17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Hey there everyone. Happy to see this thread still has life. I haven't posted here in a long while. How ya been?

    For those who have followed this thread since its inception, you'll remember me as a vocal anti-MetLife Stadium guy. I've written so much about the stadium issues and the parking fiascos that I can't do it any more. I even called the escalator company when they were building the stadium to try to get info on what was planned in order to report it here back in '09. I was pleased last week to hear Mike Francesa bash the stadium on the air - something I really hadn't heard before from him. Mike more or less said this stadium offers "nothing" and the Jets and Giants owners should be ashamed of themselves as compared to all the other newer buildings around the NFL. I thought it was an outrage that Goodell gave Marra/Tisch and Woody a Super Bowl as a reward for building that POS.

    Regarding the PSL's, I was "fortunate" to not be able to afford the PSL costs for the 6 seats I had from '84 to 2008. I opted for seats in the Upper Deck for a few years, gradually reducing from 6, to 4, to 3, to 2 seats, and then I gave them up entirely two years ago. I'm not congratulating myself for not buying - I would have had they been cheaper. We should have known the view from the upper deck was going to be bad when the seats were ABOVE the scoreboards. Still, we could live with that had there been any other amenities, OR an easy in and out to our seats. It's a bitch getting up there, and leaving. Worse than any other stadium I've been in, past or present. The design and lack of escalators should've led to a criminal indictment for the designers. Instead, they received awards.

    Anyway, I am no longer a STH, but I attend most of the games. I buy seats on-line, and have never paid above face value, not one time. Most times I pay less than what I was paying, and get to sit in better seats. I do overpay to get a parking pass, but the total costs are far less. If they do turn things around in a big way, I know that won't last, but I don't think we will ever see the day where it's difficult to get in. I do miss the feeling of "belonging" as a season ticket holder, but I see no reason to go back to it, as much as I still love attending games.

    So Double Zero, I am another that can attest that you can still go to all the games (except pre-season!) , sit in better seats, and not be a season ticket holder. Sometimes the parking pass can be a hassle, but not too bad. I say, do not do it.
    MurrellMartin likes this.
  2. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    One thing about the parking pass. If you park in the orange section as I do by the arena you can pay $50 day of the game and not even have to deal with getting a pass on stubhub. for some games that could be a savings but since I go with someone it will be $25 each
  3. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    You can pay the lady at the lot entrance? I didn't know they tendered any cash.
  4. snoballz

    snoballz Member

    Oct 24, 2016
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    If we didn't know any better, you'd think that the stadium was designed back in the 1980s and finally built in the 2000s!!!

    It really is a shame! The pricetag of MetLife hovers above the new stadium in Atlanta and more than that of Dallas and Minnesota, yet amenities are lacking. It's hardly an an inviting stadium... it's just bare concrete! Maybe it was designed to fit in with Xanadu and Meadowlands Arena/Izod Center.
  5. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    If you've ever had the chance to walk through the prime-suite area, it's another universe. It actually feels like a stadium inside of a stadium. It's obvious to me that that is where the $$$ went into.
  6. notajduhe

    notajduhe Member

    May 3, 2004
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    Wow! My story mirrors yours. I haven't posted to this thread in years ! I had the option of buying tickets on the 40 yard line lower level (where my old seats were), but moved to upper prime instead. Then as the years past I went from 6, to 4, to 2 seats. This year I finally gave them up. 40 years of losing is enough. All the horrors predicted in this thread have come to pass. All those people who tried to justify the "investments" in their PSL's are now in Woody imposed hell. It's just a better experience to watch the game at a sports bar and enjoy better food and better drinks.
  7. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Although I was one of the fools who was tricked into a PSL investment, I've since defaulted starting this offseason, this is spot on. I've been shocked, although not really, to see that outside of the Patriots game, I can buy seats in my old section of 104 for under face value, already, for the other 7 home games. Not only that, but I'm sure the NE ticket prices will go down the week before the game when they're 5-0 and we're 1-4 or 0-5.

    The best part about it though is that I can see tickets that the Jets are selling themselves for UNDER face value in PSL area's.

    I might have made PSL payments and paid face value for my LL endzone seats for the past 7 years like a schmuck, but no longer.

    I don't regret my decision at all to walk away this year and something tells me I won't be regretting it in the coming months or years, either.
  8. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Yep. My fiance and I walked through this area for the Colts game this past season. It's unreal. Of the $1.6 billion, it looks as if $1 billion went here alone. The cell tower stadium for the common man is dog shit.

    I went to Pittsburgh and Cleveland last year on road trips to watch this shit team and even in Cleveland there was more character. Cleveland.
  9. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Have to say my favorite part of the defaulting on my PSL experience has been the threatening letter I received from the Jets, that they're going to attempt to retrieve PSL $ owed to them (yeah, right, never have before and never will. PR disaster) as well as not being able to buy season tickets or single game tickets through them (oh no, the horror. Good thing there are 40 other websites to do this on).

    I've had friends and talked to many others who walked away with a lot more due on their PSL than I have, so I know their threats are empty, but it's just hysterical how quickly you can go from being viewed as this big asset to a hunk of garbage.

    I even had some guy who claimed he himself came up with the Jets Rewards program call and see if I would come back and pay for my season tickets, to which I replied, not for those amazing 3 inch bobbleheads, foam fingers and crappy coffee mugs you offer. Unless you hold club seats, you'll never have enough points for the good "rewards".
    JetDan likes this.
  10. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I stopped reading after that. Not because I wasn't interested in the rest of what you had to say, but because I was laughing so hard, my coffee went down the wrong pipe. That's hilarious. I mean that.
    MurrellMartin likes this.
  11. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Even after all this, a Stadium half full of Jets fans, PSL defaults, mass discounting, etc.. they are still one of the most valuable franchises in the NFL. That's because even if the stadium is half full, they make it up with ticket prices that are twice as expensive as anywhere else. NFL teams make all their money on the national TV contracts.

    I bet they're even ok on their muni bond debt service. Their share with the Giants would be $800 mil amortized on something like 20 years. So we're talking $40M/year plus interest, which is basically paying for an extra quarterback & wide receiver and that covers all the rent plus then they have the equity in the place which generates revenue on concerts, shows, and soccer exhibitions

    Woody is laughing all the way to the bank even with him lighting the match in the dumpster with all the gasoline-soaked Jets fans piled in
  12. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Yes, in the lot next to the arena ( orange) you can pay cash just driving up
  13. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Always sat in the upper deck starting in shea but like you, after 37 years, I gave them up. The whole point at the time was to guarantee playoff tickets. Now that's funny.
  14. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Good honest post. Your no longer a schmuck or Woody's bitch
  15. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    "Guarantee playoff tickets" o_O I used to keep all of the 'almost' playoff tickets we had to pay for but were never used.
  16. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Me to. Shit I had the post card to pickup super bowl tics after the Aj duhue game
  17. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    the NFL prices the Super Bowl face values more inline with the secondary market these days anyways, and it's a lottery for non-club seat holders since the NFL only gives out 17.5% of seats to each team in the game. So there's not much advantage to having season tickets if you're looking to go to the super bowl (which as unweighted is a 2/32 % probability each year, and much much worse for the Jets when weighted lol)

    If you're looking to get AFC tickets, which is a 1/16 % probability (only one host), the premium you would pay on stubhub is easily absorbed by not having payed for the preseason games in those 16+ years until they get to host the conference championship (which is never by the way lol)

    So let's recap, season ticket holder benefits:

    playoff ticket advantage
    MUST buy 2 quasi worthless preseason games
    NO price advantage for regular season (10% - 80% cheaper on stubhub)
    NO common people sitting with you at each game (all tourists & confused Nets fans)
    MUST buy all games even windy rain soaked 33 degree days with Jets already eliminated

    yeah great deal lol
    #19237 GordonGecko, Jun 6, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
    CBG likes this.
  18. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    After cutting Harris n decker on the way out I am so glad I am not paying to see this shit product. Got a feeling a lot of Sunday's the jets will wind up on secondary tv n red zone on big tv. What a fucking cluster fuck this season is gonna be. That said it's the right decisions on the jets part just 2 years late
    MurrellMartin likes this.
  19. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Love the article that came out today from Manish Mehta, who fans love to hate but has been right lately, saying that it was a decision that came from Woody to let Harris & Decker go in order to save $13.75 million in "cash flow" .. aka .. saving money from Woody's pockets. Meanwhile, where was the slashing of season ticket prices? Where was the incentive to keep season tickets this season? Complete joke.

    Not only will anyone be able to sit in their same seats for at least 1/2 the price, if not cheaper, for 90% of the games for this season, I have to believe it will remain this way for the foreseeable future.

    Even if we do the "right thing" and "tank" to a 1-15 record and secure the #1 overall pick, does anyone have confidence in this owner and this regime to make the right choice there? I sure don't. In fact, if Darnold grows off his 9 collegiate starts and does become the most sought after prospect next year, if I were him I'd stay in school ala Peyton Manning or demand a trade ala Eli Manning & John Elway. Why would you want to come play for this organization? It's a disaster from the top down.
    CBG and sec314 like this.
  20. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    This was obviously a financial decision not a football one since it was not done along with the other cuts. We now know how season tic sales and individual game sales r going. The jets have figured out by now how many tic holders bailed and this is woodys respone. Wonderful news n I hope he's embarrassed
    CBG likes this.

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