awww... I would make you one to but you suck so meh! :smile: What's so ironic is that we both disagree on many points yet we have a discussion about it. The way we feel, without influence. Hmmmm. I guess you just don't really understand it. Figures.
Ok, thanks for proving my point. Even though you didn't provide a link. 82 percent is an overwhelming majority.
I'm not a huge fan of affirmative action, but I do strongly believe that until a study can prove that- without such a program- an African American is just as likely to be given a job or a spot in a college as a white candidate- that we need to keep some sort of support system in place. We haven't gotten to that point- or anywhere near it yet.... There are institutional problems right now, forcing African Americans into the worst jobs (or often none at all), unfairly jailing a disproportionate number of African Americans, diverting African Americans from living in certain neighborhoods, etc etc... There are studies each and every year released showing the great injustices and uphill battles that people have to face because of the color oftheir skin in this country. I'm not ready to stop fighting to give everyone equal access to the same opportunities I enjoyed as a young light-skinned male just because of one historic event... I think the 'twice as good' concept still very much exists, and it needs to be overcome...
Nothing there disputes what anyone is saying. The older and more religious Jews are, the more passionate they are about Israel. Younger Jews will likely become more attached to Israel as they grow older--saying otherwise is like saying the country will be insanely liberal 20 years from now because most young voters are Democrats. Furthermore, it isn't suprising most Jews don't discuss Israel with non-Jews, because they're pretty smart: We don't enjoy engaging in conversation with people like you.
Read the entire article. And that was three years ago. Saying one supports Israel and doing something about it are two very different things. And you conveniently left out the other article. Plus, none of this changes the fact that Jews obviously did not feel strong enough about Israel to back the candidate that will most likely be best for that country.
is it your contention that the blacks being imprisoned are not guilty of the crimes they commit and thus the problem is with the law enforcement system (which I'll assume you are using to mean the judicial system as well), is the problem, and not any actual sort of criminal behavior on the part of the blacks imprisoned? I'm not saying all blacks are criminals, I'm just saying your inference that law enforcement is the problem in the imprisonment of blacks completely absolves those who very well be committing crimes and being imprisoned for their actions. it also raises the question of what else you may mean by it. do you believe blacks are being wrongly prosecuted for crimes committed by non-blacks, and that is the cause for the rates, which would identify a problem with the system? do you believe white criminals aren't being prosecuted for their crimes and thus you want equality in the punishment -- again, a problem with the system? or do you actually believe that it is impossible that blacks are committing crimes at equally ridiculous rates to their imprisonment rates? it is possible those rates reveal the rates of criminal activity by blacks and not a problem with law enforcement.
If someone is breaking the law denying a minority person or women equal access where is the logic of denying equal access to someone else? Why not prosecute the law breaker?
I know I'm a bit late here, but I believe that this election is going to be a major turning point in our history, and in a positive way. We finally have a leader who is going to be incredibly popular overseas. America's international credibility has gotten much better basically overnight. There is no doubt that whoever won, Obama or McCain, would have inherited a lot of problems. I actually felt very confident that either of the two candidates would have done a pretty good job.
They should, but they don't. Unless studies like the ones I have read are conducted on each and every employer who has denied a black candidate for a job, there is no proof as to why one candidate was preferred over another. If two candidates are equally qualified for a job, it's up to the employer to decide which one he wants. Unfortunately, over 80% of the time, the employer chooses the white candidate. Until we can prove that that trend is gone, we need to do something to combat that tendency.
Are we looking to expand affirmative action to include private employers? That's a real-live question, not a dig. That appears to be the only natural remedy for the problem you cite.
No, only because it'd be impossible to enforce and the government really shouldn't have much control over private businesses. If an unfair hiring practice is discovered, it can be punished, but unfortunately, most people- when denied a job- assume that somebody better came along, unless the employer was ridiculously overt about his opinion of people of color. But leaving the current policies in place (perhaps with some refinements) is a way to work at combatting stereotypes and thus gradually alleviating, at least partially, the problem... I think the mentality, more than the numbers, is what needs to be fought, and having more and more African Americans given the opportunity to attend Universities and get out of low-income communities, will change the way employers look at prospective employees. It's a VERY gradual process, but it's in the works...
Obama is going to be very popular overseas... Yeah,the fact that a country in the middle of bloody ethnic cleansing against Christians (Kenya) is cheering and declaring a holiday for Obama is just enlightening. The prospect of where my tax dollars are going to go just gives me a tingling feeling in my legs. Will i get one of those "if you just spare 75 cents a day" photos in the mail of the nice new roads and Bridges in kenya?
My problem, and, really, I think THE problem, is balance. As Barack himself said in his great speech on race in America (and I may be the only person IN America who remembers a single word of it), there is an inherent backlash to all race-based policies. Recognizing and believing that, there's no perfect way to balance it. Part of me is IN FAVOR of slave reparations. And I would certainly be in favor of sitting down with African American leaders to discuss the point. Guess why. . . . . . . . I'll save you the suspense: Because then we end all discussion forever. Warren Sapp could never again cry about being a victim of racism. The minority community could never again stake out a position of victimization. It would buy this country out of arguments concerning race and take away the argument of unfairness forever. The issue, of course, is the amount. I said I would sit down and discuss it, I didn't say I would agree to send every African American a check for $100,000.
You do understand that Bush has been pumping billions of dollars into Kenya and the rest of Africa for AIDS relief, right?
president bush as done more for africa financially than any president in a long long time, I might even say ever. (I can certainly give credit where credit is due)