worst day in history. Pearl Harbor, 9/11, watergate to name a few were worse, and going back to my original post, the original secession of the South is also a much darker day in our history than this past election day. LTJF, You've taken a lot of heat for this thread. I'd like to commend you for giving us all something to think about and debate. Moderators, despite the original mumbo jumbo brought up that his use of wording in the title was a bit out of line, I'd like to thank you for letting this thread evolve into the debate it has become. I really am enjoying my time on this forum, it's the best place for healthy debate I've ever found online, especially while checking on our mutual favorite football team. :beer:
his post is so pathetic I don't even know where to start. You want to support McCain, fine. I don't agree, but you have a right to vote for whoever you want. But you call me a fool for supporting Obama? Go to hell.
You racist fu*ks, just to spite you, the Jets are going to win the Super Bowl and will be the first sports team welcomed to the White House by President Obama. It may be another black day for you but for the rest of us it will be a wonderful day.
I respectfully totally disagree with you here RT. Its not a fear of my child turning gay because he is being educated about it...its the point of teacher or school system teaching MY CHILD about it. IM THE PARENT. I DECIDE HOW TO TEACH IT. The left wants this to be about the rights fear of homosexuality..or as some morons in this thread love to say, we are being homophobic. Please...stop telling me why I disagree with same sex marriage etc. I choose how to teach MY CHILD about issues of the world...not a liberal teacher and his or her beliefs. Thats my decision. Do not waste MY tax dollars. If thats the case..as you say RT, that its to educate those in the classroom..perhaps that one out of every 20, that they may be gay...then lets start teaching about the fear of flying....the fear of rodents...lets start teaching them about gambling..for the future gambler...where does it end. It ends of course with being gay...because its the lefts idea of what should be taught in OUR schools. Now...with that said...Im not a backer of the orginial poster of this thread and his beliefs...but he does raise a couple good concerns.
Interesting how liberals are always the ones who begin the namecalling and can't seem to have a civil conversation. My original post is dead on. Obama does support and will push to implement most if not all of those changes. Now you can agree with those changes, but to criticize someone who is opposed to what Obama believes in and call them homophobic or racist, is just ignorant. Here's a link to an independent website that explaiins the difference between Conservative and Liberal views on many of the hot topic of the day. Conservative versus Liberal Beliefs I knew this thread was going to controversial when I started it and I have to say I'm not surprised at the responses given New York is overwhelmingly Democratic/Liberal. What I am suprised about is the total lack of ability of many liberals to have an intelligent conversation based on the issues. They'd rather resort to namecalling or censorship of those who don't agree with their views. Funny that you will rarely see Republicans doing the same. A sad statement on our society and the direction in which we're headed.
Hehehe. . . . a good Friday afternoon larf. "In the end, Clayton divorced his wife of 19 years because, as he put it, 'she's a nigger lover'." :lol:
"Don't let the liberal media, tel yoouuuu, whaaat to thank and feel! If you ahve hate in your heart, let it out!" Funny true story... I rented this on DVD a couple months back. Wife and I were watching this. Soon to be 4 Jr. curls up on couch... As Clayton is giving his speech, 4 year old Raises a fist in unison and says "white power" Mom was mortified, I peed myself. :rofl2:
Most schools teach sex education AFAIK. I would consider discussing homosexuality part of a full curriculum. In fact, it was always part of the discussion when I was in school 17 years ago, so nothing changes with the prospect of gay marriage. Just as talking about intelligent design in Social Studies class is plausible because it exists, so can talking about homosexual relationships be. I would refer to the great Sarah Palin quote Jack posted when discussing her possible educational fascism. It's too late, the apple has been eaten, at this point I want to gain as much knowledge as possible while I'm here. I want the same for our youth.
When you said you've changed your stance from yesterday, I didn't realize you had jumped over the fence at a full gallop!
Yeah, like the school in Mass that teaches second graders about gay marriage and has their kids reading books like the Prince and the Prince. I mean why stop there? Let's teach them how babies are made and the different ways you can have sex. I mean second graders really need to know this stuff. :up: