You keep talking about having an intelligent conversation, and then you steep to other people's levels and throw out insults.
I MIGHT be able to believe that you meant flaming as "intensely ardent or passionate," but I don't. And if you honestly think that anyone thinks you were referring to gay as "having or showing a merry, lively mood," then you're completely full of shit. And I DID read your replies to Royal Tee, and it just shows flawed, misguided bullshit logic that links gay marriage and polygamy and sex/marriage with children. It's irrational and foolish.
Actually, I don't give a damn what you believe. If you read my posts and think I'm a liar then so be it. I've spoken to many intelligent people about the relationship between gay marriage and polygamy. The fact is many laws in our society are based on relgious beleifs and the morals of the time. If you don't understand that I can't help you.
Gay marriage has nothing to do with polygamy! Just because a gay couple gets married, that does mean that someone can marry more than one person. Your arguments are full of fallacies.
Okay, then tell me why polygamy is illegal. But be careful here because you're not going to win this argument, because I already know the answer.
Right, whatever, I'm done with this. You're a misguided assclown who uses flawed fucking logic to make your points because you're homophobic. Fuck off. I hope you one day see the light and gain some level of rational thought on gay marriage. Goodbye.
It doesn't surprise me that people who have no idea how to back up their arguments resort to namecalling and insults when everything intelligent fails.
As someone who considers himself a political atheist, it's funny to watch the transformation of hard-line conservatives go from smug to angry while the hard-line liberals go from angry to smug.
Right. Except that we need to start weeding out those things that are CALLED racist and those things that ARE racist. The two don't match, and there's too much of the first one.
sure, but by your own admission that racism is a minority those boundaries are dwindling and there are now more and more opportunities as a result. yes, it is still difficult, but not impossible, and the only thing America has ever offered was the opportunity to succeed, which is what has been historically missing, not a guarantee to succeed. we're all not going to end up with equal jobs regardless of race, or face the same trials and tribulations navigating our paths, so just because it may be more difficult doesn't change the fact that someone who is driven can accomplish personal and professional growth in the US regardless of race.
I agree with you! I do not think that Obama being elected has nulified racism in America. I do not think racism will ever be eliminated. But Affirmative action is racist, but accepted. I do not believe that fighting racism with rascism is right. Why does in seem that some racism is accepted and some is not? How do you stop it?
But it makes things so much easier to label them when you are trying to win an argument. Or pass a law.
Isn't today the day that you're supposed to get your whites dry cleaned and pressed? Don't forget to pick up some lumber and gasoline on the way home.
Mainly because it would mess up the tax system. If you can claim a deduction for ONE spouse, what would happen if you had TEN? To show that it's mainly a tax thing, does the law prohibit a man from living with 5 women who all have children by him? Nope. The government doesn't care if you have that type of relationship going on, and they shouldn't. They just don't want people getting married to multiple people to get tax breaks.